

Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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I was thinking about something today. My career is taking off, my next contract should put me over 6 figures annually. I'm currently working with a trainer. I'm expecting that 4-8 months from now, I'm going to have the body that women drool over. Once I'm close, I'm considering hiring a stylist to get me into the right clothes. I'm already reading about men's fashion (sites like GQ, etc) to get tips. Lastly, I'm continuing to sharpening my social skills, noting what works and what doesn't.

It's my belief that the way women used to play the game was to invest in guys like me. However, since these young hotties aren't investing in me, why should I ever consider staying with them long term? Why should I stick around if they gain 10 pounds?

Why should I be loyal to any one woman?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
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living in the middle of effing nowhere
my dog is more loyal than any human i've ever seen

for me it's pump and dump till i die...no commitment or any of that loyalty BS


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2012
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Thoma said:
Why should I stick around if they gain 10 pounds?
You shouldn't. AFCs do that type of thing. You should have so many options that when a woman does something you don't like you can drop her like a bad habit.

Why should I be loyal to any one woman?
You don't have to, that's a personal decision. Many guys here, including me, aren't loyal to one woman. Some are. It's all about what YOU want out of life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
The only women worth being loyal to Is a virgin.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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SamTheHobit said:
The only women worth being loyal to Is a virgin.
Good luck finding one over 18. If she says she is, 90% of the time she's lying or not counting a few notches


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2013
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Men are not capable of being loyal. They think with their **** and put themselves over everybody else.

Men have a "me, me, me" mentality. They are not wired the same way women are. Women bear children and love them more than themselves. Men are not capable of doing that.

Men arent dogs, they are the stuff that comes out of a dog's hind parts.

Feminism has come some ways but it still has alot to do. There is a big imbalance between the levels of selfishness in men vs. women

One of the reasons why I refuse to commit to any guy is theres no point: no man can be loyal. I see no point in being in an open relationship so I stay single and occasionally casually date.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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rearea said:
Men are not capable of being loyal. They think with their **** and put themselves over everybody else.

Men have a "me, me, me" mentality. They are not wired the same way women are. Women bear children and love them more than themselves. Men are not capable of doing that.

Men arent dogs, they are the stuff that comes out of a dog's hind parts.

Feminism has come some ways but it still has alot to do. There is a big imbalance between the levels of selfishness in men vs. women

One of the reasons why I refuse to commit to any guy is theres no point: no man can be loyal.[/b]
Feminist troll. The hamster is strong in this one. I guess hypergamy must be the most loyal attribute a woman can have?

rearea said:
I see no point in being in an open relationship so I stay single and occasionally casually date.
LOL I like that one


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2013
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casaanova said:
Feminist troll. The hamster is strong in this one. I guess hypergamy must be the most loyal attribute a woman can have?

LOL I like that one

Not a feminist. I just see things how they really are. Most women live in deep denial of how men think.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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rearea said:
Men are not capable of being loyal. They think with their **** and put themselves over everybody else.

Men have a "me, me, me" mentality. They are not wired the same way women are. Women bear children and love them more than themselves. Men are not capable of doing that.

Men arent dogs, they are the stuff that comes out of a dog's hind parts.

Feminism has come some ways but it still has alot to do. There is a big imbalance between the levels of selfishness in men vs. women

One of the reasons why I refuse to commit to any guy is theres no point: no man can be loyal. I see no point in being in an open relationship so I stay single and occasionally casually date.
No REAL man can stay loyal because a good woman is just as hard to find as a good man. The AFC's you can wrap around your finger, but you'll find him so compulsively boring you'll run for the hills. Your feminism has created a vast legion of dull, mundance AFC's who JUST WANT TO TREAT A LADY LIKE A QUEEN, and yet, no woman can keep from getting noxious from his desperation with enough time.

So, you can either deal with the fact that an independent man swears fealty to no other human and you have to work hard to keep him around, or you can deal with needy, incompetent men who need to be emotionally coddled and sign up for the life of boredom and netflix.

Ah, c'est la vie. Such cruel existence.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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rearea said:
Men are not capable of being loyal. They think with their **** and put themselves over everybody else.

Men have a "me, me, me" mentality. They are not wired the same way women are. Women bear children and love them more than themselves. Men are not capable of doing that.

Men arent dogs, they are the stuff that comes out of a dog's hind parts.

Feminism has come some ways but it still has alot to do. There is a big imbalance between the levels of selfishness in men vs. women

One of the reasons why I refuse to commit to any guy is theres no point: no man can be loyal. I see no point in being in an open relationship so I stay single and occasionally casually date.
You have drank the coolaide and are skipping down the yellow brick road, sweetie.

I know men and women who are faithful and I know men and women who cheat. The women who are faithful are generally rewarded with successful long term relationships. The men who are faithful usually wind up getting dropped like bad habits or cheated on themselves.

On the other hand, the men who cheat are straight up cheaters. They are Bill Clinton types, sex addicts who have fathers and uncles who are chronic cheaters themselves. Many of them are blatantly honest about this being who they are. The ones who arent are pretty obvious about it if you get to know them and take 5 mins to actually pay attention. Almost all of them, though, acknowledge that what they do isnt right, necessarily, but just is what ut is.

