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  1. L

    How to kill the wuzz inside of me?

    Oke thanks, I'm glad someone told me. A gay haircutter, never tought of that, but it might work. I will give it a try. And as you suggested, I will first read some more.
  2. L

    How to kill the wuzz inside of me? Me at home, no I wasn't j**king off :-)
  3. L

    How to kill the wuzz inside of me?

    Thanks for the advice, I will keep it in mind this weekend. Talking to guys or ugly ladies isn't really a problem, than I can maintain the conversation without getting them bored. But when I start talking to a girl in who I'm interested, it always falls flat. The thought of messing up I...
  4. L

    i am getting more confident but...

    I completely understand what you mean jack03. I've got kinda same problem. I've got less problems with talking to a girl, even a gorgeous one, but the result is always one of the next two . 1) The conversation keeps simple ( without emotion, kino, rapport ) let's call it losertalk...
  5. L

    How to kill the wuzz inside of me?

    Hello, After spending almost a month on the forum, I decided to share you my sad story. The fact is that I'm a totally afc. I'm 24 years now, I love going out and do this 2 - 4 times a week for the last 8 years. But guess what, I never have had a girlfriend. In the beginning I was too...