Alright here is whats up, I was sitting at my house last night and this chick sends me an ICQ message asking me who I am. I am very confused by this so I respond by telling her who I am then ask her who she is. She tells me her name then tells me that one of her friends said that she should add me to her list. Well I ask who her friend was, and I didn't know who her friend was so I don't know how they know me. Well after that I just started up a convo with herand started asking about her and stuff. Every now and then she would tell me about how she has remembered seeing me before(she even said that her and one of her friends stared at me while I was at a baseball game she was at.) I have never met this girl in my life but she said that she has seen me on more than one occation. From what she has said to me, I'm pretty sure that she likes me. Well before I could set up a date or anything she told me she had to go to bed(it was like 2:00 am) but she said she will talk to me tommorow AKA tonight via ICQ. She has already done the hard part for me by not making me approach, but I was just wondering how I steer the tonights convo with her to asking her on a date. I'm pretty sure I won't get rejected but I was just wanting to know how to take the conversation in the appropriate direction to do so. Any feedback is appreciated.