I need help with this girl


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
The Night I Met Her: Skip reading this if you want it just gives the details

I was with my friend Andrew at a big hang out spot. I spotted a group of 3 girls. I thought the blonde one was really pretty but I never made a move. Later that night I was in a sandwich shop and stared her down. She actually came in to check me out and faked reading a sign. I freaked out that she actually came in and pretended not to notice and they soon left. I again see her again on a bridge.... but what's that?! Uh she is talking to an other guy!!! I got a small boost of adrenaline and physically pushed him. Now I'm a teen power lifter so I'm bigger then most people so he just got pissed off and thew a fit but did not really confront me. I did physically keep him a way. The girls seemed to enjoy the little show though. The blond girl did mention "hey that's my friend" and I uh forgot what happened but soon enough she was calling me her best friend. The night ended in me saying "Hey since we are best friends I think we should stay in contact." and she said "uhhh.... yea" and pointed at her phone that was already out like she was waiting for me to ask for her number. 10 minutes later she text me saying "hey what's up best friend?"


So pretty much she seems really into me. I talked to her on facebook and we just chatted about random stuff like what kind of weather that we like, where we are going over the summer, etc. I also did this on Saturday. On Sunday I called her. It was a wreck. I was full of nervous laughter and sometimes there was dead silence from time to time. She was at the park with her friends and I could hear them saying stuff like "Ask him <insert question>" so her friends obviously know.

I'm now choosing not to talk or text to her for two days. Make her start wondering if I like her and stuff. And when I do call/text her she will be really happy to receive it.

This is the most important part!!!! if you choose to read anything read this!!!

I plan on asking this girl out on Wednesday. I'm thinking about calling her though I suck over the phone. I'm going to keep it short and just ask her out then say how excited I am and what ever and say our good byes. I just have some questions.

Here are some brainstorm areas I have for a date.

She lives pretty close to me all though she goes to a different school. I can easily ride my bike to the area where she lives and meet her up at the park. This would be a quick date. If things are going good I'll stay longer. If things are going not so good I can just say that i have to get going before I make things worse.

I can tell her to come along to the place I met her. The only problem with this is that when you go to Rio it tends to be for a long time. I think a 3-4 hour date is to long for the first date. There is coffee, ice cream and stuff there and I would pay for what ever she gets.

There is an other similar place where she normally hangs out where all of her friends are. I figured that is also a good spot because her friends will see me with her and that's probably good for her image.

Ice skating is a good idea too. I know that it's spring. Do people still ice skate when it's warm out? I've only been there in winter. I'm pretty good I never fall down and pretty agile. There is stuff I can't do though like go backwards. If I take her ice skating can I hold her hand on the first date? I'd pay for her admission and rental skates.

For any of these date ideas I could mention that she should bring some of her friends. It would ease some of my nervousness but might also take away the one on one with us. Should I let her and possibly my friends come to "hang out" or should it just be us? I'm worried about it being awkward if we are alone.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Boxer said:
The Night I Met Her: Skip reading this if you want it just gives the details

I was with my friend Andrew at a big hang out spot. I spotted a group of 3 girls. I thought the blonde one was really pretty but I never made a move. Later that night I was in a sandwich shop and stared her down. She actually came in to check me out and faked reading a sign. I freaked out that she actually came in and pretended not to notice and they soon left. I again see her again on a bridge.... but what's that?! Uh she is talking to an other guy!!! I got a small boost of adrenaline and physically pushed him. Now I'm a teen power lifter so I'm bigger then most people so he just got pissed off and thew a fit but did not really confront me. I did physically keep him a way. The girls seemed to enjoy the little show though. The blond girl did mention "hey that's my friend" and I uh forgot what happened but soon enough she was calling me her best friend. The night ended in me saying "Hey since we are best friends I think we should stay in contact." and she said "uhhh.... yea" and pointed at her phone that was already out like she was waiting for me to ask for her number. 10 minutes later she text me saying "hey what's up best friend?"


So pretty much she seems really into me. I talked to her on facebook and we just chatted about random stuff like what kind of weather that we like, where we are going over the summer, etc. I also did this on Saturday. On Sunday I called her. It was a wreck. I was full of nervous laughter and sometimes there was dead silence from time to time. She was at the park with her friends and I could hear them saying stuff like "Ask him <insert question>" so her friends obviously know.

I'm now choosing not to talk or text to her for two days. Make her start wondering if I like her and stuff. And when I do call/text her she will be really happy to receive it.

This is the most important part!!!! if you choose to read anything read this!!!

