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  1. W

    How to make friends/girlfriends

    About the tip laughing at the joke when no one is laughing... It may or may not work. Think about it, you would be appear as a guy who suck their ass. Like a dog... I'm sure you heard of the bootlicking secretary who always try to make their boss feel good by saying all the good things..
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    FOR THE SAKE OF MY SON....please help!!...

    hey, how old are you? It seems to me that both of you are very young, in terms of mentality... I mean if you have a child, for those who are matured, when you are talking about long term relationship or even marriages, it's not about attraction anymore. But from what you said, it sounds...
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    Why do we post on SoSuave?

    cos here is the best place to get all the good tips and advice on dating....
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    What should I do next...

    What do u expect? Hot sex in the beach? Or kissing while jumping of the plane? Or how about a threesome?
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    Number close.. did I lose my chance?

    It's not how long the time you ask for her number but it's how you ask her. You can even ask her that day without being perceived as needy if you ask it in a funny and ****y attitude.. Like when she said she don't have a cell, you can say "what? Are you living in the 1800s?? Give me your...
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    Interested in a MUCH younger girl

    If you think she's a awesome girl, wait for a few years till she gets 16 at least? or 17 then start dating her. Unless you want people to start thinking that you are picking at young girls. I'm 20 and i had dated a girl age 15... It all ended not very well, because I was an AFC... worry about...
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    Stop Regurgitating The Bible All Of The Time!

    haha.. nice analogy.. Is that necessary true? Nah.. Somestimes a new style may helps in the relationship? You never know.. And it also depends on how versatile the newbie is.. and how the girl can adapt to changes. By the way, is the newbie you?
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    Stop Regurgitating The Bible All Of The Time!

    I totally agree with GlorioslyInsane. I've been there before, yes I must say all this bible can't change much to the present relationships or dating experience, but if the person continues to do the same thing, it isn't going to help either... THe best cure is to CHANGE! And if you can't...
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    The Myth About Love That Causes Relationships To Fail

    I don't think anyone can love somebody everyday for the whole life. Or at least this is not possible for me. But somehow, if for long term relationship, I'll make sure I put in the effort to love someone and in the hope that she will also do the same. I mean you can't be ****y and funny...
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    The Myth About Love That Causes Relationships To Fail

    Hey guys, I have come across this article below at this website that actually i feel that's the truth about relationship and love, what's your opinion about it? "It all started out great when you dated this beautiful, hot girl. You are attracted to her and she is...
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    Question to the Casanova's out there

    Just go ahead and say whatever you want. it's not the words that counts but your personality that's gonna make a difference. And don't be afraid of getting rejected
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    How To Connect Deeply With Women And Make Them Feel Wow?

    Everyone talking about having a great personlity, being interesting, ****y and funny, having a great attitude that will attract the women.. But I believe women also yearn for someone to connect with them emotionally. Have anyone done this before? What goes in the mind of the women would be...
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    Something is wrong with 75% of the people that come here (Long Post)

    That was some great post there. Everything you say is 99% correct. I must add something though, Yes, it's absolutely useless to memorize the all the techniques because it's the attitudes, personality and confidence that counts. But I must say is what everyone should do is to learn and...
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    Guys i have a major problem, please read!!

    If you just dumped her, that would be the most appropriate choice.. There's no need to give silent treatment. The only thing you are fighting against is your heart.
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    Guys i have a major problem, please read!!

    seems that the only one talking is us... this guy has gone... oh well, break up? Let us all play a game... who will break up with who first? My bet is the girl would initiate it!
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    "****y and Funny:" A Myth Destroyed

    I have actually tested the theory of ****y and funny out on a girl... This is what I did, I actually insult and tease a girl for a few days online something like this.. hey ugly, studying for exams? Please don't beg me to wish you luck for your exams. She actually laughed alot most...
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    I called my gf and her family all laughed at me

    You really have super low esteem about himself.. Isn't that a good thing that her dad actually likes you that he makes a joke with his family about you? And end the relationship up because of this? Actually i think you should end the relationship. The girl deserves someone better than you.
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    too scared to go for it

    wow.. sounds like the advice was taken from some experts.. It should be fun and easy to test it out...
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    Guys i have a major problem, please read!!

    Well, I think I had quite a similar case to you. But mine had been quite some time back. Since then I realized the mistakes I made and I can see it through you. No.1 mistake: You have some self esteem problem over there. AND YOU ARE A WIMP! No.2 mistake: If you got nothing to talk to...