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  1. M

    The Phone

    Some good points, but just remember these arent rules. Rules are meant to be broken. Thats the essence of life.
  2. M

    Spontaneity over Structure

    Dude your absolutely right.... spontaneity is a wonderful gift to have.. i think its your real aim... if i cant think straight then i may fall back on some methods from here but generally the best way to stick to being yourself is to be spontaneius! And the rush you get from it is great...
  3. M

    group approach?

    Week 3 is just designed to make you get used to talking to girls generally... if you want to number close go ahead my man, this is just a guide not a rule book. Goodluck.
  4. M

    'This woman' is not the answer

    Its because you think her looks/personality are unique. Well there's more reasons, but thats what seems to have got me hung up on a girl recently. But I and oni-ti-tis suffers have to realise there's PLENTY MORE GIRLS IN THE SEA. I cant stress that enough. I just need to be doing countless...
  5. M

    Most confusing girl ever

    Who was the chick who called your phone? In any case there lies the case of why she left. Just call her man.
  6. M

    Longer Life, Hotter Chicks, Bigger Balls

    Yeah some chinese believe you loose some of your energy each time you ejaculate... i must be pretty weak then :p Man if i were you i would just approach chicks even if you have masturbated that day... you feel more confident if you actually go through with it.
  7. M

    Does Love Really Exists?

    Love between a man and women/whoever exists. You will know when you've experienced true love.
  8. M

    BC Journal - Please share your thoughts

    I like your spirit man, yeah dont give up... things can only get better from here. Try and make goals to speak to like 10 people a day... can be anyone.. you'll be suprised how easy it is.
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    Landed a date with girl off

    Yeah go for it if you will regret it... but just remember dont feel your obligated to do something with her. If she isnt what you expected then next her...
  10. M

    12 Tips for Making Small Talk

    I especially like #9.. :D
  11. M

    Was this a test, or should I move on?

    At first it looks like she may be using you until someone better comes along.. but then how you describe how open she is to you she may still have a high IL... You know what she's like though, only you can really answer this question.
  12. M

    The Trap of Sosuave

    Most guys came here to find ways to improve their sex lives.. which happened until their plateau of self improvement overweighed their need for sex. But your sex drive never dies.. never stop approaching, i mean yeah self empowerment is great but whats this site for if you dont make the...
  13. M

    Landed a date with girl off

    LOL skating on thin ice :p
  14. M

    VERY useful club mentality

    great tip. I used to use this mentality even in club lines, got a number from it too! Dont ever think your limited to where you are..
  15. M

    I Have Too Much ****ing Rage....

    yeah i've recently broken up aswell... it hurts yeah man but only time can heal you... and a bottle of whisky or sumthing of the like which it seems you've found :p GodsGiftToWomen.. that what happens when you mix alcohol into the equation! Even the greatest of heros fall in the name of love.
  16. M

    Ever happen to you?

    Lucky he was just trying to hold her hand then hey ;)
  17. M

    Attention Wh0re Advice!!

    Look, a few months ago i had a simular situation.. did the whole dont give a **** thing think your in control... but she grows on ya man, no point denying it.. thats when you realise no matter what she can do for you theres always someone better.. and better as a whole.
  18. M

    Do you need to have the attitude of an alpha to get women?

    yeah i have a simular personality as you taz, im often quiet but i've opened up alot more.. and one thing iv'e learnt is you can still be yourself.. hell STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF but you must work from your angle. Approach is really the only word which should be going through your mind..and.. you...
  19. M

    Backseat Tips?

    haha nice pic
  20. M

    Backseat Tips?

    lol as long as you establish a good mood i'd say anything goes! Just do random positions like whatevers comfortable