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  1. M

    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Well i got the date setup, but she cancelled at the last minute. She was "working late" haha. So ill giver he one more strike, then thats final. Havent really went out hunting lately, but its new years eve 2moro see how that goes!
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    glad to be back Yep I'm back after much delay. I'm sure this is just a monologue now and no one reads this so i just wanted to say I've been lazy!!! plus computer troubles.. yeah i know no excuse. But in my absence i have been keeping at it. I got three numbers the other week. I'm doing...
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    Looks v Game

    Yeah most of the time looks over rules game. But that's partly cos society has told us to worship beauty. Just look at the TV, most shows all contain beuatiful people, who wants to see the average shmo? But game should never be neglected. If your a 10 and no game, sure you get the girls but...
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    hate being creepy

    haha you have a girl AFC chasing after you, how classic. You want to show a girl that your interested? You should be able to show her your intentions just by how u present yourself to her. It's not always what you say but how you say it.. as the saying goes dude. Also just by...
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    Mall is not a place to pick up women

    Malls arent a bad place to pick up. You can pick up just about anywhere period. For crying out loud i've picked up at a church before! Some places SEEM harder yeah but thats all about confidence. As for looks, yeah being buff is good but im not buff and i still pick up. And by no...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Gotta love the 95% bfs around are AFC's..Gotta love most guys are AFCS :) Got a number on the bus today from two foreign girls. One from switzerland(6) the other from japan (7.5). Couldnt find much to talk about from, oh i dont know... they didnt know alot of damn english!! haha. But i...
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    What to do when a net girl, comes chasing you!

    Yep she's a hottie but thats not the reason i'm having troubles. If i just wanted a **** i would of blown her off long ago. Her personality is what attracted me. Yeah ive talked to her on the phone too. Personally i was gonna make her come to me anyway if she is that determined. Yeah...
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    What to do when a net girl, comes chasing you!

    Guys, just tell me straight away what you think about this.. I'm doing the BC right, so i'm approaching anywhere i possibly can, malls, clubs, etc, and internet. On the net this girl is head over heels for me ok, and i dont like to sound like a AFC but she's getting to me. And i'm starting to...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    One thing's for sure, my approaches are more relaxed, not as much hesitation. Still some though which will be worked on... My week, got a number last night of that previous girl i was talking about. We saw each other on the bus, i asked her about not calling jokingly. She said it was dead...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Yeah, didnt get that call. Oh well life moves on lol. I could speculate as to why, or i could not care. I'll go with B. Approached 4 people today, no HB's. One lady refused to shake my hand when i put it out to introduce myself. What a nice *****! But yeah everyone has their reasons. My...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    In terms of advice (for the 50 Hi's) Shidizzle, DONT WAIT UNTIL EYE CONTACT! WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE CLOSE TO THEM!! If you can follow that, you will have 50 in no time. Because as MoveYourAss has said before, people are often shy creatures ok so if you lock eyes with someone walking past or...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Howdy folks Approached a chick ive seen a few times, shes a 7 i guess. I'll tell ya one thing though, the longer you hold out on doing it the more you question even doing it!! Which was good, i embraced the nerves in a way and made the best of it and walked right upto her and since she used to...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    welcome aboard Shidizzle. Always good to have fresh blood on here ;) Yeah i know what you mean, i started in a relationship that turned ugly. Girls can very easily mold u after a long while and sculpt you to have no backbone in the end! not nice! lol Day 2: I dont know what's going on ...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Yep I'm still in the BC, sorry i havent really gave much detail to it. Doesnt really help anyone does it :) Im into week 4 now, Day one. Zilch today, couldnt find anyone dateable, talked to a few people at bustops. Yeah calmly observing is a sure way, very true moveyourass. Girl situation...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Well, hit the clubs last night. Did around 4 approaches. Two at the bar getting drinks, both seemed keen and were HB's. One was from america, a student i think. Only talked for around one minute with her but i felt some good vibes coming from her. The other two were with groups of girls, i...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Well done mate, keep up the good work :) Yeah guys are good for general chit chat, but i find you can get away with more with girls ;) As for my situation, i've been a bit slack from being over worked. Yep i know, no excuse but it requires effort when you feel like just simply sleeping haha...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Well just got home from clubbing. Interesting experience tonight.. to say the least lol. I'll go on.. First waiting at the line, approached two chicks one was a 7, the other 5. Forgot their names, i didnt really care. Talked about cars, and drinks and stuff. Anyway made the 7 laugh a bit but...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    Yeah going to the clubs is a sure way. Check this out It's nailed it! Must read :) Mike
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    day 4, things are looking up. Approached two more girls today, one by herself the other with a friend. First approach the chick id say a 6/7, she seemed eager just to talk. Which didn't bother me. Although she was at least 4 years older than me but hey i should have just tried for the number...
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    new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!

    i just got home and approached a girl on the bus seat below me. Now im feeling more confident. I felt nervous just planning to do it but i did it. And i felt what some have already stated... The more nervous you will get the more will you gain (in satisfaction?:)). It also feels fresh...