FOR THE SAKE OF MY SON....please help!!...

Mar 25, 2006
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Sorry bro, got caught up on some business ventures.

Look up this book, "Instant Self-Hynopis"
These are the beliefs of an alpha male
1. I am the best at everything.
2. Everybody loves me
3. I can do anything I want
4. I am the coolest guy in this room
5. I am very attractive and sexy.

And so on. When I say "beliefs," I mean beliefs, NOT THOUGHTS. A thought is I am thinking to myself, "I am confident, I am sexy, I am cool, I am relaxed," you don't really believe that stuff, you are just thinking it. Like I can think Ken Shamrock will beat Tito Ortiz, lol, but I damn sure don't believe that.

A belief is different and it determines your behavior. A belief is a programming of the mind, it's a mind-set, it's a habit. Its sort of like this, when you get up to go piss in the bathroom, do you "think" IF you can pull out your penis and piss....or do you just get up and already "know" that once you pull out your penis you'll piss....I mean, you don't even think about it you just do it, right?

That's because you BELIEVE it already, and the only way to have a belief is to be programmed, you were programmed to go to the bathroom when you was about 2, remember? Now, you don't think about it any more, you just do it.

Same with this. Women are attracted to a sort of "doing" or "behavior," that a guy has. When you program the beliefs into your mind that I typed above, you will NORMALLY and NATURALLY, begin acting like an alpha male acts, WITHOUT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT. Now, all of a sudden, to women, and even the same women who before said you were so gross they couldn't even stand next to you, now all of a sudden, you are sexy and attractive.

It's not about looks, it's about your beliefs. Look up the book, he talks about hynopizing yourself with your eyes open, I did mine using a tape recorder and headsets because it was more relaxing. You must do it this way rather than using affirmations and he explains why in the beginning of the book. Before hynopis session, you want to make sure you say to yourself you are relaxed, getting very sleepy, etc., and he explains why.

Overall, it's not about patterns, ****y funny, being a bad boy, or anything like that...hell you can be a fvcking nice guy if you want to, I do. It's about those beliefs which stem those behaviors, that makes her lust after you naturally. And once she is lusting that means she now wants you, just as much or even more, than you want her.

Now, that'll be a $50 bucks, lol



Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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dude im very thank full man..ill send you a private message tom..coz there are som questions i like to ask man..


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
hey, how old are you?

It seems to me that both of you are very young, in terms of mentality... I mean if you have a child, for those who are matured, when you are talking about long term relationship or even marriages, it's not about attraction anymore.

But from what you said, it sounds like both of you are together because of attraction primarily. The beginning of the attraction both of you may have wonderful time and "loving" relationship. But once the attraction is gone, the relationship is gone too..

That's why even when you have a baby, she still attracted to another guy. It seems that the girl have a character flaw there. Irresponsible and disloyal. The mistake you made is you choose the wrong girl and have a baby..

My opinion is if you still need to play games with the girl, the relationship has a shaky foundation. I mean those things I learnt here, it's about the beginning part of the game.. It's a completely different thing when you talk about long term relationships.

For your case, what you can do is stop playing mind games and get to her straight. You and her, both of you need to be matured. You are talking about a baby here, it's important that both of you understand the word "responsible" so that both of you won't regret in the later part of your life.

Talk to her nicely, about the baby, but don't push or force her to be with you. But you would need to settle the problem and go on with your life. If she turns away or reject you, just get on with your life. But don't ever let her get the power from you... But you can just forget about her getting back to you. Just carry on with your life.

Anything is yours is yours.

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
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Illinois USA
My heart is really out to you and your son. As what a lot of people have already mentioned, its better to talk about the positives in your life.

Im not a dad, but I do know how its feels to be suddenly out of a relationship. Do whatever it takes to get back on your feet. Any form of self help books, movies, whatever will help you on the inside.

I warn you though....any pop culture self help gurus (Anthony Robbins ex;) that talks about how to get into relationship is probably NOT a good idea to get into. Hes great about techniques about anchoring and self talk.

Dave DeAngelo has some great material to invest in as well. So does this website right here. Thats on women, and yourself. There are alot of suggestions on books, material, you name it. Take the time to make a lot of these concepts you learn from here a part of you. I personally suggest getting into a lot of humor as well. Theres nothing wrong with having a good laugh and taking it easy through this.

Make yourself a happy person because no woman will ever do that for you. You can find a woman you can enjoy being around with the qualities you desire.

She can only make you happier, not make you happy.