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  1. M

    telling girls that they're hot

    I think compliments about stuff they've actually put some specific effort into are okay.
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    Thinking of taking a break from the game...

    So yeah, this HB8 in the same class as I already has a boyfriend, and there's basically nothing I can do (from what I understand, she lives with him, and I don't know him). Anyway at that point, the most logical step would probably be to next her, I guess. Except for the fact that the other...
  3. M

    Telling her no

    Get the idea that you could be responsible of her committing suicide in any way out of your head RIGHT NOW. Seriously. If you really need to talk to her do so in person rather than online so you can have more control of what may happen, just in case, but that's it.
  4. M


    You're right, they don't. That right there however just wasn't advice at all. :crackup:
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    Taking A break?

    Next her because this so-called break is actually some weak excuse to keep you at her disposal while she does random **** ? I'm not sure, but that's what I'd do. Better take action than just sit there.
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    Video games, false reality, and the DJ

    To me it's really part of my lifestyle. I mean, I do other stuff as well so it's not like I spend all of my time playing games, but I just can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know about video games. I was probably holding a controller before I could even walk. So yeah, I've always...
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    How to get ANY girl

    I guess "learn to walk before you run" was the analogy you were looking for... but yeah, that makes sense.
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    no cell phone?

    Any chance you can eventually get one without their help, or would they keep you from using it anyway ?
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    Why cant I look people in the eyes?

    I used to have this problem, but I got used to look people in the eyes since I've had dark glasses. Now I can do it even without them, not that I really have to because I wear them most of the time anyway.
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    "I don't give out my number to strangers"

    I've had girls giving me their numbers and while telling at the same time that they usually don't give it out to strangers. Like, that's supposed to make me feel special or something ? Meh.
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    Ultimate AFC (unbelievable!!!)

    Stalker much ?
  12. M

    Subliminals to improve your game

    What's supposed to be the best way to use them, exactly ? Relaxing while listening ? Before sleep ? Having them as a background sound and not actually paying attention ?
  13. M

    Rock music type woman

    :crackup: Save the soundtrack from which my username originates, I don't know much about rock music, I dig Queen though but that's about it. But yeah, it's all about how you like the influence of their musical tastes on the other aspects of her life (including but not limited to her...
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    Meeting an online chick at a club tonite!

    You're just going to have fun and get to know someone better, that's all. Remember that and nothing else, cut the "what ifs" away from your mind, you basically have not only nothing to lose but everything to gain from this. If you're feeling depressed, then this is what you need. It's perfect.
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    How to PROPERLY get 9's and 10's and the hottest girls

    While I already do that to some extent, this thread makes me want to use those lines some more just because they're too damn funny to say.
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    Tips on Overcomming Anxiety during an Approach

    I never expected to find someone else that uses the Ditto/Blue Mage analogy.
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    Defending myself

    I suggest that you stay away from such trouble. There's nothing you can do to find out more about what annoyed them so much anyway since they're not willing to tell you, and the more you'll get into arguments about it the more it is likely to spread since they'll talk about it some more...
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    Friendzone: Where's the Exit?

    What are you calling "freaking out", exactly ? Perhaps what happened is exactly what you want to happen.
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    Do DJ's respond to stupid sh*t?

    Tell him to call the cops. :D
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    If a girl asks "do you have a girlfriend?", what's the best answer?

    Only works in English though. Oh well, there are some variations to be found I guess.