new BC - I BET it works - join in !!!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
glad to be back

Yep I'm back after much delay.

I'm sure this is just a monologue now and no one reads this so i just wanted to say I've been lazy!!! plus computer troubles.. yeah i know no excuse.

But in my absence i have been keeping at it. I got three numbers the other week. I'm doing a date this weekend and I have much less hesiatation to just talk to strangers and/or hotties :)

I'm still just getting used to my seuxality and expressing it. Like having no shame to check out a hot arse but at the same time have some dignity. And by dignity i mean if you check it out you pay her a visit and get the digits.

Did a funny approach on the train the other day!
She was trying to sketch, I ask what shes drawing. She goes on about how she does fashion designing for a hobby. But her page is just about blank. So i ask if i can give some inspiration and end up drawing her some man dressed in womans clothing for a laugh! well it worked! Lucky i drew alot when i was a kid hey, still got some talent left :p
Then as she i was leaving went for the digits but she just went straight out NO. So i go "ok, no mobile thats ok. Whats your home number?" Then shes like
"I have a boyfriend!"
So i do the line "Does that make you married?" and shes like No but if i was He'd be the husband.
So i just thought i tried! and bailed.

Plan to call another girl up tommorow night. I will post how that goes!

Peace out



Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Well i got the date setup, but she cancelled at the last minute. She was "working late" haha. So ill giver he one more strike, then thats final.

Havent really went out hunting lately, but its new years eve 2moro see how that goes!