00Kevin heals a paralyzed man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sosuave heals a paralyzed man.

As sosuave was walking down the street today he looked across the road and noticed a large crowed of women standing in a circle facing each other. His curiosity got the better of him, and Sosuave decided to have a look and see what was going on.

When he got closer he noticed that all the women were crowded around a paralyzed man lying on a mat. These women were painting his face with makeup. They shouted at him and told him he was, “unattractive and that he didn’t know how to “please a woman“. One of the women shouted at him saying that he was not needed anymore. She told him that she had a job and that he should kiss her feet now. She then ordered all the other women to block his view of the world around him. “Keep close”, she said, “He doesn’t deserve to see the other women walking on the street. “

When sosuave arrived on the scene, he quickly stopped the woman from speaking further and asked her what was going on. “Why are you treating a paralyzed man in this manner?" He asked. She told him that he was born paralyzed because his father had sinned against women. His father and his fathers before him abused women and put them into slavery. It was at that point that Sosuave placed his hand on the paralyzed mans’ shoulder and said, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!”

It was then that the man could see through the break in the circle of women, he could see the light and the world around him. To all the women’s amazement he picked up his mat and walked away.

The women were shocked and started to shout obscenities at Sosuave. “How can he get away with healing a paralyzed man in our new modern society? It must be the work of the devil.” they said.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score

That was great. maybe if I just believe in what you tell me, I'll be able to pick up women too. (following the metaphor)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MackJr

That was great. maybe if I just believe in what you tell me, I'll be able to pick up women too. (following the metaphor)
well if you believe in what sosuave is telling you then yeah.. you will


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Um, I TRULY understand that betrayed feeling a guy gets when he realizes that supplication doesn't work and the dating advice he got was wrong. I went through a couple years of that. But one of the most important advances in my game was when I read one of Tyler Durden's posts on mASF and realized that the negative paranoid resentful super serious mindset was holding me back. Really, the stronger position is to not be phased. LET IT GO.

I'm still aware when something starts to feel like a test or supplication. But I'm not constantly guarding against it. It's almost like I disacknowledge female power now. If you're trying to protect yourself, then you're acknowledging that women can have power over you. Being defensive is not leading and is a weak position to be in.

The only one who can really hurt you is you. So what if a woman is a goldigger?? She doesn't hurt you until YOU give her money. So what if she disrespects you? She doesn't REALLY disrespect you until you acknowledge it and become deflated by it. Until then, she just being a silly bratty little kid saying hilarious nonsense. You can always reframe her disrespect.

So RELAX! Enjoy this stuff! Enjoy women and how weird they are. When they do their weird stuff and play games, laugh! Not in a haughty or revengeful way but in a totally-amused-with-the-craziness-of-life way.



Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
exactly. very good post.

The problem is that men paralyze themselves when they let women like these affect them. A man can always have what he wants in life. If he wants a HB9 for house wife he can have it. It doesn't matter what "Modern Society says". It doesn't matter that some women have jobs now.

Feminism can't hurt you. It is basically just a small religion that has yet to stand the test of time. There is really nothing for men to worry about. As a man, if you want something you can have it your way. If that religion knocks on your door you simply say, "No thanks" and close it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
The feminist movement was the biggest female mind game of all time.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Actually, the feminist movement was the best thing that happened to us. It forces us to Man up. Men had it easy before and could be really sloppy and weak. I view the old school way of buying and selling women, arranging marriages, forcing women into relationships because they have no economic or social choice, getting the best pick of women if you are rich, forcing your will on women, beating women with no consequences, forcing sex, etc, the height of AFCness. The AFC was not created by feminism. The AFC mentality is merely the true weakness of the old school way revealing itself once society stopped supporting it.

If you have to rely on force, oppression, looks, wealth or any other external thing to get your way with a woman (or anyone else), you're AFC. Supplication is the attempt to "buy" a women because you don't think you're worthy enough to attract her yourself. The old school doweries and bringing flowers to a first date are the same thing.

Inner strength (confidence) is what seperates the men from the AFCs. A strong personality does not have to force people to come to him, they are attracted and come freely to him. Ultimate power!

