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  1. L

    THE GAME (just finished readin it)

    I read it also some months ago ... good book, just the end was a little too long ... my opinion
  2. L

    The life of no love ...

    What I wanted to say is that the girls I kissed, it was like nothing special, I remember the first girl I kissed, It was awesome, I thought about her every second of the followign month or something like that. But now it's like I'm feeling absolutely nothing at all and that scares the hell out...
  3. L

    The life of no love ...

    Hi, After a couple of months of absence ( Trying the written stuff in real life ), I'm back here with the rapport. I used to be very shy, virgin, no relationship ( no present, none in the past, kissed like 5 girls ). I'm now reading the stuff for nearly 3 years. I must say when I'm...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    A friend of mine ( who is also goodlooking but very afraid of talking to woman ) starts often making out with fat chicks to boost his self-confidence Sincerely
  5. L

    Does this site changed your life? My opinion ...

    Hi, I was 22 when I found this site. Virgin and never had a relationship. I was very scared to go over and talk to a girl, couldn't hold eye contact, no female friends, dressed not very well and no fine haircut. No confidence what so ever. I started reading dj bible, another book about...
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    Helpless When Alone In Clubs

    Hi Diu, I know what you're saying, I'm 25, most of my friends are married, have girlfriends, don't go out that often anymore, ... you get the point. I go out when I want, for instance, yesterday I was with a friend in town, but he wants to leave at 0pm. I went to another pub. I know it is...
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    dateless, girlless, se*less, careless

    Okey maybe your right, but the thing is, I have these enormous problems for taking a conversation to the next level or to initiate a kiss. Until now, I've never initiated a kiss, always the girls who did this. Initiate a conversation isn't too hard, but talking about feelings, next level...
  8. L

    dateless, girlless, se*less, careless

    oke, here's a short review of whom I am, I'm 25, virgin, recently moved since I've graduated and found a new job far away from my home. I know what you are thinking, 25 and still virgin, what a loser, but I'm sure I'm not the only one here, besides that's the reason I'm here today. Besides...
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    Real life scenarios and openers

    - I never wear a clock, so asking for the hour will do, but it's difficult to manage from there. - Asking the way, a building, a certain place, ... - Tell her you're new in town and wants to know places and new people...
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    25 year old virgin

    Hi, You're not the only 25-year old virgin. I'm also still a virgin, but not like you I spend lots of time going out, joining clubs, talking to woman, being on dates ( blind dates, dates with chicks from the internet, ... ) Nothing worked. I've never had s*x, not even being close for one...
  11. L

    I fear I'm maybe Gay

    No, I'm raised by both parents. No, my d!ck isn't growing for a guy, only for girls. The question just came to me when I was seeing this movie about a guy who is gay and tells his parents and then starts his life ( No action, from the moment I see a movie where there is some gay action...
  12. L

    I fear I'm maybe Gay

    Thanks for all the respons, but I think I have to clear some things out. When I was talking about gay movies, I didn't ment s*x movies, just some movies of gay and lesbian people who came out for their sexuality, no action! I also don't think about guys in a sexual way, can't imagine...
  13. L

    I fear I'm maybe Gay

    Hi, I like some advise because I'm very confused. I'm actually several years very confused, but since a couple of months, I'm even doubting my sexual thoughts. Some background info, I'm 25, still virgin, never have had a girlfriend. When reading the bible, I did some approaches but always...
  14. L

    Smoking, how DJ is that?

    I don't smoke. In clubs people who smoke have a higher succes rate, but I doubt that if you start smoking, that your succes rate will rise. There are in my experience more jerks or natural seducers who smoke than jerks or natural seducers who doesn't smoke. Smoking is often a thing to...
  15. L

    Why does this always happens ... ?

    No, I'm not blaming my friends for my lack of succes. It's not their fault that the girls show more interest in them than in me, or that they are too scared to go over and talk with them at first. But It would help if they did, because it is very difficult thing to go all alone to some group...
  16. L

    Why does this always happens ... ?

    The problem is than not one of the better looking guys has the ***s to go over a girl and start a conversation. So it doensn't matter with who I go out with, if I want to talk to a girl I have to do it by myself, alone. And when you start talking to some girls all by yourself and your...
  17. L

    Why does this always happens ... ?

    I wonder what the best option is. I've got several friends with whom I go out often. ( about 10 ) Just like me they all suck in attracking girls or keeping them. I'm the only one of them who goes talking to strange girls, but without succes. Now I've asked myself what's best. Hanging out...
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    Slut or Not?!

    Not true, I'm living in Europe, Belgium in particular, and I can assure you that the word slut exist and is used often. and yes people are enjoying sexuality, but not all of them...
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    Does the dj-thing changed your life?

    I meant that my confidence has grown. Confidence to talk to people in general, girls in particular. But nomatter how much effort I put into my actions with girls, I still don't get anywhere. They talk nicely back, but at the end it's always the same outcome ... girl has to leave or conversation...
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    Does the dj-thing changed your life?

    Hi, To answer first my own question, it has, but not in the way I had hoped for. It's about a year ago I discovered this site. Before that, a friend of mine had given me a book of seduction ( tranceguide, how to lay girls ) There are many things I've learned ( the book, dj bible...