how do i act and change my personality


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
when im around people, im always the quiet guy, so i go out and try not to be the quiet guy, by being outgoing, sometimes it feels like i got my game on doing everything right, but most of the time i act weird.

i want to know how to act around people, especially girls to get them interested, and give them a good time, so they actually want to hang out with me again, and not call me up as a last resort cause they got nobody else fun to hang out with.

it's hard to describe, it's just that if i try to be outgoing, i just act weird, but that's just how i am when im outgoing, that's why i prefer to stay quiet and not take risks.

how can i develop my personality to be a funny, outgoing person that knows how to have a good time, and still have backbone and take risks getting sexual when it comes to girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
kevin1198 said:
already read it 3 times, friend
He's right though. Your question is pretty basic...well as "basic" as changing your whole persona can be.

You need confidence. How do you change your personality? You have to find hobbies and passions that have nothing to do with women. I was the quiet one of my group too...then I found things that made me happy that didn't rely on their approval. Once I had that, my happiness with myself blended into my social life. I was telling more jokes, smiling more, laughing louder. And with that, came the women.

So that's my advice, and basically what the DJ Bible tells you. Become a complete man. Not a woman-chaser. Not a meat-head. A guy who knows his place in the world, and isn't afraid of expressing it.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
He's right though. Your question is pretty basic...well as "basic" as changing your whole persona can be.

You need confidence. How do you change your personality? You have to find hobbies and passions that have nothing to do with women. I was the quiet one of my group too...then I found things that made me happy that didn't rely on their approval. Once I had that, my happiness with myself blended into my social life. I was telling more jokes, smiling more, laughing louder. And with that, came the women.

So that's my advice, and basically what the DJ Bible tells you. Become a complete man. Not a woman-chaser. Not a meat-head. A guy who knows his place in the world, and isn't afraid of expressing it.
thanks for the post Iceberg, once i get more money, ill practice for motocross, and take up engine building as hobbies.
then work on confidence and hopefully carry that into my personality