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  1. K

    would it be bad if...

    Your best friend went out with a girl, then broke up with her and while he's broke up you start talking with the girl, and make a move on her, only to learn that he's fallen back into the "oneitis" trap. he's a major AFC who's friendzoned and it's over for him, so should i go for it?
  2. K

    Post-valentines confusion.

    find another girl that you find attractive, mess around with her, and while your doing that keep gaming your friend, plan a date (make it fun, and make sure to know her interests to make good conversation!) try to get her comfortable around you, and when you feel the time is right go in for a...
  3. K

    when to go in for the kiss?

    yea i got the number, i was thinking the same thing at first.
  4. K

    when to go in for the kiss?

    well, i've been applying the DJ principles in life, so basically i've just been enjoying life and doing what i like to do. well, let me say, the girls really do come to you! a HB8 randomly added me on myspace, she sent me all these messages saying she wanted to meet me at the movies, and she...
  5. K

    hardly any girls in my classes

    thanks JJ, that's some really useful advice you just gave me, ill take it to heart and put that to good use. well im going to make time to befriend and chill with the not so good looking girls, and meet better girls through them. personally i think your right about cold approaches being...
  6. K

    hardly any girls in my classes

    well JJ understand that i work my *SS off to make money i really dont have time to go out and party all the time like some of you guys. THE FEW times i get to go do something that doesn't involve cutting boards, and fixing electrical mistakes made by self certified read it on the internet...
  7. K

    hardly any girls in my classes

    haha, never thought it could happen a second time in a row, but im stuck with hardly any girls in my classes (again), the only 2 HB 8's are in 2 of my classes, 1st and 4th. the other 2 "dateable" girls are 7.5 at the highest the one in 1st i've already tried to game, she flaked 3 times. strike...
  8. K

    Mixed message/what do i do? Need to know before 1/26! Help me ASAP

    haha this community has been slow for a while, most of the expert guys are takin a break from helping out the AFCs
  9. K

    how do i act and change my personality

    thanks for the post Iceberg, once i get more money, ill practice for motocross, and take up engine building as hobbies. then work on confidence and hopefully carry that into my personality
  10. K

    how do i act and change my personality

    already read it 3 times, friend
  11. K

    how do i act and change my personality

    when im around people, im always the quiet guy, so i go out and try not to be the quiet guy, by being outgoing, sometimes it feels like i got my game on doing everything right, but most of the time i act weird. i want to know how to act around people, especially girls to get them interested...
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    math 2, mixture of pre calculus and algebra
  13. K


    i have a problem. well, in my journey to becoming a DJ, i've realised that what people have been preaching is true. to survive in this world,to gain power, and to be successful, you need a good education. the only subject i really need help in is math, it's like i just cant do it. If i...
  14. K

    I don't know what to do...

    there's a fine line between a douchebag and a natural man, Rimo.
  15. K

    chillin with a girl in a couple days/ any advice?

    thanks for the great advice, I'm in the Mood the "date" is gonna take place at her house, and i was wondering what can we do for fun? these are the only ideas i have, 1. movie (aiming for a good comedy) 2. tag (gettin some kino in) 3.bake a cake (sounds ridiculous) 4.going for a walk...
  16. K

    chillin with a girl in a couple days/ any advice?

    well i've finally managed to get together with possibly two girls. i've got somewhat of a dj mindset, i just have problems with getting intimate, or displaying sexual interest without saying it verbally. Kino is my weakest area, and i have no idea what to do. also, how can i be more outgoing...
  17. K

    having a little trouble

    on my way to becoming a DJ i've realized the following problems, and any advice on fixing them is greatly appreciated. out in the field i've noticed people would rather hang out with someone else rather than me. im still having trouble talking to people, not topic wise, but whatever i...
  18. K

    How to do a cold approach in the hall?

    i hope someone answers this cause im having trouble with it to, i dont really have as many conversational options unless its like hey whats up, then i usually get a bland "nothing" hopefully someone can help us out on this one. also, how do you deal with her friends?
  19. K

    Building muscle without any weights?

    thanks for the advice cure, and old married dude. i've been working on my diet and calculating my protein and calorie intakes, it turns out i barely hit 2,000 calories on a regular day (and i thought i ate alot) and less than 80 grams of protein. now im counting my calories and making sure i get...