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  1. L

    Strange change ...

    About a month ago, it was a really crappy evening so I went home at about 2 A.M. At the place were my motorcycle was standing, there were 3 chicks. 2 of them were about hb4, the other was about a 6. Not really high but I started talking to her and her friends. 2 hours later she asked if I...
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    what's the nastiest thing a Woman has ever said to you?

    I rather **** my kitchen knife than giving you a hug
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    Dangerous situation, I won't do it. You never know what the next step will be. Maybe this guy wants to bang you too. Just like BigMike says, stay as far away as you can from that sort of things. Sincerely
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    how do you....

    Try to meet her asap and then you will know much more. If she is ugly or somewhat crazy you can still make up some excuses for not taking it too long and block her. The longer it last imo the more difficult it is going to be ... Sincerely
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    Need advice on situation

    I've seen the hb9 only one time. I noticed her smiling but have no idea if I even stand a chance. On the other hand, the girl ( hb 7 ) has told my friend that she really likes to know me better and stuff like that. He told me that a few hours ago. I said to him that I already got this...
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    Need advice on situation

    But whould you suggest that I make a move now? Or send her an email? Or just let her do the next step? I think that friend knows what is going on, since he said saterday to me that she likes me ( as a friend he says ). But also added on Sunday that he don't think he can get her, but she is...
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    Need advice on situation

    Hello, I'm in kinda difficult situation and wants some advice. I will try to keep things as short as possible. Friday I went out with one of my best friends. He brought along 3 girls ( HB 6, HB 7 and HB 9 ). There are all single and 19 years. He tells me he really likes HB 7. Later on the...
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    Some questions

    thanks for the advice, anyone else some advice to these questions??? Sincerely
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    Some questions

    Hi, I just want to ask for some answers. I know for most of the people on this forum most of the questions seems rather stupid. I've already read the bible! 1) Is it best to put the end of your shirt in or out of your pair of trousers or doesn't it really matter? 2) Does the...
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    How to overcome this little problem

    Maybe you can go inside her appartment when she isn't there and wait till she arrives, that would be a great ( pleasant ??? )surprise.
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    new Bootcamp

    Oke, week 1 was a succes, On a sunny day last week I went to a park and said hello against every single woman. Now I'm starting week 2. #1 : Wednesday noon, I was ordening some French Fries when I noticed a chick sitting in the corner waiting for her food. Started...
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    the problem of HEDONISM

    Hi sandinista, I've got kind of simular problem. Since I found this site I also started to change and doing stuff I didn't do a few months ago. Suddenly I realised that my life was kind of boring. You know, every weekend the same thing. Going out with the same friends to the same pubs and...
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    The 24-yr old virgin saga continues...

    Maybe the problem wasn't really you, but the way you acted caused by the heavy drinking. Some drinks do good because you think less and have a feeling that you can do more. But drinking too much is definitely a turnoff for most girls Sincerely
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    new Bootcamp

    Nice work there. I went also this afternoon to the shopping street. First I searched eye contact, only with girls, and I'd be surprised how little girls who were actually looking back, or just for a instant and then looked down. Greeting people was much more difficult, I've only greeted 3 girls...
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    ex gf dilema...

    I'm not talking from personal expierence, but two of my friends were in the same situation as you were, and in both cases it ended really bad. If I were you I get next to her, because for a relation you can't trust her anymore ( and you don't want that anymore ). And as long as you get s*x...
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    new Bootcamp

    I've started with it beginning of this week. I haven't finished the excercise I think. I'm not sure because I work in a student book store and there I say hello or look them in the eyes to more than 100 girls a day. I will also try to give some results after every week. Hope it works for you...
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    Help! Im 24 and still a virgin

    Hey NoPride, I'm actually in the same situation as you. I'm 24, also a virgin, never got any further than kissing a girl, I also live with my parents. A lot of my friends have a girlfriend. For the rest. I've graduated last year, worked for 6 months and got fired. Result, after getting...
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    Can u really trust your friends?

    Oke thanks for the advice. You certainly have a point that some people take it better than others. Changes in state when I lefted high school for university were very slim, also because we all went the same year to the university.
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    Can u really trust your friends?

    Hey Maybnoob, I've got a simular problem like you. About three months I've discovered this site and started by reading the dj bible. After that I began to read ( and still reading ) a big amount of posts. Suddenly I realised that the afc description was me. Oke I already knowed that because...
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    The dangers of DJ-ing

    I know what you are talking about fender. I recently started reading books ( dj-bible, boot camp ). But I have also problems using all that stuff. I often think, what the h*ll am I doing, that's not me! But on the other hand, what have I achieved by acting like I use to do. That's right...