I plan on asking this girl out on Wednesday. I'm thinking about calling her though I suck over the phone. I'm going to keep it short and just ask her out then say how excited I am and what ever and say our good byes. I just have some questions.

Here are some brainstorm areas I have for a date.

She lives pretty close to me all though she goes to a different school. I can easily ride my bike to the area where she lives and meet her up at the park. This would be a quick date. If things are going good I'll stay longer. If things are going not so good I can just say that i have to get going before I make things worse.

I can tell her to come along to the place I met her. The only problem with this is that when you go to Rio it tends to be for a long time. I think a 3-4 hour date is to long for the first date. There is coffee, ice cream and stuff there and I would pay for what ever she gets.

There is an other similar place where she normally hangs out where all of her friends are. I figured that is also a good spot because her friends will see me with her and that's probably good for her image.

For any of these date ideas I could mention that she should bring some of her friends. It would ease some of my nervousness but might also take away the one on one with us. Should I let her and possibly my friends come to "hang out" or should it just be us? I'm worried about it being awkward if we are alone.
Ohh boy...here goes.

First off, I actually found it really funny when she texted you "Hey whats up best friend" and then you said right after that "So pretty much she seems really into me". Lmaoo.

Listen man, you are in the friend zone with this chick. Completely. You can do what you want but I'm telling you that as of now you're not getting ANY ass from this chick. You gotta be more sexual with her, totally avoid using the term "friend" at any point with her, kino her more, and then make a move and see what happens.

And dont "ask" her out on a date, and NEVER do it over the phone. Go up to her in person and say "Hey lets see a movie this saturday" (just an example). See how I didnt ask? "Hey im going to the mall this friday you should come along with me". ANd dont go on a date where her friends are around, cuz then its just gonna add anxiety if you attempt to make a move, and she may ditch you for her friends.

I suggest read the DJ Bible and numerous other articles cuz it seems like you need a lot of help.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Boxer said:
The Night I Met Her: Skip reading this if you want it just gives the details

I was with my friend Andrew at a big hang out spot. I spotted a group of 3 girls. I thought the blonde one was really pretty but I never made a move. Later that night I was in a sandwich shop and stared her down. She actually came in to check me out and faked reading a sign. I freaked out that she actually came in and pretended not to notice and they soon left. I again see her again on a bridge.... but what's that?! Uh she is talking to an other guy!!! I got a small boost of adrenaline and physically pushed him. Now I'm a teen power lifter so I'm bigger then most people so he just got pissed off and thew a fit but did not really confront me. I did physically keep him a way. The girls seemed to enjoy the little show though. The blond girl did mention "hey that's my friend" and I uh forgot what happened but soon enough she was calling me her best friend. The night ended in me saying "Hey since we are best friends I think we should stay in contact." and she said "uhhh.... yea" and pointed at her phone that was already out like she was waiting for me to ask for her number. 10 minutes later she text me saying "hey what's up best friend?"


So pretty much she seems really into me. I talked to her on facebook and we just chatted about random stuff like what kind of weather that we like, where we are going over the summer, etc. I also did this on Saturday. On Sunday I called her. It was a wreck. I was full of nervous laughter and sometimes there was dead silence from time to time. She was at the park with her friends and I could hear them saying stuff like "Ask him <insert question>" so her friends obviously know.

I'm now choosing not to talk or text to her for two days. Make her start wondering if I like her and stuff. And when I do call/text her she will be really happy to receive it.

This is the most important part!!!! if you choose to read anything read this!!!

I plan on asking this girl out on Wednesday. I'm thinking about calling her though I suck over the phone. I'm going to keep it short and just ask her out then say how excited I am and what ever and say our good byes. I just have some questions.

Here are some brainstorm areas I have for a date.

She lives pretty close to me all though she goes to a different school. I can easily ride my bike to the area where she lives and meet her up at the park. This would be a quick date. If things are going good I'll stay longer. If things are going not so good I can just say that i have to get going before I make things worse.

I can tell her to come along to the place I met her. The only problem with this is that when you go to Rio it tends to be for a long time. I think a 3-4 hour date is to long for the first date. There is coffee, ice cream and stuff there and I would pay for what ever she gets.

There is an other similar place where she normally hangs out where all of her friends are. I figured that is also a good spot because her friends will see me with her and that's probably good for her image.

Ice skating is a good idea too. I know that it's spring. Do people still ice skate when it's warm out? I've only been there in winter. I'm pretty good I never fall down and pretty agile. There is stuff I can't do though like go backwards. If I take her ice skating can I hold her hand on the first date? I'd pay for her admission and rental skates.

