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  1. M

    attraction video's to watch

    Hey guys, how we all doin'? I came across this awhile ago: it's bit of a watch, but it shows 3 guys, ugly and with NO experience in attraction/seduction and r trained in very simple elements...
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    DJ Bible Helping or Hurting Confidence?

    lol. He might not be a player, he may be a don juan ;) Insecure people will always try to put you down, but who gets the last laugh? :)
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    Bootcamp Week#2: Time To Up the Ante...

    3 convos done... First was with an old lady at the bus stop... i dont think she spoke much english as she kept giving me dumbfounded looks and had a strong accent... but hey thanks to her she was my first convo for this week. Second was a group of girls on the bus.. they were speaking in an...
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    Living Gold

    "tell them your feelings" is about not holding back... obviously you need to have the right sort of feelings, not the "i feel so lonely, i feel like i want to hump you!" But just to embrace life and live in the moment, and this i think leads you to the desired feelings you want. Or you can...
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    Living Gold

    Good (articulate) post man, very direct. This is a good post to read after digesting one of pook's or mr finger's posts. It gets you motivated, the finishing touch, to say OK MUTHAFUKKER (to world) TIME TO GET SOME *****!!! Man i think yours posts affecting me, since when do most guys here...
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    Challenge#2: Create An Opener 2005

    I see a chick reading a book on the bus. Me: in the climax of the book yet? HB6: haha no. Its a crap book. I just read it to kill time blah blah. Me: Whats it about? HB6: blah blah *she gets out another chunky book on vampires* Brings out good convo. Me: Oh so your a vampire. HB6...
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    Bootcamp Week#1: Start Your Engines...

    yrock181, these things happen man. Dont try to take it personally. Just be persistant and stick to the weeks objectives and you will go far :)
  8. M

    what should i do next? and be smooth with it?

    haha i gave mine out today, the situation kinda made me make the choice of giving it out or not seeing her again. (i tried closing ) So ill get back to you....when she replies lol.
  9. M

    Even been turned on by an "ugly" girl?

    Actually, i read somewhere some researchs suggested females are attracted to the opposite sex who have immunities they need for their body. This biological view might be the same for men attracted to women. Theres some food for thought.
  10. M

    How Do You Usually Look At Other Men?

    Yeah you sound a bit insecure man, but thats just judging from ur post. Me personally, i see guys as neutral, i always like meeting new people but i know, esp. in a club environment your all there for a shag, so why waste time with manly chit chat as it were. But if i happen to bump into a...
  11. M

    Making myself attractive...

    About 10 months ago, i was in your exact same position, dont feel your the only one! Alot of people here are in your shoes, or once were. Hell i remember myself celebrating new years eve at a club with aquantinces i barely knew and when after the countdown, 5,4,3,2,1.. it turned 0 everyone...
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    FR: 300 approaches and running- SELF-MASTERY & The_Shezzler

    excellent work my man. I hope your nipples arent too sore this morning :p
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    FR: 300 approaches and running- SELF-MASTERY & The_Shezzler

    LOL classic. You doing more than achieving your goal, keep it up!
  14. M

    Rate Your DJ Skills!

    current statistics for the mikster: game - 4.5/10 looks - 7.5/10 strengths - conversation, body language, my smile (so ive been told :) persistance social circle weaknesses- -confidence - its increasing steadily. -C&F - trying to get a good balance still.. -Sexual...
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    I suck!!! Every Girl Rejects Me

    Dude just for the record, i have seen some ugly dudes in my time (who can still pick up)... but you arent one of them my friend. Your insecurity is what lets you down, like everyone has been saying improve on yourself as whole - work out, change your look, approach more girls etc.... You aint a...
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    What should I do When Girls put me Down

    hahah i'm gona use that next time :p
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    Sexism-Is this article true?

    4. contact the publisher
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    Cold approaches do not work.

    *how come you werent joining in with them? i need some goddamn sleep!
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    Cold approaches do not work.

    No one said it was easy. How come you joining in with them?
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    HELP!!everytime my game is running good i fvcking freeze and **** up!!

    I feel your pain double, you could say... im your double. I got into a identity crisis just recently... i didnt want to come off as having this player persona i wanted to stick to who i am originally then i thought if i mack girls thats not going to happen, so i settled with a HB6 and became a...