We're modern people. We enjoy the freedom and benefits that began when our ancestors woke up. They realized the value of living by one's own inner resources rather than by artificial societal privilege (ruling classes). Let's start thinking like modern people. Let's stop reminiscing about the so-called "glorious past" and it's artificial privileges for men (crutches). Let's be happy for feminism because, if for no other reason, it forces us to confront ourselves without the social and political crutches of the past. Feminism forces us to become truely strong.

Word to your mother (who is enjoying her rights)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
Actually, the feminist movement was the best thing that happened to us. It forces us to Man up. Men had it easy before and could be really sloppy and weak.
Most people on this board would totally disagree. I think that men today are very week. Most men are feminised and that makes them weeker then those of geneartions past. They are confused and they are told to act against their very nature. Modern society promotes female qualities on men. If you can't see that then you are very lost.

I view the old school way of buying and selling women, arranging marriages, forcing women into relationships because they have no economic or social choice, getting the best pick of women if you are rich, forcing your will on women, beating women with no consequences, forcing sex, etc, the height of AFCness.
The AFC was not created by feminism. The AFC mentality is merely the true weakness of the old school way revealing itself once society stopped supporting it.
First of all a real man doesn't buy / sell women, force them into relationships, force his will upon them, beat a woman or force sex upon them. If you think that men acted that way in the 30's and 40's you are totaly wrong. Feminism has warped your brain without you realizing. My grandfather and even my fathers generation would not act in such a manner. They grew up with an understanding that as a man you had to be strong and be a provider and be successfull in your own way. Tell me something did your grandfather beat his wife and do all the things that you say? No he didn't. In fact I'll bet he loved his wife was and more of a man then you are. It is a myth that men put women into slavery before the dawn of feminism.

What you describe isn't AFCness. You need to read the DJ bible again. What you describe are the actions of men who abuse women and abuse the power they have. If you think that all men acted that way before feminism then you are totally wrong. Do some research and you will find out that Chivalry actually existed back then.

Supplication is the attempt to "buy" a women because you don't think you're worthy enough to attract her yourself. The old school doweries and bringing flowers to a first date are the same thing.
I think you are very confused here. There are cultures in the world where aranged mariages are common place. Who are you to say that they are wrong? What if you are wrong? Have you examined all the pros and conns of these relationships? I think that if you actualy went to some of those countries you would see that women there are happier then their Americanized counterparts. 80% of americanized women are depressed. You call that liberation? what a f-cken joke!

Inner strength (confidence) is what seperates the men from the AFCs. A strong personality does not have to force people to come to him, they are attracted and come freely to him. Ultimate power!
This is very true. But what you fail to accept is that a man who has inner strength will have all the things you described above. It will come to him naturally and so will the women.

We're modern people. We enjoy the freedom and benefits that began when our ancestors woke up. They realized the value of living by one's own inner resources rather than by artificial societal privilege (ruling classes). Let's start thinking like modern people. Let's stop reminiscing about the so-called "glorious past" and it's artificial privileges for men (crutches). Let's be happy for feminism because, if for no other reason, it forces us to confront ourselves without the social and political crutches of the past. Feminism forces us to become truely strong.
There are some people on this board who would tell you that feminism has totally ruined their lives. You only have to search and read about their plight.

The reason you are asking people to think "Modern" is because your "Modern Society" is just an idea. It isn't the reality of the world. You can take your "Modern Society" and its messiah and stick it up your ass. [*slams door in his face*].

Word to your mother (who is enjoying her rights)
My mother is a house wife. And I was raised correctly because of it. I actually had a real man as a role model and that is why I'm successfull with women.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DeathDealer
The feminist movement was the biggest female mind game of all time.
I'm glad you said "was" . It is a good sign that men are waking up.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
Originally posted by 00Kevin
Most people on this board would totally disagree. I think that men today are very week. Most men are feminised and that makes them weeker then those of geneartions past. They are confused and they are told to act against their very nature. Modern society promotes female qualities on men. If you can't see that then you are very lost.
I agree that men are really weak today. I just disagree that they were truely strong back in the days before feminism. They are STILL WEAK. I'm arguing that feminism just revealed how weak men really are without the political and social crutches we used to have.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
First of all a real man doesn't buy / sell women, force them into relationships, force his will upon them, beat a woman or force sex upon them. If you think that men acted that way in the 30's and 40's you are totaly wrong. Feminism has warped your brain without you realizing. My grandfather and even my fathers generation would not act in such a manner. They grew up with an understanding that as a man you had to be strong and be a provider and be successfull in your own way. Tell me something did your grandfather beat his wife and do all the things that you say? No he didn't. In fact I'll bet he loved his wife was and more of a man then you are. It is a myth that men put women into slavery before the dawn of feminism
My grandfather moans about the divorce rate, complains that my grandma doesn't give him sex, and leaves it up to her to set the agenda. I try to explain to my grandpa that women didn't have the option of divorce back then and they put up with abuse. My grandma agrees with me. Before female rights, women HAD to get married and HAD to please their husbands regardless of abuse. They had no other economic or social choice. I'm not trying to argue history with you though.

