new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Well, hit the clubs last night. Did around 4 approaches. Two at the bar getting drinks, both seemed keen and were HB's. One was from america, a student i think. Only talked for around one minute with her but i felt some good vibes coming from her.

The other two were with groups of girls, i didnt really feel confident doing it but i soldiered on. Intro'd myself did some chit chat, i had some mates with me too who, didnt really help and kind of intimidated them to moved away from us.. literally(AFC ALERT!).
lol i thought it was funny. As it's all a learning experience for me, so which ever way they react to anything i do, good or bad, i learn from it, so they do me a favour either way.

I'll definately need to work on talking to groups of girls though, thats always seemed to be the most challenging to overcome. I'll have to read up on that.
Out of curiousity, have you dealt with groups of girls yet MoveYourAss?

I guess its more ***** defense mode when they are in groups, while at the bars by themselves they let it down a little and are more open ;)

well onwards to number closes tommorow, and back to re-reading my material.




Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
groups no, only pairs. more or less. I still have a lot to learn there.

What I also found is that the knowloedge and the ability to watch calmly offers you some hilarious movies of ****blocking, AFC, and also DJing just before your eyes. Now that you can see through it it allows you to learn a lot and it's great fun.:D

BTW: Do you follow the BC? state your current week so we can see what is the job you ave to do just now.:)

Keep up your good job,

MoveYourA$$... and your brain will follow


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, I seem to have a decent record with chicks, but i suppose there's no harm in improvement! MoveYourAss, I can't find the link in the DJB...The BC is definitely something I'd like to try. I can't find the link though...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
week 3b, day 6

Wacky-1: Good question, it used to be found under the bible link at the rhight top of the screen. Ask a mod or post a new thread asking about it's new place.

today one down, funny since I was renovating and just had a pause, unshaven, clothes "average" etc. but was just the confident guy taking her to a coffee (the waitress thought I'd pay both...haha) she walked me to my bike and even gave me both of her numbers after me asking. Unfortunately I made the mistake up upswing in voice and igh pitch when I asked. She hesitated a moment but no real problem. She's about a 7 wich could be interesting to meet again, though. Convo (too?) long , not too suave and not real sexual, jst a few hints. Well, still lack of practice. Good for confidence, though.

so 7 down, 3 to go.
MoveYourA$$... and your brain will follow


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yep I'm still in the BC, sorry i havent really gave much detail to it. Doesnt really help anyone does it :)

Im into week 4 now, Day one. Zilch today, couldnt find anyone dateable, talked to a few people at bustops.
Yeah calmly observing is a sure way, very true moveyourass.
Girl situation: I have to admit i technically have one girl already fallen for me. But she just talks to me on the net so far. She wants to meet. Although she lives in another state.

hopefully tomorrow ill get more luck,
same to all with you



New Member
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Joining The Ranks

Hey fellas. Today is my first in Day Boot Camp and I'm excited to see results in not only phone numbers and girls, but on my outlook on life. I appreciate you guys for helping to inspire me on seriously cracking down on this to the point where I record my results down in a forum such as this.

A little bit about me... I just came off a year and a half relationship that spiraled into an AFC-like, bitter, bitter end. Since the begining of the relationship I lost whatever traces of DJ-ism I had (which wasn't too much, to be honest). After days and days of re-reading the DJ site, I have begun to see now where I go wrong. Lack of confidence, and being an overall puss has lead me down the wrong path, but I am determined to make change.

Today is Day One!

BTW, Here is how I found the boot camp. I searched for "Boot Camp" as a subject and "Master of The Universe" for user name and got the results at this address...


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
welcome aboard Shidizzle.
Always good to have fresh blood on here ;)

Yeah i know what you mean, i started in a relationship that turned ugly. Girls can very easily mold u after a long while and sculpt you to have no backbone in the end! not nice! lol

Day 2: I dont know what's going on , but not a HB in site, they must be onto me!

There was a 5'er who gave me some EC then sat behind me in the train but i really had no attraction and i know you guys are into practice practice routine, but i need at least some attraction for a number close!!! which im pretty much only focusing on this week.

Saw a blonde HB 9.5 written all over her about 100 metres away, when i came to look for her around the cornor she was gone. I need to take every opportunity i can get! Hence run after the hot mamma and ask for her number straight on.

well thats it from me, goodluck fellow DJ'ers.




Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Welcome to the club, Shidizzle206.
The BC is back in the Bible link.

Well, I can also include myself in the list of the guys who got worn out by LTR. But it was my own fault, since I let it happen.
Simply no idea. Also, the new article by DeAngelo "10 reasons why smart guy fail" applies very much to me. Well, poor ol' me
;) just joking, what's past is past.

i will transit to real week 3 tomorrow. Until now the BC gave me insight, experience, selfconfidence, fun and gave me back social life. To the newbies I can not recommend enough the WMS, and the shuma gora book is also very well worth its time. Just don't get toooo sucked up by the reading, thinking that you first have to understand everything. Viewed from now, the rejection fears of the past weeks look ridiculous, but I wouldn't have come to this point without actually going out there and DOING it.

Progress details soon.

MoveYourA$$...and your brain will follow


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
final day of week 3b

So I finished week 3b and will move to target dating "material". I did not get 10 this week nor did I only take 7 days for it. i know thats bad, since: you should always reach your goal completely. That is an important lesson which I often missed. Well, week 3b was some warming up only, so its ok.
For next week, however, it will be difficult again. As I stated previously, and maybe similar to Mikers observations, it's quite difficult to meet 10 ones you REALLY wanna date per week, and then even to meet them in an approachable situation. Well, thats the challenge.

Today I number closed a girl which I was interested for a while already. She has some things which certainly rule out a 9-10 super model status, however she has some things on her which really make me H.O.T.. She gave me signals and we had fun. Coming to the number close, I missed opportunities to bust her (quite a few), she was reluctant and reserved and so on, just not comfprtable. Had to give her mine first (i know, i know), i don't know if she's involved already or has low IL, despite the above. So I experienced again that I got a bit clumsy when it came to NC (which didn't matter too much) but learned form it. I will NOT phone her, she can do that. If not, we will certainly meet again in the next weeks. I think in the probable case we will have some fun, in the best case F*ck (that would be hot indeed), in the worst nothing, SO WHAT.

I have to do more cold approaches.

For you guys, it would be interesting to know your age and life situation, just to get an idea. You don't have to, of course, but stating someting like 20-25, 26-30 and so, college, work, umemployed, universtity, whatever, would give a certain hint.

MoveYourA$$...and your brain will follow


New Member
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Week 1 Day 2

My first day of Boot Camp (Monday) was awesome. I focused on forcing eye contact and smiling wherever I went. I felt the effect immiediately. I felt better, more confident, and more in control. People were smiling back, and girls were smiling back. However, I only approached for one hello that I'm going to actually count. It was a guy at my gym that I see in there occasionally. 1 Hello down, 49 to go :-(

Unfortunately, my schedule doesn't allow for ideal meeting situations until Friday. My schedule consists of waking up, going to the gym, heading for the high school (where I volunteer coach football) and then to work for the rest of the night.

Today (Tuesday), I made the most of my available time at the gym. You don't get too many HBs in there at 10 in the morning, but as luck would have it, a 7.5-8 sat next to me as I was stretching. Normally, I would chicken out, not saying anything and just go about my business. Thanks to Boot Camp, I mustered up some balls, told my self "**** it" and said hello. I was no smooth operator, but takin that first step was cool. Lead to a decent conversation.

After that, I got creative and went to a Yoga class in the building and got a couple hellos down there. No HBs however.

And then I blew it, went to the pool and there was a 9 sitting next to me in the hot tub. The situation was a little awkward, with a number of other older people sorrounding us, but that's no excuse, I should've said SOMETHING. I'm not going to choke next time.

The fear of rejection still lingers but getting rejected is now becoming a goal. I want to to know exactly how it feels, so I can find out exactly what the hell it is I've been afraid of.

My count is at 5. Hope to make up my numbers big time on Friday thru Sunday.

Anyhow, any other words of advice, or thoughts you guys could provide on your first week of camp?

BTW, a little about me. I'm 19 years old, and looking to go to a university this February. I currently hold down a decent paying dispatch job in telecommunications.

Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures,


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
week 3 final, day 1

today didn't have much time, only thing mentionable is that I lost of 2 male long-time aquaintances, one of which I did consider a friend. Sounds a bit sad, but if you look at it, it's not at all, no bitterness.

