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  1. R

    Not a fan of BJs and handjobs- is this normal?

    Its fine. Everyone is different sexually
  2. R

    How is my game? (New plate finally)

    I agree some women are very f***ed up from their childhood events. Not just women, men. I once briefly dated a very manipulative, narcissistic guy with major insecurity issues who was molested repeatedly as a child. However, 1 in 6 women are sexually assaulted. 1 in 15 men last time I...
  3. R

    Women who wear too much makeup, are they sluts?

    I find 99% of men that complain women wear makeup also tell makeup-less woman they should wear more makeup to look more attractive. But alas, men have never been logical. Basically, the media has ****ed up their brains to the point where they have become so used to see made up women that they...
  4. R

    How to put her past out of your mind?

    How am I being calculating? All I do is wait until I trust a guy. Which is never between dates 1-3. Ever- theyre still a stranger at that point. If I dated a guy friends, whom I knew well and trusted, perhaps Id break that rule but most of the guys Ive dated I knew very little about when I...
  5. R

    Why do they let themselves go?

    Or you could find a woman who doesnt think she owns her man and has the same attitude in health/fitness as you do. There are men I know that are convinced they "own" their wife as well. Not just a female phenomenon. I know...Im completely crazy and suggesting wacky radical ideas. I think the...
  6. R

    New gal just not the same as exbpdgf

    Men here say women pick ****ty men and ignore the nice guys. That they like guys that treat them badly better. This happens the other way too. You have a girl who is "normal" every guy's dream and you dont like her as much as a chick with BPD. Yeah, men are addicted to emotional drama just...
  7. R

    How to put her past out of your mind?

    Blah blah blah. The men on this site make bad choices. Nexting any girl who doesnt put out by date 3 and then complaining later about all of these attention ***** insecure annoying behaviors from the women that do put out early. Not sh**. No wonder so many bitter hateful men on here *****ing...
  8. R

    How to put her past out of your mind?

    Lol thats the best you can come up? I must be boring because I have an opinion? Im sure all of the girls youve banged have opinions, they just walk on eggshells around you men with your precious fragile egos. Man, on this site you cant win. You sleep with someone early, you're a slut and...
  9. R

    How to put her past out of your mind?

    Have fun weeding out the high quality women with that attitude. I avoid man*****s because they make ****ty boyfriends. So do my friends. I went to a birthday party last night where a guy known for being a slut hit on another girl...she was saying after he left that he is not the type of guy who...
  10. R

    How to put her past out of your mind?

    I love men that expect the world from women when they dont hold themselves to the same standards character wise. People make mistakes. Have you ever thought of that? You said yourself youve done the same thing yet you dont judge yourself for it. I dont sleep around and have been celibate for...
  11. R

    sex outside a marriage to save the marriage!!!

    Hmmm...are there any level headed people here? SOME men have a higher sex drive. Thats funny, the last guy I dated was training to play sports competively and was insanely fit and hot, his sex drive was too low for me. When I mentioned it to him he said all his exes complained about it as well...
  12. R

    Odd Breakup - Ideas?

    Its fine that she wants a family- just means youre incompatible. Not need to paint her in a negative light over it. You know women are human beings right, with thoughts/feelings/dreams/desires like you? If hers dont match yours, it doesnt make her a bad person or selfish/needy/crazy it just...
  13. R

    The Stop Text-Initiating Experiment

    Or how about you text her when you feel like it and use all of this energy making up stupid rules to do other stuff. Quite silly. The amount of overthinking done on this site is crazy.
  14. R

    BPD or just crazy?

    I think BPD is overused on this site but she may have it based on what you said Was she abused as a child? Almost all women with BPD were Im surprised you put up with that behavior as long as you did, quite frankly. From a website: Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder make frantic...
  15. R

    Single Men Unable to Adopt

    I understand why the hesitation. Research shows that when a female lives with an older male who is not related to her, she is 16 times more likely to get sexually abused. However, there are some single guys who wouldnt do that and would make great fathers but the bad apples ruin it for...
  16. R

    Live-in GF watches too much television

    Stay away from women who watch large amounts of drama-filled, golddigging, entitled-to-everything TV shows. I am a woman, and these types of girls are selfish and huge drama queens. Any girl with any common decency and modicum of intelligence would get annoyed by watching these shows too much...
  17. R

    Kino escalation over coffee at my place

    Pot calling the kettle black much?
  18. R

    Would you bother with an attractive woman if she's super selfish?

    Oh yes, Im a slut because I like sex. I would consider someone a slut who gives sex away easy, which I def do not. 90% of the men on the site would stop seeing me after the first few dates because I dont put out that early You guys love the sluts. How ironic
  19. R

    Body Fat Percentage

    Nope I am. Im 24. PM me if you dont believe me and Ill send you pics. Ehhh, I get bored randomly at work with nothing to do and found this site by accident and am thoroughly amused by the insanely sexist, woman-hating, entitled jackasses that permeate here.
  20. R

    Second date... no love for home movies?

    Nope. None of the guys Ive dated have made good money. They didnt work at 7 eleven but they werent rich. I'm 5'4 so nope..none of the guys have been 6'5. I think the tallest guy I ever dated was 5'11 and most are shorter. Nope, Im pretty chill and I always offer to pay for myself and if the guy...