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  1. M

    "Keep your Hands Off My Girl"

    Ugh... no offense, but I'll stick with Unbreakable, thanks.
  2. M

    Kiddy Muscles- Pics

    Wow. Awesome.
  3. M


    Weird, I find it cute when girls do it.
  4. M

    Do me a fricking favor, Read the whole thing, and Help a brother out? I'm in the same boat, well sort of... I don't think my situation is as bad as yours, but still. Sometimes it's hard to find opportunities and if you can't go and sarge somewhere else it can become boring. Personally since I'm not going...
  5. M

    Female Friends

    Intelligent and articulate women. They exist. You can have real, non brain damage-inducing discussions with them.
  6. M

    Do you think women Fvck up their lines too?

    They're people. People screw up sometimes.
  7. M

    A real man

    Heh. I wish I knew that person.
  8. M

    Wack girls are always the first to EjeCT

    The fvck did I just read. Seriously, that was painful.
  9. M

    which one to choose? Learnning to game or getting average relationship?

    Why would you actually WANT anything "average" ?
  10. M

    Push pull, whoa this is powerful stuff

    Haha, yeah I remember using that with my ex-gf, that was indeed some crazy stuff. Nothing, that's what so great about it. :crackup: And you can still use it and think of something really interesting afterwards.
  11. M

    Video games, false reality, and the DJ

    1) You could have added that even the music sucks these days 2) SPOILER TAG THAT **** dammit :crackup:
  12. M

    Does EVERY pretty girl have a boyfriend?

    I seriously wonder what kind of study this is... did it mention anything else ? Correlation doesn't imply causation, and those results could be explained by other factors, in fact without putting much thought into it I could already mention the amount of free time people have depending on...
  13. M

    What does it mean when...

    There's this song in Rocky V... how is it called, I forgot... Oh yeah, "Go for it". From this post, I really don't see anything wrong.
  14. M

    Does EVERY pretty girl have a boyfriend?

    Could you elaborate ? I don't get it.
  15. M

    You think... You lose...

    Well, that's how they teach CQC. Makes sense, and so does the analogy.
  16. M

    What would a real DJ have done?

    I'd've written "BBQ SAUCE". No, there is no logic behind that. Then again, there is no logic in asking to do that so yeah.
  17. M

    This guy is there all the time.

    That's actually creepy. That other guy, I mean.
  18. M

    Thinking of taking a break from the game...

    I'm a bit confused actually. Might be oneitis except that I when I thought about nexting her, I had no problem with the idea until I took a look around, then I was like "...eww". I could do without the awkward situation if she said but it's definitely not something that would destroy my world...
  19. M

    I am using to many Negs?

    Dude... are you trying to neg them into committing suicide or what ? :crackup: At least make it funny, that should eliminate your problem about what you should say after a neg too (because you wouldn't create an awkward situation).
  20. M

    So tell me about yourself

    That, or you can ask her if she's a cop/tell her that you want a lawyer first.