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  1. K

    Still cant make the full transition

    I've been on the forums a while, and i've been out in the field for practice (maybe not enough) I've gotten to the point where i cant just seem to push forward. I've made some improvement though, It's just that everything seems to have come to a halt. Im stuck, whenever im at a party i chat up...
  2. K

    Easy does it - Part 1

    well its currently in progress, as far as i know, nobody mentioned a discontinuation, and interest seems fair so im sure he's not done
  3. K

    No Date for Prom, Should I go?

    guys lets just stick to the OP's problem. and smoking weed doesnt make you a loser, i know guys who do well and work hard, and they smoke once and a while. what makes you a loser is if you let it take over your life. Do NOT go to prom high, people can just tell and you'll act different...
  4. K

    Easy does it - Part 1

    Part 2 and 3 are within the pages of this thread
  5. K

    need some serious help in this situation

    Thanks bro, well it seems my ex has convinced her friend to help her get back together with me, but that's not going to happen and i guess im gonna have to lay down the ground rules to get that thought out of my Ex's head. (respectfully of course) and hopefully convince her to back off and let...
  6. K

    need some serious help in this situation

    Well one of my Exs best friends wants to go out with me. The only problem is that my ex also wants to get back together with me, and i fear that she has convinced her friend (HB 9.5) to try to hook her up with me instead. i explained that i only felt a "friend" thing for her. is there any way...
  7. K

    I need help with this girl

    eaglez hits the nail on the head, once again, before i could get a chance to swing =P
  8. K

    Help!!! Dnt wana next her, well not yet

    Hey man, there's no gain in waiting for this girl, even though things might have been going well at first, it can change, maybe she's suddenly attracted to her boyfriend again, or she was just a big tease. Whatever the case, you should be hitting up some other girls and having fun. If she...
  9. K

    what to do?

    thanks bro!
  10. K

    what to do?

    i know this sounds like a dumb question, but i havent run into a situation like this before. I tried chilling with this girl a couple times, but she never seemed to make it, well not to long ago i just decided to next her and let her know that since she never seems to be able hang out, im...
  11. K

    townhouses suk

    dang YogurtSlinger, that's what my answer was but i thought it was too stupid for the forums
  12. K

    Motivational song to all you HS guys

    cool, ill check it out
  13. K

    Motivational song to all you HS guys should be the "run this school" parody. i know the singings terrible haha but i thought it would be a good song to get the HS boys fired up.
  14. K

    townhouses suk

  15. K

    Anyone considering Accutane....(my experience so far)

    I used to have really bad acne that would never go away. At first, i thought accutane was too risky, but i took the leap anyways, and it was GREAT!!. I started out 80mg and continued for 12 months, now im taking 40mg pill a day, and im on my 13th month, face never looked better!!
  16. K

    what do you guys think?

  17. K

    what do you guys think?

    Please remove thread, I've found the answer.
  18. K

    Sophomore HighSchool Guide

    nah, continue the guide man, it should be a good read, since im still a sophmore for 3 more months.
  19. K

    would it be bad if...

  20. K

    would it be bad if...

    thanks guys, i really appreciate it. so far, i've confronted him, and he seems ok, but i let him know that if he has any problems/ last minute decisions, then he should let me know and ill back off. he seems cool with it, and appreciates the honesty.