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  1. R

    Just got blown off...

    Online people are flakey. Men and women online say they dont play games and then do that. They dont ever have to see you in real life so theres no incentive to be nice. Narcissism is the new social style today for both genders. If you continue to do online dating expect this to happen alot and...
  2. R

    With holding of sex is a dating strategy

    As a chick who withholds sex, I dont do it to test a guy. I dont have sex until I trust someone. I actually dont even enjoy sex if I cannot trust the guy. I caved in too quickly a few times in my early college years and I remember not being into it at all despite the cute's guy slick moves...
  3. R

    Second date... no love for home movies?

    I find this thread interesting. As a 24yearold girl, I next any guy to wants me to come to his place in the first 3 dates. Any guy who expects sex in the first 3 dates before I hardly know him is not the guy for me. I call guys out on it too. I usually say "No thanks. Do girls usually fall...
  4. R

    HB 7.5 beat me. No contact? is full of scum. I use that site for entertainment purposes only
  5. R


    ....You are so dumb. I said I have never had a boyfriend and have no desire for one. I agree with you. There is no point in commitment. Thats why I dont want a boyfriend. I have no desire to tie myself down to any guy whatsoever. The sentence I said that you are referring to is why I said no...
  6. R

    I got rejected by 3 girls (2 were fat) in 10 seconds!!!

    I dont dance with random dudes I meet at clubs. I generally go to dance with my friends. Most guys at clubs are skeezers and only care about your bod.
  7. R


    Yeah right. All the faithful men you know would cheat in a heartbeat if the right opportunity came along where they knew they could get away with it. All men are slaves to their ****s. The only ones that arent are the rare exceptions where they are either asexual or have a low sex drive. Most...
  8. R


    Not a feminist. I just see things how they really are. Most women live in deep denial of how men think.
  9. R

    Body Fat Percentage

    The only difference is that woman is wearing a pushup bra. Source? Me: a woman with a body fat % around 20% who has played around with different types of bras. The type of bra you wear makes a world of difference.
  10. R


    Men are not capable of being loyal. They think with their **** and put themselves over everybody else. Men have a "me, me, me" mentality. They are not wired the same way women are. Women bear children and love them more than themselves. Men are not capable of doing that. Men arent dogs...
  11. R

    Body Fat Percentage

    Sorry the truth hurts your fragile ego.
  12. R

    Body Fat Percentage

    Men want a woman with a low body fat percentage that happens to have big boobs and a big butt. The original poster reinforces that. He wants a girl who is 20-21% BF who has the boobs of the girls with the higher body fat % Men are dumb. They dont get that the vast majority of women are born...
  13. R

    Kino escalation over coffee at my place

    Annnnnnnnnnnd this is why the first 3 dates I refuse to go to a guy's house
  14. R

    The HB9-10 nonsense.

    You obviously dont know women too well. Just because you want to **** hotter people doesnt mean your gf does. Most girls are attracted to things beyond looks more so than men. Most of the females I know that cheated, they cheated down...not up.
  15. R

    See Women CAN be thin if they want to be

    Men can be somewhat nice if they want to be...but usually thats taking it too far
  16. R

    LTR - number one cause of weight gain for women

    Not every girl is like this. I work out 5 days a week and do it while dating too. I dont really change my habits for anybody. I need a guy who is healthy as well. He doesnt need to be a gym nut or a health nut but I think a relationship where one person is health conscious and the other isnt...
  17. R

    sex outside a marriage to save the marriage!!!

    You think women dont suffer from men cheating and getting other women pregnant as a result? Misogynist much? The typical gender values are male made creations so men feel justified in treating women like cattle and not human beings. Most men here complain that gender values are unfair to them...
  18. R

    Are all women b|tches?

    Im nice to men Im not attracted to on a daily basis. I actually had to cut back on it a bit, because too many men read kindness as romantic interest and it became annoying. No, I didnt do it for attention or mind games either. If Im not attracted to a guy, so what? There are other traits a...
  19. R

    Time to call it quits with women?

    Women dont think their vaginas are goldplated. We just dont like men that view as **** objects and nothing more. Sorry to break it to you, but the whole thing where women are inferior and are not human beings is going away. Women have thoughts, feelings and needs just like yourself. A woman...
  20. R

    Would you bother with an attractive woman if she's super selfish?

    All men have super selfish attitudes, egos and feel entitled to everything. Thats why I dont bother with men and think they are a waste of my time, unless I need sex. Men are NEVER caring (only time they are they are just pretending to satisfy their own desires) at least women can be...