Number close.. did I lose my chance?


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
So I was macking on this girl yesterday. She is about a 9.5 really gorgeous brunette and single. We were talking on myspace, and she seemed pretty interested.

She asked me how I was out of the blue. (I have only talked to this girl once. I told her I was fine, just working a lot, then playfully insulted her. She then asked me about my job, I kept it short and simple and just told her the name of the place. I didn't want to come off boring, and I quickly changed the subject over to her (a womans favorite subject). I did one of those hook questions. Like "Can I ask you a question?" and waiting for her to answer before asking.. I think I got her imagination flowing after that one. I used what we talked about the first time I talked to her to my advantage. These big sunglasses she has, we joked about how only the attractive girls where them. Then I established that I wanted to see her, I told her that whenever I get a chance to see her she better be wearing them. And she said she would. So everything is going good.. and I decide to go for the number close.. I tell her I have to get offline so I ask if she has a cell. She then tells me she doesn't have one....

I am pretty sure she isnt lying about it. I just don't think she has one. Now, I want to ask her for her house phone.. but I don't want to seem to needy. This all happened last night.. so should I wait a couple days or something? How do I get it without being too needy, or did I already miss my chance? Thanks.

Also, I did get another chicks number.. my ex ex gfs best friend. Apparently her bf cheated on her with my ex ex gf.. and now she is like running to me about it. She seemed interested in me, so I took advantage of it and I got her number. How long should I wait before calling? What should I even do about the situation.. I'm not sure I like her. I just want to get some. =x


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
I would definitely wait to get the home phone. From now on, just ask the girl for her number. That way if she doesn't have a cell phone, she'll most likely offer her home phone. But be sure she isn't lying, had that happen to me once. I told this girl to give me her cell phone number and she told me her cell was broken. I saw her carrying it around and using it about a week later. And I was sure she was telling the truth. Oh well, as for that other girl...hey man its up to you. I just recently opened my big mouth around a girl I didn't want...just felt kinda horny at the time. So be careful what kinda girls you get into.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
How long should I wait before asking her for her HOME phone #? I don't want to see too needy.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
wait til next time u talk to her


Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
It's not how long the time you ask for her number but it's how you ask her.

You can even ask her that day without being perceived as needy if you ask it in a funny and ****y attitude..

Like when she said she don't have a cell, you can say
"what? Are you living in the 1800s?? Give me your phone number."

If she gave you, you may add
"is this the phone you are going to pick up?"