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  1. K

    Building muscle without any weights?

    thanks guys, i've been doing pushups situps, etc. it's hard to find a part time job here in kingsland, not even my mom can find one. (already have a bicycle though) im setting aside my dirtbike funds for a home weight set, since im turning our shed into my chill place, ill have some space...
  2. K

    Building muscle without any weights?

    im 6 ft 3, and 141 pounds. im trying to find a way to gain some healthy weight to fill in my body better, and build muscles at the same time. I dont have access to a gym around here, the nearest one is a ways away, and my parents stopped taking me to save gas. I also dont have enough money...
  3. K

    date ideas?

    thanks keepitirie!
  4. K

    my phone convo

    well here's how my phone convo for setting up the date went. it's my first time talking to someone i dont really know well over the phone, and it is fairly short. girl:hello? Me:hey (girl's name) !! It's kevin. girl:hey me:I'll be down in the lakes sunday, so we should chill then. girl:sure...
  5. K

    date ideas?

    yea, gotta wait about 3 months till my license :cry:
  6. K

    date ideas?

    thank you eaglez
  7. K

    My senior year and field reports

    thanks Duy! i really appreciate it. in the meantime ill be awaiting more posts of your success
  8. K

    date ideas?

    thank you blamont. Bowling, pool, and the classes you mentioned are all great ideas! i live in southern Georgia (U.S.) small town. last i checked ice skating isnt the thing to do here, but i cant skate either so :rolleyes: cooking classes and pottery arent available here, unless you take...
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    My senior year and field reports

    really? that's an interesting fact, I've noticed my voice is robotic alot, any way i could work on this Duy?
  10. K

    date ideas?

    so.. after reading some dj material for awhile, actually managed to grow a pair, and get a number. so, now that the hard parts done, what now? I live in a small town, not much to do except movies, (can get expensive) sometimes a fair pops up, other than that, theres not all that much, and...
  11. K

    Kick yourself in the ass if you need to

    this needs to be stickied, thanks for the post Jeff
  12. K

    This girl is killing me. DOES SHE LIKE ME?

    dude, its over, forget about her, there are plenty of girls out there that will be ready for a fresh DJ out of the box (you). start learning, have fun, dont worry about one girl, and get some hobbies. all these guys have basically said what i previously said, especially read the DJ bibile...
  13. K

    are movies good for a first date?

    i have been wondering, i live in a small town, so theres not really much to do. maybe bowling, but nothing fun and exciting like laser tag (i know these sound childish but the girls love it!) or anything else, so are the movies alright for a first date, then followed up with something like...
  14. K

    This girl is killing me. DOES SHE LIKE ME?

    well here's your first peice of advice, READ THE DJ BIBLE ASAP!! it will answer alot of your basic questions, sure it's a long read but it will be well worth it. another thing, why are you so stressed about one girl? you even resorted to working yourself half to death just so you could...
  15. K

    Need Some Advice

    im in the same boat buddy... i cant flirt, joke, or say anything interesting to a cute girl to save my life. It's like im a totally different person around certain people.
  16. K

    approach in the hallway?

    so i can honestly say there are no dateable girls in my classes until next semester, so i want to know the safest bet in approaching girls in the hallways/lunch without seeming weird in front of their friends. i always tell myself ill talk to this girl in the hallway, yada yada but it never...
  17. K

    some help on a self improvement program?

    thanks once again, jeffthechef :up: i found a bootcamp article from 05, a little outdated, but it could still be of some use, i will read over it and apply the exercises in it. hopefully ill be even better than before!
  18. K

    some help on a self improvement program?

    that bootcamp sounds interesting, if there's anyone hosting one, i'd be happy to join! does it cost any money? ill be sure to keep your idea about DJ logs in mind, sounds like a great idea! thanks for the support guys! hopefully ill be able to give something back to the community for all...
  19. K

    some help on a self improvement program?

    I want to develop a "highschool self improvement program" to hone my DJ skills, but i have a hard time doing so. i need your help, especially the guys that have been here a while. so far my year hasn't started out that bad, i can see improvement, but in the end i always feel like somethings...