Some questions


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score

I just want to ask for some answers.

I know for most of the people on this forum most of the questions seems rather stupid. I've already read the bible!

1) Is it best to put the end of your shirt in or out of your pair of
trousers or doesn't it really matter?
2) Does the colour of shirt matters? ( I mostly wear white, black or gray )

3) You can divide my friends in two groups. First group do have the looks and succes with the girls but don't do a thing with this succes. Girls start hitting on them but they don't respond at all.
Second group make efforts, but they don't have succes. Which is the best to go out with? the ones with succes but who are afraid of talking to the girls, even when they initiate the conversation, or the others who often go for a talk but always ends with the LJBF - answer.

4) Do you recommend going out mostly to the same club or couple of clubs or rather going out to different places most of the time?

5) How can you do a succesfull ( I know every situation is different but I want to say an approach that might can work ) approach in a store, street, club, ...
I have read the bible, do some parts of bootcamp on my own, but my problem persists. I have no problem talking to strange girls, eyecontact or start the convo, but when I see a beautifull girl, I always fails on doing so.

6) Is it aloud to drink some beers when your female compagny does so?

Now something weird about yesterday's night out. I went out with a friend ( Kevin )and 3 of his girlfriends, None of them had a boyfriend
This friend has really a crush on Sarah, one of this girls HB 7 maximum. So he was constantly trying to seduce her. ( Dance, fluff talk, and yes buying drinks ) I was forced to spend time with the other two girls, Absolutely no punishment cause one of them was certaintly a HB 9, but absolutely no b*tch. I was constantly talking to both of them and teasing them.
Also an important detail was the alcohol. I was slightly intoxicated ( 1 coctail, between 5 - 10 beers and some sangria, a Spanish wine ) Sarah about the same and Kevin have been drinking much more! About 2.00 am Kevin left for 10 minutes to catch some money. I was there alone with this 3 girls, and Sarah told me that he wasn't her type and stuff like that. She started stroking my hand, arm but I pulled back, I could tell by the look on her face what she wanted but I didn't do anything because of the fact that my friend was trying to hit her. Was that a good decision or whould you have done anything different? Should I tell him that she isn't into him? And about the stroking?
