
Don Juan
Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
i have a problem.

well, in my journey to becoming a DJ, i've realised that what people have been preaching is true. to survive in this world,to gain power, and to be successful, you need a good education.

the only subject i really need help in is math, it's like i just cant do it.
If i actually manage to learn something, i forget it the next day but i can remember science and all other subjects with no effort, because i literally sleep in all those classes, never do my work and still pass EOCT's with flying colors. and the teachers usually end up impressed and tell me that i have so much potential, if only i put more effort into it.
BUT it's really hard to learn in my math support class because the students in there never shut up, and we never get work done.
so im trying to motivate myself to self teach math.
I know that if i dont do it i will fail just like all the other losers in my class, and i dont want to be one of them.

so can i get any help with this guys? when it comes to math it just seems like it's hopeless.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
it's effort

i used to think the same thing about ap physics
was a ***** for the first three units...the basic **** too

i couldn't figure out what the **** was going on...
immediate reactions..
1. I can't do this.
2. My teacher can't teach this.
3. The class isn't well structured.

Once you get past those immediate get to the point..
it's all effort and time

i made myself believe i was putting in lots of time and effort

even if you spend hours doing studying...if your problem persists, you aren't studying efficiently...if you're not spending hours...start studying more

it's all about priority really

one thing that helped me a lot with senior slump is a lifestyle change

1. I stopped playing video games...plan to sell them actually..i have the old **** too so they dont make games for em anyways

2. Less internet.

3. More work adjustable dumbbells which are fcking amazing

4. more studying


Eat/sleep/study/work out/school/girls/friends
not in any particular order

but i cut out the junk...why chat online when you can meet up in person..why play games when you can be doing stuff that will help you in the future and the present

just keep styding...and cut the junk out of your dont have to cut out video games and the internet completely..but definitly reflect on your priorities


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
jeffthechef said:
it's effort

i used to think the same thing about ap physics
was a ***** for the first three units...the basic **** too

i couldn't figure out what the **** was going on...
immediate reactions..
1. I can't do this.
2. My teacher can't teach this.
3. The class isn't well structured.

Once you get past those immediate get to the point..
it's all effort and time

i made myself believe i was putting in lots of time and effort

even if you spend hours doing studying...if your problem persists, you aren't studying efficiently...if you're not spending hours...start studying more

it's all about priority really

one thing that helped me a lot with senior slump is a lifestyle change

1. I stopped playing video games...plan to sell them actually..i have the old **** too so they dont make games for em anyways

2. Less internet.

3. More work adjustable dumbbells which are fcking amazing

4. more studying


Eat/sleep/study/work out/school/girls/friends
not in any particular order

but i cut out the junk...why chat online when you can meet up in person..why play games when you can be doing stuff that will help you in the future and the present

just keep styding...and cut the junk out of your dont have to cut out video games and the internet completely..but definitly reflect on your priorities
Jeff is completely right, everything you need is in that post.