How many partners is too many?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2004
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In your head
And for a guy (especially one that considders himself to be a Don Juan) 1 woman per year is a disgrace! If you arent in a relationship, you should be sleeping with at least 1 woman per month.
I didn't know there was a quota to fill.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Why do guys torture themselves with this crap. The past is the past, especially when it didn't involve you. What good would come from you knowing, why should you care? Are you that insecure that you think that she could be comparing you to her past encounters?
For obvious reasons, nobody wants to be with a dirty ho! A woman that has been used a lot can be disgusting. Your french kissing her and you think of how many you know whats have been in this hos mouth? your doing her and you think of going inside places that strange, possibly dirty men have been before.

Of course many don't care about that as long as they get some.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Re: Re: She's good, dont worry;)

Originally posted by Black Panther®
son we are in a committed LTR and we fully love each other.

no need for me to bang a girl once a week, i could with no problem but im not a cheater.

This thread can be close mods.
err.... I was refering to BEFORE the 2 of you were togeather... when u were SINGLE!

SamePendo said:

If you have a uncomfortable feeling about a woman, next her. End of story. There are a million women that DO fit your requirements. Why bother?

umm.... this is a very stupid thing to do.... why run away from the problem? ESPECIALLY if these 2 people are in love with eachother! Trying to communicate and solve the problem is what needs to be done. You will NEVER find a woman that you are 100% satisfied with, thats why u need to work your way up to "perfection" with the woman, and with time create a "perfect" relationship, or should i say, close to perfect;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Don Juan = Banging chicks left, right, and centre, AFC = 1 chick a year;)

Originally posted by Kaine
I didn't know there was a quota to fill.
I was making a point that if you are single, and consider yourself a Don Juan, you shoulld be banging chicks left right and centre, not just 1 chick a year;)

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
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Black Panther wrote:

My gurl though, she was 18 when she lost her virginity and now is 23 and has been with a handfull of guys....

she claims that im the first one that she gives head to and that im the first one also that has gone down on her, i can believe the last part but me being the first one... hmmmm
Yeah, I think you're being chumped dude and she's really just a dirty little sl*t....LOL.

Seriously, if you ask these types of questions you'll never get the truth out of the chick and what it'll do is just make her less attracted to you because you're acting insecure.

She's been with way more guys, she's had way better sex, and she's s*cked way more c*cks than yours. Deal with it, and move on.

Either your game is tight or you'll be cheated on and booted. If the girl is even remotely good looking, she'll find a guy with way more game to f*ck her and she'll boot your insecure a$$... Regardless of whether she's been with 5 or 50 guys in the past. If she feels great, then you'll be #1, if not, then you're out. Simple as that.

Cesare Cardinali


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
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Originally posted by Black Panther®

She told me that she had a certain amount of partners (im not gonna say how many, i wanna see some replies and thoughts first).

u r worried about six?


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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I say over 15 at 23 means some serious ****ing emotional and psychological problems. And it makes you a *****.

Over 5 is too many to me.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Reality Check!

Originally posted by AverageFC
I say over 15 at 23 means some serious ****ing emotional and psychological problems. And it makes you a *****.

Over 5 is too many to me.
Welcome to the 21st century.... its gonna be really hard to find a 23 year old that hasnt had 5 or less sex partners in her past;)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
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My good friend just turned 23 and is on his 28th or so partner (he can remember 28, it may have been one or two more). Is that too many? I don't think so. He enjoys sex. And he doesn't lead on girls telling them lies. He wants a one-night thing, tells them, and if they agree, they agree.

I turn 23 in a few months and have not had sex yet. Is that too few? I don't think so. Sure I'm curious, but I'm not worried about it. I figure it'll happen when it happens.

Don't be concerned about numbers. It's not about the numbers. It's about the feelings. She like you? Then that's all that matters. If she's sleeping with you and DOESN"T feel about you the same way you feel about her, then that's a problem. But if she does, then it's not.



Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Welcome to the 21st century.... its gonna be really hard to find a 23 year old that hasnt had 5 or less sex partners in her past
Well I see many many sex partners as some ****ed up psychological problems, as well as emotional ones.

Lets take this hypothetical.

Girl is 20 years old.

Girl has had 6 sex partners.

What's the average age someone starts dating? For this let's say 14.

That's on average, 1 partner per year since she started dating, but of course that wasnt the case, so in some cases it was more than 1 partner per year.

That says the following:

She has severe emotional problems because she cannot hold a longterm relationship.

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
We had a nice lil chat last night, i mean to be honest with yall im preety confident that im the only one that shes gone down on.
She is 23 and i make her 6th boyfriend of her life, (wich she says that she wants to grow old with me) but i got the feeling that shes been with more partners and has gone down on somebody else other than me.

