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  1. K

    What do I do?

    Damn you guys are right. it's already been close to two weeks and We wont get to see each other until school in 3 days. Instead of waiting and making a move after a date, Should I just straight up kiss her in the hall? or kiss her on the cheek at school then go for a kiss after our trip to the gym?
  2. K

    What do I do?

    The same girl in my last post found out her boyfriend of one year cheated on her. Well apparently she likes me but the problem is she hasn't broken up with her boyfriend yet. She told me that he gives her a lot of excuses and that she feels sorry for him. This girl is super cute and I'd...
  3. K

    First date

    Her parents are super strict, and so far it looks like all she can do is go to the base gym with me. What do I do? the gym seems like a weird place to date someone. I'm trying to close with a kiss.
  4. K

    so whats up with this

    me and this girl have chilled a few times. but recently at a get together she said she always felt that i would stare at her and criticize her all the time. i told her i didnt know what she was talking about. must be the ganja she was smoking blah blah. (not my thing). in my hammered state i...
  5. K

    tell me how i did

    You know? i never would've guessed it, but thinking back your right about texting that. maybe it is legit, after all i think going to bootcamp is a pretty legit excuse. (well its a contract for the navy now) seeing how she was so attached to me when i first took her out. maybe she still does...
  6. K

    tell me how i did

    thanks for helping me analyze my problems Space King. i guess i have to find a way to get rid of all the AFC crap thats been instilled in me. (partly due to my family's values). for someone new on the board you know your stuff. cheers:cheer: well i can chalk it up as a learning experience...
  7. K

    tell me how i did

    true. well i did go over and meet her parents. pretty cool people the night didnt go so well tho. we sat there and talked. but the more we did the more my frame was crashing down. eventually i ended up telling her she was attractive. blah blah. i somehow felt this was awkward. (it was i'd...
  8. K

    tell me how i did

    Work called me in on the day i was supposed to go to the gun range. so it never got around to that. Earlier today the girl txts me asking me to hang out and hit up the movies. so im down for it. so i get pick of the movie. i choose limitless. we have a thirty minute wait. so i suggest going...
  9. K

    well, did i F*ck up again?

    haha. well theres not much to do where i live. and i remember reading a post about how action dates are the best. So naturally my first option is the gun cabinet. i thought it was pretty creative haha
  10. K

    well, did i F*ck up again?

    After a failure with a HB in second block. (all i did was smile and give her a whats up nod, to which i received a nasty look that i tried to play off) I talked to a girl in 3rd whom expressed interest in me. we made some conversation and convinced her to try out a new hairstyle for me. she...
  11. K

    Slipping into oneitis for a straight guy.

    So do you mean you envy this guy and wish you had his traits? or did you just come out the closet? if so, please go back in.
  12. K


    A girl i know recently broke up wither her boyfriend. she said she wanted to date me, and the guy she goes out with isnt really her boyfriend. just someone to have around. she jokes around alot so i cant tell if she's serious. she just said "we should date". i think shes doing it to maker...
  13. K

    Any thoughts?

    After some time reflecting, i think I've realized what's wrong with me. I've read a good bit of the DJ Bible. I just dont know how to apply it right. for instance, i read an article on conversation. I applied that in my life and my conversations do last longer. The problem? Its not fun or...
  14. K


    thanks. im hoping over time something will just "click"
  15. K


    I first found this website three years ago. I am a junior in high school now. I was a major AFC. Presently i am 10X better than before. I have a higher level of confidence and i dont take **** from people. I still have problems that i cant seem to improve upon, and i was hoping you could...
  16. K

    Friends mom came on to me

    not at all. Its just that its my friends mom its weird, i never would think i'd experience something like this in my life. I hear stories about it all the time though, just never thought it would happen to me. After consideration I think its just another interesting detail that enriches...
  17. K

    Friends mom came on to me

    I think you misunderstood what i wrote. It was his mom and her friend (who is also a girl) They both have boyfriends is what i meant. I think your right, I'll just ignore it. If it gets that far, i'll explain that im young and its not right for me to do that kind of stuff with my friends mom.
  18. K

    Friends mom came on to me

    I was at my friend's party getting smashed. some people went to bed, and only a few were awake. My friends mom had been messing with me since last week. I thought she was just kidding cause she likes to make people uncomfortable. She'd call me sexy and stuff all the time. I got used to it...
  19. K

    Im not sure how to go about this

    I know the DJ way is just to focus on your own life, and bring others into it. I picked up hobbies and new friends. making conversations with people around the school and all. BUT i still cant be "that guy" who everyone always wants to hang with. I guess you could say the cool guy. I do...