Let's assume for sake of argument that you are right, that female economic dependence on men set things up for men to focus on being strong providers. That's still AFC because a guy is depending on his economic status to attract women, who had no economic status of their own.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
What you describe isn't AFCness. You need to read the DJ bible again. What you describe are the actions of men who abuse women and abuse the power they have. If you think that all men acted that way before feminism then you are totally wrong. Do some research and you will find out that Chivalry actually existed back then.
Chivalry is cool but my point isn't abuse. My point is that unless men and women have equal rights and opportunities, male attraction power is WEAK. If a woman cannot be drawn to you out of her own free will, then you aren't a strong attractor. If a woman has to submit to you because she has no other economic or social choice, then you haven't really attracted her. If you have to rely on artificial social, political, and economic systems, then you are coming from a position of weakness. You're showing that you aren't strong enough to attract on your own.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
I think you are very confused here. There are cultures in the world where aranged mariages are common place. Who are you to say that they are wrong? What if you are wrong? Have you examined all the pros and conns of these relationships? I think that if you actualy went to some of those countries you would see that women there are happier then their Americanized counterparts. 80% of americanized women are depressed. You call that liberation? what a f-cken joke!
I say those cultures are behind the curve. Assuming that you're right about women in the US being unhappy, I believe it's because Men haven't gotten their act together yet.

I say these cultures are wrong because they fail the test of reason and I've presented arguments showing this.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
This is very true. But what you fail to accept is that a man who has inner strength will have all the things you described above. It will come to him naturally and so will the women.
I don't fail to accept this. I'm preaching confidence and inner strength. I'm merely arguing that true confidence is not dependent on external STUFF. Core confidence comes from not being phased by other worldviews or other people's judgments about you. Sure, working out or getting a good job can make you feel better and give you confidence in parts of your life. But the true test comes when you face other people's opinions about your ultimate self worth. Extremely difficult. Seriously, just look at the emotions I've provoked in you by disagreeing with your world view.

Originally posted by 00Kevin
There are some people on this board who would tell you that feminism has totally ruined their lives. You only have to search and read about their plight.

The reason you are asking people to think "Modern" is because your "Modern Society" is just an idea. It isn't the reality of the world. You can take your "Modern Society" and its messiah and stick it up your ass. [*slams door in his face*].
I agree that there are many suffering people on here. This board is sometimes painful to read. I've suffered myself and I used to be very angry toward women and feminism. But I want people to realize that it is not feminism and not women that are to blame. It's our own weaknesses.

For a long time, most men had a society that catered to them like a parent spoiling children. Once society changed, men didn't know what to do. And women didn't know how to help us. We still think in the old way of getting a mate through the help of goods and resources. So women tell us to bring them gifts and that makes sense to us. But it doesn't work. Having resources is symbolic of power and signifies power over the financial realm but it doesn't mean that you have core strength. Core strength draws women without the paying them off with gifts and money. What is more powerful, getting someone to work for you for free or paying them?

Guys think that a chiseled body is the way to attract women. What we don't understand is that physical strength was the means to mastering one's world in ancient times. Physical strength is symbolic mastering your world. So we've got guys like my friend who is totally ripped but the biggest pvssy ever. In modern times, we've mastered quite a bit of our world through intellectual means. We are now able to see that while being able to master the physical world is admirable, the more important and more difficult world to master is the inner world of one's self.

