what to do?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
i know this sounds like a dumb question, but i havent run into a situation like this before.

I tried chilling with this girl a couple times, but she never seemed to make it, well not to long ago i just decided to next her and let her know that since she never seems to be able hang out, im just gonna drop it.

then she explains to me that she wants to go out with me, and wants to meet me at the gym.

now what do i do, she admitted she wants to go out with me, should I
just tell her we're going out now or just meet her, talk for a bit and kiss her (This is what i usually do) but im not sure if i should do this cause there's alot of people around.

i know some of you are going to say take her out somewhere, but apparently her parents are pretty strict about some things, so it's pretty hard to get some privacy say after a movie in a theater.


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
hey man, one of my best friends at college is a girl with strict parents.
She has a bf who is a complete natural I mean that guy HAS GAMEEEEE.....

But anyways her dad would castrate her boyfriend if he did anything with her that would go beyond holding hands....

What I told you above is just to set the picture so that you know the situation.

A week ago they had sex....at her boyfriend's house...

So dude, just try to take her to your place and do what ever you wanna do.

Good luck!!!!