But i aint gonna stress it nomore the truth always comes out one way or another sooner or later, so if this chick really wants to "grow old with me" and "marry" me(me? :rolleyes: lol) she will have to tell me sooner or later , but i dont really care about it nomore.

This creature has lied to me in many ocasions and i cant put my whole trust in her, im just trynna make it work since i got feelings for the girl, but i will be on my ps and qs, and toes.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I assume all the chics I talk to have been with at least 6-7 guys minimum.

Man I'm past the 30 mark right now and I'll be 22 on the 24th.It's minimal compared to us guys,really.

Most of them stay under ten before they get hitched.I don't know why guys care about this unless they are self-conscious about there own numbers.

Really it's childish on your part.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2004
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She is 23 and i make her 6th boyfriend of her life, (wich she says that she wants to grow old with me)
Guarenteed she's wanted to 'grow old' with each of the other guys when they were getting along fine. When things went hay-wire and they split up for whatever reason is when she decided that she didn't want to 'grow old' with them. Don't give these words even a second thought.
This creature has lied to me in many ocasions and i cant put my whole trust in her, im just trynna make it work since i got feelings for the girl, but i will be on my ps and qs, and toes.
Always a good idea to be on your toes. NEVER take anything for granted. Cause you NEVER know.



Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
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Another thing to think about...

i was talking to 2 of my girl friends today and they have both had sex with 3 guys each in the past 6 weeks... just something to think about:rolleyes: ;)



Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
This is why Im gonna hook up with a chic that is known to get around... because then at least Ill know what kind of chic Im dealin with... If she cheats I aint got no one to blame but myself. All this dwelling in the past is stupid... and time consuming. People also seem to forget that guys are the biggest ho's on the planet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
This is just more evidence that you are in the wrong relationship.

You are insecure.

You have low self confidence.

This WILL end in tears.

I've read almost every thread you have written about your GF.

She is a piece of work.

You are as well.

Part of growing to become a DJ - is to develop strength. To realise when you are in a fvcked up relationship and get out.

When will YOU do that?

You need to grow.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by icecreaman
This is why Im gonna hook up with a chic that is known to get around... because then at least Ill know what kind of chic Im dealin with... If she cheats I aint got no one to blame but myself. All this dwelling in the past is stupid... and time consuming. People also seem to forget that guys are the biggest ho's on the planet.
I know some women who are ten times more of a ho than some guys.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by KnightRyder
I know some women who are ten times more of a ho than some guys.

Thats besides the point... if a chick gets with alot of guys she willl be called a slut... if a GUY gets with alot of girls, then he will be seen as a playa, which most guys WANT/WISH they could be.... u see the contradiction? If a GUY does it, its a "good" thing, but if a girl does it, then its "bad".

Its EASIYER for a woman to be a wh0re, but men would all be wh0res at SOME stage in their life if they COULD:rolleyes: ;)



Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
if a GUY gets with alot of girls, then he will be seen as a playa, which most guys WANT/WISH they could be.... u see the contradiction? If a GUY does it, its a "good" thing, but if a girl does it, then its "bad".
But women don't really care about that though. If they did, they'd start calling men hos and sluts and *****s, but they don't.

And they don't give a fukk because all women want more experienced men anyway. I put Deangelo's question to the test.

On a community website of men and women of all ages, I had a poll:

Women what do you want:

"A man who knows what he's doing"

"A man you have to train".

The first response is leading by 90% with over several hundred votes.

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
Originally posted by NewMan
This is just more evidence that you are in the wrong relationship.

You are insecure.

You have low self confidence.

This WILL end in tears.

I've read almost every thread you have written about your GF.

She is a piece of work.

You are as well.

Part of growing to become a DJ - is to develop strength. To realise when you are in a fvcked up relationship and get out.

When will YOU do that?

You need to grow.
aww please shut up really please do, ive only made one real thread about my Gf and that was last night , that was my only thread in wich i asked something that actually i really cared about.

So you tell me how have you read every thread ive made about her, when ive only made 3 threads since i registered to this forum, 2 were about silly and unimportant questions that i was just curious about and one wich was last night was about something that everybody goes thru in a relationship and i needed to learn how to handle it.

I am insecure, i have low self confindence, LMFAO kid you definelty do not know me at all, im the total opposite.

I asked out of pure curiosity to see what yall thoughts were on whats too many, i kmew she has had bf's in the past before i started going out with her, i mean its obvious.

And i dont know who the fuk you think u talking about talking about my girl is a peace of work? man shut the fuk up and get your facts straight before making up bs just to make yourself sound good.

Talking about every thread about my gf, **** the fuk up!

Srry mods but this dummie got me really pissed with his lieing about me posting about my gf and ****.