Attention Wh0re Advice!!


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
OK… so I’ve been chatting lately with this girl that I used to hang out with a lot and occasionally hook up with (a year ago). I live in a different city now, about 2 hours away from her. She’s an attention wh0re… no doubt about that, and I’m even fairly certain that she may have traces of Borderline Personality Disorder and/or histrionic personality disorder.

While I have been a DJ for about 3 years and have had a lot of success with most women, I was a total AFC with her… for those of you who have dealt with a very intelligent and manipulative AW, you’ll know that it’s very easy to get sucked in. Lately, as I’ve been talking to her more and more, I have acted much more dominant and alpha, as I do with other girls, mostly because I’ve stopped caring as much, have a lot of hot girls that I’m dating and read this site every time I need an additional kick in the ass.

I’ll cut to the chase… I had invited her up to come see me this past weekend, which she was very excited about (probably because of the fact that I’ve been an alpha with her lately… 6 months ago, she would have rejected the invite). I cancel on her on Thursday because a better offer came up (my high school buddy, who now plays in the NHL in Ottawa, invited me to party there to celebrate Canada Day). I very rarely get to hang out with him anymore, but I never pass up a chance to do so because he’s a big celebrity in that town and the girls flock. I always get laid and make out with lots of girls, not to mention get free drinks and line bypass wherever we go to barhop.

She says it’s cool when I cancel (all I told her was something came up and I want to go to Ottawa for Canada day… she had no idea who I was going to be partying with there). I tell her we’ll do it another weekend. Then, last night, she calls me cell at 3am (right after I had just finished fvcking a random girl who lives next door to my buddy). She starts crying to me about how she loves me, how gorgeous I am, how jealous she is when she hears about me dating other girls through mutual friends, etc etc… I told her she’s just drunk, and she said “no it’s not because I’m drunk, I love you and I’ve been thinking about this for the past few weeks.” I tell her that I’m not interested, we’d just fight all the time anyways, but we can be friends.

Then, a few hours later at 7am, she calls AGAIN to “apologize” for the phone call, and to tell me that she didn’t mean any of it. She says “it’s like that sex in the city episode, where Mr. Big tells Carry ‘I felt it last night but I don’t feel it now.” I just laughed (even though this bothered me slightly) and told her to stop playing fvcking games with me. I hang up.

Then she calls me back immediately, crying, and says “no I DID mean that stuff I said last night… I just didn’t want to seem weak to you.” This girl is all over the map. THEN she tells me that doesn’t find me attractive physically, but she loves my personality (even though, not to sound ****y, I am a very good looking guy who gets girls approaching him all the time). I told her to seek professional help. Then she says “no you are good looking, but just not attractive to me.” Then I told her that 2 mins ago she said she was attracted to me.

Confused? Yeah, me too. I know this post is a ramble and all over the place, but this is how it always is when I talk to this girl. I’m also very tired and hung over (and maybe still a little drunk)… haha

My question to the DJs out there is this… how do I get a girl like this to be a consistent fvck buddy? Anytime I withdraw from her, she falls hopelessly in love with me it seems, but then she changes her mind a few hours later. What is the best way to behave to get her to fvck me whenever we see each other? What buttons do I need to push? I’m reluctant to invite her over for a weekend because she has a tendency to just c0ck tease, or even worse start giving me head and then stop halfway through.

I know you’ll say to fvck it and next her, but I’ve been with close to a hundred girls in my life, and she kisses and fvcks better than any girl I’ve ever been with. I want this girl wrapped around my finger, because the sex is just unbelievable and so hot.

Also, if any of you have had similar experiences with one of these mentally unbalanced chicks, please share.



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach
Awww Bacchus! You're not serious are you? How could you be with over a hundred girls and this girl be better than all of them? How can you fool yourself into thinking that it's just about sex for you? Um, I'm sorry but, i think she's got YOUR nose wide open too! Why else would you put up with her BS?

Okay, let's say you don't love her. As a woman, I'd have to ask you then why you'd want to use a girl who obviously already has deep emotional problems? Just for good sex, when you can obviously get that ANYWHERE at ANY TIME (from your estimation)? I don't know, but either you're a narcisisstic, sadistic a-hole OR you really do have stronger emotions for her that you are not willing to admit.

Just a thought.

P.S. Why do guys hate "attention whoores" so much?????? I really don't get this!!!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Look, a few months ago i had a simular situation.. did the whole dont give a **** thing think your in control... but she grows on ya man, no point denying it.. thats when you realise no matter what she can do for you theres always someone better.. and better as a whole.


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
I'll admit it... I do feel "affection" for her, but I would NEVER date her. I know she'd just fvck me up inside. But no matter how many girls I deal with, I can't get this one out of my head. I just want her to be mine sexually since she can't be mine emotionally. Maybe one day if she's getting professional help I'll want to pursue something more substantial, who knows....

