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  1. K

    Going to WESTERN in 9 days.

    Its going to be just as hard or just as easy as everywhere else. If thats your main concern. moving to another area wont increase your chances. Although if you do have a bad rep anywhere else it'll certainly give you a clean slate to grow and show your DJ know-how.
  2. K

    how can i project Alpha male qualities better?

    thanks for the visual examples, it has helped improve my body language greatly! I'll start a FR soon. i just need a little more time. haha
  3. K

    What to say when a girl or their friend asks if you like her?

    thanks Scars. everything that is mentioned about mystery and being vague does help. but theres a certain point where you'll have to stop. I've lost one to many to being Mr. Mystery for too long. personally i've taken a more "direct" approach to things and i feel more comfortable this way. It...
  4. K

    how can i project Alpha male qualities better?

    I've read the DJ Bible and i've tried to apply these principles in my life better, but it seems to have given me a false sense of confidence or alpha nature. I feel alpha, but nothing really seems to have changed, so i must not be alpha. In conversation, i usually start by being interested in...
  5. K

    If You were in My Position

    You could beat the **** out of him, I'd definatly consider it, but eventually you'll have to think things through, and in the end the bigger man is the one who avoids trouble and play it off smooth. words are just words. If he touches you, destroy him. :yes:
  6. K

    how can i get friends to have my back?

    Dude, idk what happened. but heres whats going down apparently. well i supposedly fvcked this girl that has a drug dealer boyfriend. and i've been hearing this from multiple people. Even my mom, cause somehow everyone is connected to this. Her mom tells my mom (she didnt know it was my mom...
  7. K

    how can i get friends to have my back?

    Things have not been going well lately. Sh!t has been going down and somehow im involved in it. im not going into detail. but i was wondering how you can get friends to have your back.
  8. K

    What should I do

    No, she's most likely an attention Wh0re. Or just wants to use you as an emotional tampon to kill time with until her and her boyfriend meet up again. Unless she shows sexual interest in you, back off and check out other girls, if she becomes single try her out again if you want.
  9. K

    Being a Better Conversationalist

    is that link safe?
  10. K

    starting a conversation with the neighbors

    Ok, thanks man! ill set out on a google search as soon as i get back.
  11. K

    starting a conversation with the neighbors

    sorry, your advice would've been greatly appreciated. I just needed help initiating conversation with a group of girls next door that i know is interested in me, im just not good at initiating group conversations, but with girls that are alone i do just fine. i deleted it cause i thought it...
  12. K

    starting a conversation with the neighbors

  13. K

    I got called "sweetheart", good sign or bad sign?

    hahaha most of the waitresses around here do that anyways.
  14. K

    Easy does it - Part 1

    lol, didnt notice the date, not too long ago it was posted here so i thought it was pretty fresh, my bad. lol but im sure the other guys on here really need this anyways, still valuable info
  15. K

    Easy does it - Part 1

    bump. come on sammo keep em coming. i'd hate to see this at the bottom of the list
  16. K

    How should I attempt to bring up Religion?

    In my Opinion, i wouldn't bring up religion in a conversation, Things can get really heated in religious conversation (not in the good way either). and its just best not to bring it up. maybe she wont even notice the Jewish accomodies in your house, if she does, then truthfully explain it to...
  17. K

    how to handle strict moms?

    haha thanks man, that helps reinforce things a little bit.
  18. K

    how to handle strict moms?

    This girl is really interested in me, and i made plans to go out with her, but her mom is a total B!tch, and by B!tch i mean REALLY MEAN, i heard she is kinda psycho and gets crazy mad at times.. she has bad taste in selecting boys for her daughter too.. (this girls Ex that her mom picked is...
  19. K

    Still cant make the full transition

    I get what your saying here, i go into parties with a mindset almost like yours, but when im actually partying or talking, it's like its come to a halt, im stuck in the crowd listening to the funny guys bust on the girls, or they'll chill with my bro's or some other guys while im stuck on the...
  20. K

    I'm Mean?

    man im in the same boat here, im not funny to anyone at all, except certain times when i dont mean to be funny wich are few and far between