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    GF Big Dilema, (A real world issue not no bf gf drama bs)

    you right giovanni, i appreicate you a veteran and experienced man to take a look into my situation, i really do. What is your suggestion here then? to just back up off this situation without it being clear and me knowing what her intentions are? i mean...
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    GF Big Dilema, (A real world issue not no bf gf drama bs)

    So i just got out the phone with her and let me take you to the end of the conversation real quick, I hanged up on her. Now let me take you to the begining and my issue here. Well i tried to pull aside all the bs and boyfriends jealously etc bs and today for the first time we actually...
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    They say I'm "Immature"?

    hey u from madrid spain, thats where im from well im from zaragoza. Como te va por ahi? Haha me equipo es el barcelona vamos primeros en la liga:D pero bueno me alegro de ke estes en este message board , ya hablaremos. Oh and thats a bad sign if they say you immature, could mean a...
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    How many partners is too many?

    We had a nice lil chat last night, i mean to be honest with yall im preety confident that im the only one that shes gone down on. She is 23 and i make her 6th boyfriend of her life, (wich she says that she wants to grow old with me) but i got the feeling that shes been with more partners and...
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    NFL Divsionial Playoffs Who wins?

    ^^^ LOL so true lol and i think that the kicker for the jets is gonna have to start looking for another job soon
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    Head, Am i really the first one that she's done it to.

    lol well she just sucks 1/4th of it, she doesnt even go half way down, and she doesnt jack it, she just holds it still, no rubbing whatsoever. Ima take care of that though, i guess its up to me to teach her:D :cool:
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    How many partners is too many?

    Re: She's good, dont worry;) son we are in a committed LTR and we fully love each other. no need for me to bang a girl once a week, i could with no problem but im not a cheater. This thread can be close mods.
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    Does this mean she is cheating?

    insecurity, and lack of trust...
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    I need a 1-on-1 with a DJ

    LOL , you right though, LOL
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    Cheated on my girlfriend...just told her...opinions?

    hopefully she doesnt cheat on you in the future, but if she does, im curious in what you will do.
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    Head, Am i really the first one that she's done it to.

    Well this can be closed now, i believe her now at a 99% that im the only one that shes done it to.
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    How many partners is too many?

    ^^^ couldnt had said it better myself, My gurl though, she was 18 when she lost her virginity and now is 23 and has been with a handfull of guys. so since she was 18 thats 1 per yr . whachull think? hm......:confused: and she claims that im the first one that she gives head to and...
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    How do I tell her I like her without being too AFC?

    Wow! thanx man you just resolve one of my own questions that i had in my personal issues with my gurl, lol
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    Head, Am i really the first one that she's done it to.

    The reason why i ask is not cause im insecure, im not, but yesterday while conversting and whatnot, she told me that the best boyfriend.relationship that she has ever had was with some spanish boy back a few yrs ago and they had to leave it cause he left for the marines. She told me that him...
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    Head, Am i really the first one that she's done it to.

    I just want to know, i wanna know if im really the first one and she is not lieing to me. Im just curious about it. plus i wouldnt feel too confortable being with a girl that has a " she is a diksuker" reputation
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    NFL Divsionial Playoffs Who wins?

    Ok well... Jets vs Steelers As Much as i hate to see this kind of games in the playoffs, this will be a blow out, the stealers offense will embarras the jets defense, look for the bus to have a big day, and take all the pressure off their rookie QB, and his playoff unexperience Rams vs...
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    How do I tell her I like her without being too AFC?

    hmm hmm hmm this is one of the obvious answers possible.
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    How many partners is too many?

    Well she is 23 yrs old, and acts like she is this innocent girl and good girl, you know the kind that you see on the street and you say "oh thats an angel, good girl" or the type that is hard to approach cause wont give you no converstation even if u talk to her her answers will be as dry as...
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    Head, Am i really the first one that she's done it to.

    This is the one thing that i cant get over. Now my girl has been with a certain amount of boyfriends in the past a handfull of them. But yet she tells me that im the first one that she gives head to, although she had sexual relationships with her other boyfriends in the past, and tells me...
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    How many partners is too many?

    How yall doing fellow DJ's, seniors, rookies, Anyways today i woke up and for some reason i started to go back on a recent issue that i had with my girl. About how many partners she has had in the past. She told me that she had a certain amount of partners (im not gonna say...