In the modern world, many of the crutches are removed. Sure there's still a lot of guys who get by on their riches and their looks. But the beauty of the modern world is EQUALITY. Modern society tries to put everyone on the same level playing field so we can compete fairly. We have such wonderful things as KNOWLEDGE and EDUCATION that give us the chance to beat people born into looks and riches. That's what sites like this are all about. Modern society helps us cut through the illusions so that the true nature of power shines through. So that the real, strong individuals are revealed and created. Be thankful for feminism! Now you have the truth and the opportunity to build your inner strength so that you could take a girl away from a hot rich celebrity!! How cool is THAT?!!!

Again peace to your moms (traditional as she may be).

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
lol at me, i actually believed that this happened for real ...:eek:


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by AlwaysExcel
I agree that men are really weak today. I just disagree that they were truely strong back in the days before feminism. They are STILL WEAK. I'm arguing that feminism just revealed how weak men really are without the political and social crutches we used to have.

Regardless, those men were still very successfull. Far more successfull then the AFC who is using the false political and social crutches of modern society. You have to admit that if a man in an americanized society acted like a man 60 years ago. He would do very well with women. He would be a gem.

Feminism created social problems and confused all the men. Men who at one time belived that women appreciated them for being men. How can you be thankfull when feminism tells women not to appreciate masculine qualities? Don't you think that is wrong?
If the only message feminism had to women was, "Women should be allowed to work, get a job, and be successfull" then I might agree. The problem is that feminism makes women who want to be mothers and house wives unhappy. It tells them that they are inslaved. That couldn't be further then the truth. Their husbands love them.

I'm sorry I just can't support any "Ism" that first makes women feel like crap, blames men, and then tries to blur the differences between men and women. The way to correct the problems women faced should of been to educate men on how to be a REAL man. That would of been more constructive then creating an atagonizing relationship between men and women. The answer wasn't for women to fight for power over men.

My grandfather moans about the divorce rate, complains that my grandma doesn't give him sex, and leaves it up to her to set the agenda. I try to explain to my grandpa that women didn't have the option of divorce back then and they put up with abuse. My grandma agrees with me. Before female rights, women HAD to get married and HAD to please their husbands regardless of abuse. They had no other economic or social choice. I'm not trying to argue history with you though.
In other words, you told your grandpa that his wife never really loved him and that she only married him for other reasons. Well.. you must of broke his heart with that one when your grandmother agreed. Who was at fault here? Your grandmother should of been honest to him when she said, "Yes".

Let's assume for sake of argument that you are right, that female economic dependence on men set things up for men to focus on being strong providers. That's still AFC because a guy is depending on his economic status to attract women, who had no economic status of their own.
You are asuming that the message men received in that generation was to become a provider for the purpose of attracting women. No. That simply wasn't the case. There was simply a clear definition masculine qualities. Men grew up understanding this. What a man did with those concepts was still up to him.

Chivalry is cool but my point isn't abuse. My point is that unless men and women have equal rights and opportunities, male attraction power is WEAK. If a woman cannot be drawn to you out of her own free will, then you aren't a strong attractor. If a woman has to submit to you because she has no other economic or social choice, then you haven't really attracted her. If you have to rely on artificial social, political, and economic systems, then you are coming from a position of weakness. You're showing that you aren't strong enough to attract on your own.
unless you are filthy rich you will grow up relying on the social, political, and economic systems you are born into. It is how well you use those systems to your advantage that sets you appart. So you can't blame a man for using the system if it works for him .

What I'm saying is that the "Modern Social system" of today. Doesn't work for a man. How can you claim that we should be thankfull for this feminist system that doesn't work? Social systems are inplace to guide people in the right direction. At the moment it is leading men and women apart.

I say those cultures are behind the curve. Assuming that you're right about women in the US being unhappy, I believe it's because Men haven't gotten their act together yet.
The day men get their act togeather is the day We fix the system!

I say these cultures are wrong because they fail the test of reason and I've presented arguments showing this.
Well people living in those cultures are doing fine.

I don't fail to accept this. I'm preaching confidence and inner strength. I'm merely arguing that true confidence is not dependent on external STUFF. Core confidence comes from not being phased by other worldviews or other people's judgments about you. Sure, working out or getting a good job can make you feel better and give you confidence in parts of your life. But the true test comes when you face other people's opinions about your ultimate self worth. Extremely difficult. Seriously, just look at the emotions I've provoked in you by disagreeing with your world view.
Good I'm glad we agree that men shouldn't be phased by Modern social constructs after all they could be very wrong. As for you provking me.. nah.. I just like a good argument.