For any of these date ideas I could mention that she should bring some of her friends. It would ease some of my nervousness but might also take away the one on one with us. Should I let her and possibly my friends come to "hang out" or should it just be us? I'm worried about it being awkward if we are alone.
Not that I'm as good as eaglez or anything (you should defiantly listen to him if our ideas conflict) but here it goes.
So yeah I do see this girl being a little into you (that is, on a scale of 1-100 [100 being the best], maybe 5). Totally agree with eagz though that you gotta start being a hell of a lot more sexual with this chick. You gotta start initiating a lot of kino, left and right, if you really want any chance with this.

I also thought it was really funny/weird how you first met this girl. You see her so many times (how the hell does that even happen haha), don't talk to her, then you see her talking to a guy and you randomly go up and push the guy? And then all of a sudden you're 'best friends?' lol

Personally, I don't think the 'best friends' thing is game over yet as eagz says. I think that sometimes girls say that stuff just to seem kind of cute or something/trying to make convo by referring to a past experience that you both shared.

As for the date, I have personally learned that over the phone sucks balls. You get nervouse, maybe fuk up a little and then before you know it you're in a situation where she's calling you back or something and then she never does, and then you have to call her etc....its just a mess. Ask her in person by saying 'we should...' or 'lets go...'. Actually, don't ask her, tell her your plans and that she should come for the ride or something.

Also, before I forget, about the delayed talking to her stuff, I personally think you gotta be carfull with that because it can end up being a double edged sword. Wait too long/avoid her too much and she'll start to get annoyed/pissed off at you. Time it right though, and it can work pretty well I think. Just don't overdue it.

anyways, that's just my 2 cents. good luck


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
AlexLefty said:
Not that I'm as good as eaglez or anything (you should defiantly listen to him if our ideas conflict) but here it goes.
So yeah I do see this girl being a little into you (that is, on a scale of 1-100 [100 being the best], maybe 5). Totally agree with eagz though that you gotta start being a hell of a lot more sexual with this chick. You gotta start initiating a lot of kino, left and right, if you really want any chance with this.

I also thought it was really funny/weird how you first met this girl. You see her so many times (how the hell does that even happen haha), don't talk to her, then you see her talking to a guy and you randomly go up and push the guy? And then all of a sudden you're 'best friends?' lol

Personally, I don't think the 'best friends' thing is game over yet as eagz says. I think that sometimes girls say that stuff just to seem kind of cute or something/trying to make convo by referring to a past experience that you both shared.

As for the date, I have personally learned that over the phone sucks balls. You get nervouse, maybe fuk up a little and then before you know it you're in a situation where she's calling you back or something and then she never does, and then you have to call her etc....its just a mess. Ask her in person by saying 'we should...' or 'lets go...'. Actually, don't ask her, tell her your plans and that she should come for the ride or something.

Also, before I forget, about the delayed talking to her stuff, I personally think you gotta be carfull with that because it can end up being a double edged sword. Wait too long/avoid her too much and she'll start to get annoyed/pissed off at you. Time it right though, and it can work pretty well I think. Just don't overdue it.
anyways, that's just my 2 cents. good luck
Actually hes doing a good thing by deciding to limit the amount of contact with her. For the girl, it creates the feeling of "missing someone" or simply just missing talking to them/seeing them. Wayyy better to do something like that to a girl rather than talk to her every single day all the time.

Limiting contact is great for creating attraction because along with creating the object of missing someone, it also shows that your own time is valuable, and that she is not the most important thing going on in your life/your only source of fun/attention.

EDIT: I mean obviously if he totally ignores her for a week straight then she may get a little upset/annoyed. That would be the only case of "overdoing it". I was gaming a chick this past summer, and I would only speak to her like 3 different times through each week, and see her about once a week. It really worked out great because since we didnt speak every single day all the time, there was so much more for us to talk about and the conversations were MUCH more exciting/fun than with girls I spoke to every day. Not to mention that hanging out once a week would result in a wild night, once again MUCH more fun and exciting compared to some girls I saw a lot more often.

Think of it as this: Your favorite food is pizza. If you had pizza every single night for dinner, wouldn't you get sick and tired of it really quickly? It wouldnt be as enjoyable to eat. But if you had it maybe only once or twice a week, you would enjoy it much more. See the analogy?
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Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
eaglez hits the nail on the head, once again, before i could get a chance to swing =P