Why does this always happens ... ?


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
I wonder what the best option is.

I've got several friends with whom I go out often. ( about 10 )
Just like me they all suck in attracking girls or keeping them.

I'm the only one of them who goes talking to strange girls, but without succes. Now I've asked myself what's best. Hanging out with the less looking guys or with the better looking. I've field tested it both, results were slightly different but the outcome for me was still the same.

1) Going out with the less looking:
The girls don't or rarely look at us. When they were looking, it was in my general direction. When I went talking to them, I've got sometimes the question "who are those losers". Pointless to say it isn't going to help you get anywhere with those chicks by telling that those are friends of my.

2)Going out with the good looking:
The girls look more often. When I going to talk to them, they are friendly and then ask if my friend is still single, or if they can have is number, or when saying goodbye, they go in for making out with them.
No kidding, that just happens nearly every time when I'm going out with them.
I start a convo with a chick, and she jumps over to them without they doing any effort. My friends are only drinking and hanging at the bar, even they are goodlooking, they aren't interested in attracking girls.
Another thing is that they come over to us and start talking to one of them.
Very frustrating I must admit, not because this happened to me saterday, but because it has happened to me over 100 times, no kidding.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Go out with just one good looking friend. That way you don't look like a loser. And be preparred to be hit by ***** scrapnel.

Both of you should approach a couple of girls. The 2 girls can't both have him allthough that would be a hit to the ego lol. You might get lucky and one of them might give you a chance so her friend has a chance with your friend.

I know it sucks to be the person who is the ugly friend but it's better than being the sort of OK looking one in a bunch of nerds.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
The problem is than not one of the better looking guys has the ***s to go over a girl and start a conversation. So it doensn't matter with who I go out with, if I want to talk to a girl I have to do it by myself, alone.

And when you start talking to some girls all by yourself and your friends just standing there, it doens't make a good impression. Questions like why don't they come over ...
Often the girls goes over to them and I'm left outside ...


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Well if you're the only one in the good looking crowd with some balls capitalize on it. Establish the impression that you are the alpha male of the group - instead of trying to pickup girls by yourself with your friends staying behind invite them all over to join your crowd. Show them that you are the one in the group that the rest of the guys look up to - social proof is more important than looks.

Anyways - I think your problem isn't really what crowds you hang with. The fact that you cant build enough interest in the girls to keep them talking to you but they keep drifting over to your shy friends tells me you are doing something wrong...


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Krang! is right. Bring them over - They're the eye-candy for the girls. You can do the chatting up. Having them along will pierce their ***** shield, now it's up to you.

They can't be that bad. But seriously I don't know what you want. It seems you want to blame your friends for your problems. I know how that is, I used to do the same, it's an AFC move. Get over it!

You might have someone to blame and that might make you feel better but it won't get you a girl. Remember that!


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
No, I'm not blaming my friends for my lack of succes.
It's not their fault that the girls show more interest in them than in me, or that they are too scared to go over and talk with them at first.

But It would help if they did, because it is very difficult thing to go all alone to some group of chicks when the rest is just hanging there and doing nothing.

I realised already that the problem is with me, and not with them, the girls, community or whatever I used to think.