which one to choose? Learnning to game or getting average relationship?


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2006
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Ok, as it goes, I am having hard time deciding if I should go for a long term relationship with an average girl or not get too much involved at all, and to keep on improving standards, and hopefully get enough confidence and experience over time to approach the dream girl that I hope to approach, and get a quality girl that I feel good to be around..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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Don't settle for less. Go get what you want.

and get a quality girl that I feel good to be around..
I hope your not saying you need a girl friend to feel good?

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
I'd rather get in a relationship personally. One night stands seem so fake and unrewarding. One night a girl says she loves you as you're making out with her, the next party you're back to square one and she hardly knows you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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Canadien said:
and hopefully get enough confidence and experience over time to approach the dream girl that I hope to approach, and get a quality girl that I feel good to be around..

While you are trying to get enough confidence and experience to approach the dream girl, she is already sleeping with other guys who already have that confidence...and are 6'0.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Don't really want to go on a rant but this is all about improving yourself. Sex and relationships are just the side effect.

Don't settle for no average chick if you want the real hotties. Also who says you can't be in a relationship and still improve yourself. Are you planning on never leaving the house once you get a gf?

What I personally think is that you should just improve yourself for a good 3-5 years and then see what you really want, because say you get a Long Term...are you going to continue going out? If you are then cool, but if your not then honestly your wasting your time because it will be a cycle.

You practice, get a girl, you break up, now you have to practice all over again because you never really got that good but was still able to get a girl. It will be a never ending cycle and I actually think its a waste if your just doing this to get a gf.

You should be doing this to change and improve who you are. In the end you become a man with options and a man who women are naturally attracted too.

Game isn't something you flip on and off, Game is YOU.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
JDA70 said:
Don't settle for less. Go get what you want.

I hope your not saying you need a girl friend to feel good?
This in a nutshell are the reasons that guy's seem to end up in the very same situation with each woman they get involved with. They settle for mediocrity; as long as she wants to be with him he's happy. :nervous:

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
I've never agreed with the whole LTR aspect, especially in the practice phase.

I've only been practicing the stuff in the bible for about 5 months now, and I in no way will ever say I am a pro or anything, as far as I'm concerned, I am a aPUA.

Ever since I began, I realized this isn't some dumb game, and I got the cheat codes. I began working harder in school, at work, I hit the gym more often then I used to, my clothing and fashion sense is much better than early 2007. The techniques that I learned on here served the greater purpose. Improving myself, in order for it to be easier to get the women, or whatever else it is I want in my life.

If you practice this just to get an LTR, as Snow Plowman said:
You practice, get a girl, you break up, now you have to practice all over again because you never really got that good but was still able to get a girl. It will be a never ending cycle and I actually think its a waste if your just doing this to get a gf.
This isn't even a theory. Its the truth. It has to become you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
It's all up to you. If you find a girl and you can only take her for a couple weeks get rid of her. You might meet a girl who you could be with for months. You might meet a really hot chick that you just want to bang for a one night stand. It's all up to you and it doesn't matter what the girl looks like. If you like her; you like her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Lord Shinra said:
This isn't even a theory. Its the truth. It has to become you.

I have noticed this challenge in myself--you really do have to "have your act together" before women will find you attractive (because even if you already ARE attractive, and have some great qualities--if you don't believe in them, you won't be using those qualites anyway, they will just be latent).

I think a big problem is guys get so frustrated by not getting laid/a gf that they can't take the self-improvement all the way--too impatient. They want the end goal (the girls) NOW, and keep thinking BUT I DON'T HAVE THAT YET, which frustrates them, which stops the path of self improvement.

The ego is too strong. You see all these threads about nailing chicks, etc... and you can think "damn why am I working on all this "self improvement" stuff when OTHER GUYS are out there getting laid?!? THAT'S what I should be doing. THEN I can do all this feel-good stuff about learning to be a man. But first I need to get a girl! THAT'S what a man is!

And of course, the foundation never gets built at all. Just a continuous cycle of frustration, desperation, and depression because you don't have what your ego tells you will solve all your problems--the girl. I'm snapping out of this mindset NOW.

I think you have to give yourself permission to NOT chase girls for awhile. Everything in your life that sucks, all the things that bother you about yourself, the things you wish you would do but don't---the things that don't turn women on, you carry that with you wherever you go.

You have to take care of that stuff first.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Snow Plowman said:
Don't really want to go on a rant but this is all about improving yourself. Sex and relationships are just the side effect.

Don't settle for no average chick if you want the real hotties. Also who says you can't be in a relationship and still improve yourself. Are you planning on never leaving the house once you get a gf?

What I personally think is that you should just improve yourself for a good 3-5 years and then see what you really want, because say you get a Long Term...are you going to continue going out? If you are then cool, but if your not then honestly your wasting your time because it will be a cycle.

You practice, get a girl, you break up, now you have to practice all over again because you never really got that good but was still able to get a girl. It will be a never ending cycle and I actually think its a waste if your just doing this to get a gf.

You should be doing this to change and improve who you are. In the end you become a man with options and a man who women are naturally attracted too.

Game isn't something you flip on and off, Game is YOU.
good post, listen to this advice its gold.

Go through the improvement/experience phase for 2-5 years (depending how hard you go at it), get yourself toegther, have sex with tons of different girls, get to the point where hooking up with a chick is easy and takes little to no effort to do. Once you go through this phase if you do choose to enter a relationship it won't be because she was the only option you had so you just took what you got but instead because you REALLY want to be in a relationship with her, its something you CHOOSE.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Midnight Carnival said:
Why would you actually WANT anything "average" ?
Because it's easier than being alone. "Average" is in abundance, it's around every corner. Now the special ones who walk a different path takes more effort to find.

It's no different that the glut of AFCs and players in the world that women seem to always end up with, it's because of abundance. How often do they get a chance to cross paths with a DJ?
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Don Juan
Nov 24, 2006
Reaction score
And to

Francisco d'Anconia said:
Because it's easier that being alone. "Average" is in abundance, it's around every corner. Now the special ones who walk a different path takes more effort to find.

It's no different that the glut of AFCs and players in the world that women seem to always end up with, it's because of abundance. How often do they get a chance to cross paths with a DJ?

add to this, I feel this lack of competency in relationship, as now I keep on working on my approaches, and being my best around them that I don't know what it would be like to escalate any further, and I feel and sense this fear that one day I might meet this dream girl, and do all the right thing, yet the relationship never escalates any further because I am clueless as to what dynamics come into effect once you get into the relationship...