Anyone else have anything to add to this discussion?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach
Okay, i know you wanted to hear from the fellas on this one, but I wanted to reply again because you were sweet to admit that you have affection for her too.

From a female's perspective, if you want her to remain physically attracted to you and willing to have sex, it was mistake to cancel on her. Now she probably thinks you are not physically attracted to her and women (especially me!) lose all interest in sex with a guy that they feel is not attracted to them. They may like him, but the idea of sex with him just fizzles. I know that you guys may think that it would turn us on more when we think you're not attracted to us, but not true. A woman who chases a guy that is a challenge is a woman who thinks she still may have him by the penis. But, if you don't give us clear signals that you want us sexually (like canceling opportunities to have non-stop sex with us all weekend), we lose our desire. Women have lower testosterone levels, we desire sex from guys when WE feel desired. Our sex drive thrives on male attention. So, Bacchus, what you did was send her a huge message that you DON'T want to have sex with her, clearly counterproductive.

If you want to have her as a steady sex partner, you'll have to risk getting blue balls at first. But, if she ****teases, just get VERY sexually assertive with her. Not like forcing yourself on her, but telling her how much you want her, how sexy SHE is, how you want to taste her, etc. Trust me, you won't have to do that for too long before she's sexing you like crazy!

Lay it on thick, baby and you'll have all the sex from her that you desire!

But don't break her heart, alright amigo. Good luck!


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score
Thank seabreeze for your input, but I don't think this chick functions in "normal" ways like you and most girls do. She is always the most into me and the most receptive to my advances right after I push her away. Anytime I've tried to reach out to her, tell her she's beautiful, tell her I wanted her (in the past, when I was an AFC with her) she's withdrawn.

Chicks with mental issues are a whole different ballgame.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach

Hey babe, if what you say is true about her, then asking guys for advice on a message board wouldn't help anyway right? I say, she may be a hard nut to crack, but you can crack it. She has to feel your confidence, even when she's inconsistent. Like, how could you let her not finish giving you a blow job? Any woman who hear's a man moaning like crazy and telling her how good it feels when she sucks it would not be able to stop unless HE stopped her! Women need motivation when it comes to sex. Just open your mouths and tell us how bad you want it, that's HOT!

But...if she's not normal, then...she's just not normal. No one here is gonna be able to help you with that, right?

Perhaps you should invite her over again for the weekend. Tell her you bought her some nice lingerie and you want her to model it for you, she'd look so hot. Don't sound desperate, just sound really turned on. Tell her to bring the massage oil cause you want her to give you a massage. And after that, you have a surprise for her (that you're gonna shag her brains out, but don't tell her). You may have to do some damage control, but be consistent. She'd have to be pretty f**ked up to resist this forever. In that case, dude, just move on and get a mentally healthy chick.

Good luck!


Don Juan
May 8, 2005
Reaction score

I know you want me, but there's no need to be so subtle about it. PM me.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long Beach
LOL. Well, um Bacchus I already have a fella...I'm confused, how does me trying to help you shag another girl mean I want you?

Good Luck, though. Shag her senseless, stallion! And give me an update, okay.
SB ;)


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
what seabreeze has said is true in regards to showing sexual attraction, but you shouldn't have to cancel plans for her, she must fit in your schedule.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Ok I dated a girl with Borderline Personality Disorder for a while and its DISGUSTING that you want to try and fuvk wack job. They are sooooooooooo fuvked up and soooo far gone from reality that they will make your head spin. Looks like she already has that going because your attracted to her. If you think that you can just treat her like a fuvk buddy then your soooo wrong!!! They are very seductive and play off your guilt. She will sux you in to the black hole that is her life, and you'll become her next victim.

Anyways, you won't listen to me anyways, but I will tell you this. These girls are very caught up in physical attractiveness, if she doesn't want to fuvk you right away, chances are she's not going to fuvk you at all. These girls know that sex is the key to get to the guy they want. If they ****tease you to death, then she really has no intention of committing to you (I know you don't want that) or fuvking you. I really really hope you listen and don't go after her. Yes, every chick is fuvked up in the head to a certain degree, but when its soooo bad that its considered a mental illness, its time to step away.

I thought the same way you did, I fuvked her and felt like I had a really hot piece of @ss as a fuvk buddy because I was hooking up with sooo many other girls at the time. But slowly over time she grew and grew on me, and I dealt with her crazy lies, and psycho antics for over a year. Stay away!!!

Do yourself a favor and press that little search button on the top right corner of this screen. Look up my user name and Borderline Personality Disorder. Read all the crazy posts and bullshyt she put me through and I assure you, you'll feel differently about wanting to be around her.
