chillin with a girl in a couple days/ any advice?


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
well i've finally managed to get together with possibly two girls.
i've got somewhat of a dj mindset, i just have problems with getting intimate, or displaying sexual interest without saying it verbally.
Kino is my weakest area, and i have no idea what to do.

also, how can i be more outgoing, in a non-weird way?
sometimes my game is just all lined up going smoothly, everything i say just works, but now most of the time, when im being out going, it's just awkward and i say some pretty weird things that seem funny to me.

(im going to re read some more articles in the bible to hopefully enforce my old mindeset)


any help is greatly appreciated!

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
Well when you're first learning to be outgoing it should feel weird because you're not used to communicating in that way.

The only key to eliminating weirdness is self-confidence. Speak indifferently from your own point of view. What may at first seem awkward to you may seem unique to somebody else, so there really is no awkwardness once you get past the discomfort of using your brain and your mouth in a way you're not used to before.

I'm actually going to try the same lol I haven't pushed my comfort zone in awhile.

Oh and as for sexual interest, just look into her eyes for a little bit longer than usual when you're talking. You can also soften your eyes by lowering the lids, which is sometimes referred to as "bedroom eyes."

Girls will pick up on these subtle hints in your body language, and they usually come naturally so you'll have no trouble showing your interest.
On the other hand, you shouldn't hesitate to freely talk about sex with her to demonstrate your sexual confidence.

Well that's all for now!


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the great advice, I'm in the Mood

the "date" is gonna take place at her house, and i was wondering what can we do for fun?

these are the only ideas i have,
1. movie (aiming for a good comedy)
2. tag (gettin some kino in)
3.bake a cake (sounds ridiculous)
4.going for a walk

there's not a whole lot you can do in this small town, so you wont be able to do anything like bowling (their closing down the alleys), go karts, skating etc. and im only 15, so i won't be able to drive anywhere yet.

there possibly could be another girl over there, a friend of her's, and her mom MOST LIKELY will be there. so how can i escalate with her to increase my chances of attraction while they are around?


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hmmm. well it depends on the mom. if shes an uptight one or just one of those chill ones who wants their kid to lmao.
And tag seems a bit childish but you could bake a cake or cookies from scratch (get some kino in there) and while waiting for it to bake watch a good movie. you never know, it could lead to something nice.
And i do know how you feel. kino felt wierd to me at first but as it went on i got used to it. usually a light upper arm touch is good longer than one would usually hold it or a touch on the upper back.
^use that for reference. And dont sweat it. Just practice it on girls that are remotely good looking or flat out gorgeous. That way it won't matter to you who youre doing and you dont feel wierd when you wanna get with the girl for real.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
kevin1198 said:
thanks for the great advice, I'm in the Mood

the "date" is gonna take place at her house, and i was wondering what can we do for fun?

these are the only ideas i have,
1. movie (aiming for a good comedy)
2. tag (gettin some kino in)
3.bake a cake (sounds ridiculous)
4.going for a walk

there's not a whole lot you can do in this small town, so you wont be able to do anything like bowling (their closing down the alleys), go karts, skating etc. and im only 15, so i won't be able to drive anywhere yet.

there possibly could be another girl over there, a friend of her's, and her mom MOST LIKELY will be there. so how can i escalate with her to increase my chances of attraction while they are around?
You could watch a movie if you really wanted to, and you could be like every other guy she's met with typical date ideas.

Have you ever heard the term 'action date' before? It's an "athletic" date.

In my opinion, action dates are the best way to spark that initial attraction, because as a man, you have a natural advantage in being stronger, faster and more competitive than most women, so action dates easier for you to DHV.

Okay, a word of warning:

If she has a girlfriend with her, you have two options:
1. Say "So where's your friend's date; this is a double date isn't it?" And then LEAVE, saying "Sorry I don't swing like that, BYE!"

2. Play them both, showing more attention towards the girl you DON'T WANT, isolate the girl you do want, then use a kiss test on her.

#2 is VERY HARD to pull off if you aren't experienced, so it's probably a better idea to leave if she has a friend over. Remember, you don't want to be friend-zoned.

Don't worry about her mom though; she's a married woman and you're going to meet her parents eventually anyway if you choose to pursue her.

Next time, don't make things too hard for yourself!!

Date = You + ONE girl


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Basicly, just have fun with her. Dont think about what you should or should not do. Dont be thinking about how your gonna get in her pants. Just live in the moment and introduce her to your world.