MoveYourA$$...and your brain will follow


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
shidizzle: not much of an advice, just go and do it. Unfortunately and furtunately at the same time it's that easy. I had some strolls in the evening/night in some areas with loads of bars and other night-life. People there were open to my week 1 excercises. Malls were a bit more difficult for me.

If you're not used to it, you will probably experience some awkward moments and reactions, bad timing, choosing the wrong people etc. But thats the way to learn to relax, right timing etc. Give a **** on what they think, just do your thing. Read pook's "be a man" !!. You will certainly get some nice reactions which will compensate for all the fuss.
Also: Most people who do not answer are shy or arrogant idiots. Since you do the effort of beeing open your far ahead of them.

Good luck!!
MoveYourA$$...and your brain will follow


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Howdy folks
Approached a chick ive seen a few times, shes a 7 i guess. I'll tell ya one thing though, the longer you hold out on doing it the more you question even doing it!! Which was good, i embraced the nerves in a way and made the best of it and walked right upto her and since she used to go to my school doknkey years ago i just went "didnt you used to goto so and so school?" Shes like "yeah.." "oh ok i thought you looked familar, you were Sarah right? "and it went on from there. I kept the eye contact throughout the whole conversation, she responded well. Got a few laughs as we were talking about courses, life etc. Wasn't a long conversation, around 2-3 minutes. Then she goes nervously "hey would you like to go to the art gallery with me tomorrow night? my friends in the exihibition" I managed to say "uhh sure uh yeah" out of suprise haha. Then shes like this is my stop, can i have your number?" Now theres the problem right here! i dont know wat happened but i just gave it to her and didnt reverse it so i got hers.
So i'm going with the i dont give a **** attitude if she calls tomorrow or not. That way if she does it will be a suprise. Now the old me would most probably be looking at the phone all day waiting for it in my prayers. This is one thing im stopping right from here on in!

One thing i've really stuck to heart lately though is ACTUALLY realising you are the don juan rather than thinking you are. If that makes sense.. If i TRY to be it, i'm just guna be seen as a poser hiding behind a mask of fake confidence. While if i KNOW i am theres no need to be prove anything to anyone, except myself.
To do this i focus on my strengths and recognise my weaknesses. And most importantly express my true personality and nature. I see this BC as only a way to really set it free, to be A MAN :) hehe (thanks pook).

Thanks for listening to this long arse post guys,




Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
In terms of advice (for the 50 Hi's) Shidizzle,

If you can follow that, you will have 50 in no time.
Because as MoveYourAss has said before, people are often shy creatures ok so if you lock eyes with someone walking past or yep, greet them chances are they wont expect it.
But, my friend you arent here for them to judge you, you are here to improve yourself, and later on date those HB's on the side.
Anyways most will greet you back, even when they have their head down because they know its polite to greet back.
Even now i still greet people walking past me at places, its a quick boost now and then and it does indeed get you prepared for whats to come.

Eye contact - Do it with everyone, young or old, the scrawny or tough, beautiful or ugly. You get the picture.
Generally as with anything, the more experience you get, even with eye contact, the better you get.

There's my two cence, hope it helps.



Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
mikers- nice to see your progress. Don't worry too much that it wasn't "perfect",whatever this means. Learn from it, however. But I'm quite sure you will.

Me myself and i did not go very much on week3, since... excuses. However, I went out yesterday and while the party was boring I was quite alpha male. it was total AFC-environment (tried out new location) and chicks were mainly disturbed... but great anyway. It wasn't much of a challenge due to the kind of people but the way I acted naturally showed me a great improvement over my past. I used to frequent events like this many years ago, quite shy.

Had a >2min convo with a nice one today, and arranged a date with a girl from last week over the phone. Was nice, since she was actually happy to hear from me. Fingaazz wrote somewhere: great news for you: girls want to fvck. This made me laugh and is so true and helpful to remember when going out. This one is only practice, however, maybe she could be a friend / pivot / occasional FB.

