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  1. B

    LTR's question

    just a little update, today after sex it she was as lovely as ever so i guess it was kind of all in my mind. We talked about some issues earlier on but not about this sex one. Well i hope its like that, in the future.
  2. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    Im glad and happy for you. I was kinda surprise you did so though, cause your mind made up basicly to go to this dinner. Congrats man. If she insists in calling again and in making another date, pick it up and tell her you going out with your girl like somebody mentioned earlier in this...
  3. B

    I need a slap in the face

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :( imagine a football team after losing a football game. " dam we feel so bad, i mena look at the other team they are happy and winning, im losing and depressed, and sad, im thinking about the game i lost, i feel like im not going to play the rest of the season...
  4. B

    LTR's question

    yeah , but believe me if you LIVE here you'll get use and bored of it soon.
  5. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    but if the woman has enough common sense by B, she will know that he just does want to go out to eat with her and that he is not willing to do it period. But like he said if she dares to go past B and goes to C with a question like that, Jesus christ i'd go for the kill, the funeral and the...
  6. B

    I was dumped like a hot potato!

    Sorry but it was his fault, and if it happened to you too chances are that it was your fault too. Chicks do this things but they do it for a purpose, ****ty tests that they throw at us most of the times unconsciously, but tells them a lot about you, depending in how you operate thru this...
  7. B

    next her next her next her!!!!

    lol reminds me of my girl. We was talking today cause we had a lil dilema between both of us, and she told me that " i dont wanna be with somebody that doesnt trust me" all the way on my drive home i kept thinking why is it why is it why is it? It could be a million different reasons...
  8. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    you dont have to, just phone her and tell her that you cant make it cause you have to take care of some work bussineses or whatnot
  9. B

    next her next her next her!!!!

    yeah i have noticed that also, theer is a good amount of people that "NEXT HER , NEXT HER" is their only solution and advice that they can give, cause they really dont have no advice to give. by the way blackstar do you know where the name blackstar came from and what it means?
  10. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    ^^^ please read that and let it sink in your head, nightmoves
  11. B

    Some of this is true

    rather my name:D ;) good post though, its good to see a person that although its a newbie in the site aint one in real life. Im looking forward to see you around this site some more.
  12. B

    Using a vehicle to attract women?

    It does not matter what you have if you do not know how to talk to women correcly. I mean yes it helps but that only does like 25percent of the job if that much. They are not going to run up to you just cause you pushing a car with sprewells and tvs on each headrest, or cause you got a...
  13. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    ha......i feel:( for you good luck since you already got your mind made up thats all we can do wish u good luck:rolleyes: and not i cant give out no pointers cause i just dont picture in your situation.
  14. B

    #$%^&*$ Beeping Fax Calls waking me up!

    Thats exacly what i do for my house phone, not my cellphone though.
  15. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    lol i do not hate my fellow white brothers. I just represent for the struggle of the Black panthers.
  16. B

    How many of you can truly trust your women not screw around?

    Trust , trust and more trust, thats the main thing of any relationship along with honesty. Well it depends on what kind of relationship u got with your woman. If its a LTR then youll should had gotten to know each other enough to agree to be on a LTR, wich means that you agreeing on that...
  17. B

    Dinner with the Ex-Girlfriend! Help!!

    Well wait a minute you all. It depends on the situation, all we know its that its his ex and thats as far as we know. We do not know the reason of why their break up ocurred and under what circunstances, or if they kept in contact during that 2 month spare of time that they were apart...
  18. B

    LTR's question

    After sex is like i stated earlier, she aint neither or. I mean after sex as far as im concern this is what she thinks " ok i already got what i wanted and what he wanted, we cant take it no further" see what im saying, its like , sex its the plateau of being with me, after sex, she shuts...
  19. B

    00Kevin heals a paralyzed man.

    lol at me, i actually believed that this happened for real ...:o
  20. B

    #$%^&*$ Beeping Fax Calls waking me up!

    talking about blocking numbers, is there anyway that you can block a regular number from calling your cellphone?