Although there is progress, I seem to need more time for this damn ;) week 3... Goin' through, though.
MoveYourA$$... and your brain will follow


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, didnt get that call. Oh well life moves on lol.
I could speculate as to why, or i could not care. I'll go with B.
Approached 4 people today, no HB's. One lady refused to shake my hand when i put it out to introduce myself. What a nice *****! But yeah everyone has their reasons.
My week hasnt really gone to plan, while waiting for a train this morning saw an old mate. We catched up, then i went on about not buying stuff for girls now, that by sleeping with them we are doing them a favor and just casually joking around.
Well later when the train came i approached this girl ive met a while ago at a few parties so we had some rapport. She was a 8.5'er. When i talked to her she seemed open enough but just before her stop she just got up and walked off. I was thinking OK THIS IS A NO SHOW so i yelled out "take it easy, Bree!" Then she smiled and said "cya."
Haha then it hit me she was near me at the bench when i was talking with my old mate about my views on women.
Haha could of been that, who knows. Or that i got her number at a party ages back but never called her for reasons i cant remember. Oh yeah thats right.. I was too shy. hehe ;)

The week is still young, goodluck all.

Nice to see your progress Moveyourass, already got a date setup you stud! hehe




Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
well, my excuses where not too bad after all. Was a flu approaching, now I got it. I'm not knocked out completely physically, but my brain is just mud. Practically no way to be here&now and act accordingly. I will be back asap.

Good luck in the meantime


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
One thing's for sure, my approaches are more relaxed, not as much hesitation. Still some though which will be worked on...

My week, got a number last night of that previous girl i was talking about. We saw each other on the bus, i asked her about not calling jokingly. She said it was dead, no point going to somewhere boring. Interesting excuse i thought. As we were talking she then mentioned briefly about a... boyfriend, yet she seemed eager for me to "catch up" with her sometime when i got her number. Am I in her friends catergory?
Only one way to find out ;)

Thats about it in terms of numbers, I've had a rough week, I'll be naughty and rely on this weekend for all my numbers.
Dissed or be Kissed. I'm just gona hit the clubs and ask any old girl. I'll try and hit the mall aswell tomorrow.
On to the 10 rejections, woohoo!




Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
week 3 final, day 1

Mikers: good job !!!

back in the game, decided to go to another town for this week, kinda holiday, since from week 4 on I think its better to stay at the same place.

went out, 1 convo down with the "punkslvt", kinda after 5 min her AFC-BF came and caged her in his arms, really terrible to see. I realised, however, that sometimes I got some strange "older brother" complex with the young ones, wanting to teach them about life ( I didn't bore her with that, though) This is stupid and I will loose that from my life.

anotherone was hillarious: was at some mixed toilet-room with cabins only, in the other one was a chick and we had a funny and open anonymous talk. I KNEW (without evidence) that it had to be the by far outstanding girl of the party. Talking with my friends, I labelled her "the P*rnstar":D . After letting 2 opportunities pass to talk to her, even though i had the PERFECT opener(was not so easy since she was always surounded) I did it, and it WAS her. quite impressed her that I knew it. And guess what: she works in a sex-shop;), asked me to comeby.

i will do for sure, since this will be a funny/flirty >2 min convo with a girl wich is REALLY hot. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not into p*rn or p*rnstars, she was just compared to the rest of the pack (a friend knew immediately who i was talking about), and I'm sure she's actually pretty smart.

ah, and had a coffee date wit a 6 from last week. soso... I wasted attention questioning myself if I want to FVck her (kind a 2 month without...), make her a friend or simplly loose her out of my life. Did SOME jokes, C&F and light hints at sexual things, though, which is real progress over my past. I also realized that much practice is still needed. So its time to finally get to the next weeks of the BC

MoveYour$$.. and your brain will follow


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Gotta love the 95% bfs around are AFC's..Gotta love most guys are AFCS :)

Got a number on the bus today from two foreign girls. One from switzerland(6) the other from japan (7.5). Couldnt find much to talk about from, oh i dont know... they didnt know alot of damn english!! haha. But i solderied on rather awkardly and got a number, they wanted to see me at some bar tomorrow night but i cant be bothered too far or know where it is exactly. The japanese seemed to know the most english, we got on well, then when she found i was 18 (her being 22) she didnt give such a joy when i talked. haha her loss.
In my phone address book i labeled them as "chicks from the bus" :p.
Nothing really apart from that. Just working myself to the ground, but whats new!

A girl from the internet said she has fallen in love with me, i'm not sure what to do with that. If she does come down this way however(she lives in another state) id have a coffee with her and see how things go.
No, I'm not in love with her lol.

Well thats it from me
Keep the quest for numbers. MoveYourAss if you see this and havent applied it, do the following tommorow: work for 10 rejections by tommorow. Thats my plan this weekend.