Women who cheat, however, are the most insidious of the bunch. They will tell you whatever you want to hear, and take ANYTHING a guy says or does that they don't like as a "betrayal" and rationalize it as license to hook up with another guy. They will verbally agree to things and resent them, then use that resentment as justification to cheat. They get bored and cheat. They make up excuses to cheat. And it is never their fault. Because if it was working, they wouldn't have felt the need blah blah. They cant just decide what they want and go for it. No, they have to have their cake and eat it too, and yours, and the other guy's, and then decide whst they think they deserve based on how they feel that day. After a breakup, I found out an ex cheated on me. I wasn't perfect in that relationship, but I have never done infidelity, nor will I ever. I know what honor is. When confronted with this she said, as if this was a satisfactory answer, "I was mad at you that day and I didn't think you would find out." And we have empowered these creatures with the right to vote.

Both men and women cheat. The primary difference is men who cheat know they are wrong and they just choose to do wrong. Women who cheat think they deserve to. How liberating that must be. Prozac won't even do for you what a juicy female rationalizaton will. Men with the ability to justify dispicable behavior and have no remorse for it are called Sociopaths.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2013
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Don_Dom said:
You have drank the coolaide and are skipping down the yellow brick road, sweetie.

I know men and women who are faithful and I know men and women who cheat. The women who are faithful are generally rewarded with sucsessful long term relationships. The men who are faithful usually wind up getting dropped like bad habits or cheated on themselves.

On the other hand, the men who cheat are straight up cheaters. They are Bill Clinton types, sex addicts who have fathers and uncles who are chronic cheaters themselves. Many of them are blatantly honest about this being who they are. The ones who arent are pretty obvious about it if you get to know them and take 5 mins to actually pay attention. Almost all of them, though, acknowledge that what they do isnt right, necessarily, but just is what ut is.

Women who cheat, however, are the most insidious of the bunch. They will tell you whatever you want to hear, and take ANYTHING a guy says or does that they don't like as a "betrayal" and rationalize it as license to hook up with another guy. They will verbally agree to things and resent them, then use that resentment as justification to cheat. They get bored and cheat. They make up excuses to cheat. And it is never their fault. Because if it was working, they wouldn't have felt the need blah blah. They cant just decide what they want and go for it. No, they have to have their cake and eat it too, and yours, and the other guy's, and then decide whst they think they deserve based on how they feel that day. After a breakup, I found out an ex cheated on me. I wasn't perfect in that relationship, but I have never done infidelity, nor will I ever. I know what honor is. When confronted with this she said, as if this was a satisfactory answer, "I was mad at you that day and I didn't think you would find out."

Both men and women cheat. The primary difference is men who cheat know they are wrong and they just choose to do wrong. Women who cheat think they deserve to. How liberating that must be. Prozac won't even do for you what a juicy female rationalizaton will.
Yeah right. All the faithful men you know would cheat in a heartbeat if the right opportunity came along where they knew they could get away with it. All men are slaves to their ****s. The only ones that arent are the rare exceptions where they are either asexual or have a low sex drive.

Most faithful women ended up getting cheated ON eventually. Why? Men cannot be sexually satisfied with one woman for more than a few years, they were put on this earth to **** a bunch of women they are wired this way. If men werent wired this way the human race would never have survived.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
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You know... if women through feminism are earning themselves the same positions as men in the world, why do you need men to be committed? Why do you need to be committed? What's the point? Your survival isn't at stake if you can work the same jobs and make the same money. It's only a girl's ego that's at stake, and her myopic nature taking offense that she's not the "one-and-only" for every guy she fvcks.

Polyamory new wave lets go!


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2013
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Swampcamel said:
You know... if women through feminism are earning themselves the same positions as men in the world, why do you need men to be committed? Why do you need to be committed? What's the point? Your survival isn't at stake if you can work the same jobs and make the same money. It's only a girl's ego that's at stake, and her myopic nature taking offense that she's not the "one-and-only" for every guy she fvcks.

Polyamory new wave lets go!
....You are so dumb.

I said I have never had a boyfriend and have no desire for one.

I agree with you. There is no point in commitment. Thats why I dont want a boyfriend. I have no desire to tie myself down to any guy whatsoever. The sentence I said that you are referring to is why I said no guy can be loyal. Its not my so called "ego" you say I have.

I feel sorry for my female friends that waste their lives away on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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rearea said:
Yeah right. All the faithful men you know would cheat in a heartbeat if the right opportunity came along where they knew they could get away with it. All men are slaves to their ****s. The only ones that arent are the rare exceptions where they are either asexual or have a low sex drive.

Most faithful women ended up getting cheated ON eventually. Why? Men cannot be sexually satisfied with one woman for more than a few years, they were put on this earth to **** a bunch of women they are wired this way. If men werent wired this way the human race would never have survived.

Again, you have drank the coolaide that the media, popular culture, and other women have served you. I can give multiple examples of my own and of my friends' where we had the opportunity to cheat on our wives and girlfriends with more attractive women, and gotten away with it, but didn't.

But you will never hear about these instances from men you know, personally, because smart men know not to talk about it with women, particularly not our SOs, because women view the temptation itself as cheating, and the LAST thing a guy needs is his woman taking on a "two can play that game" mentality. We tend to understand that women have no concept of honor, fair play, or proportonality and, quite often, simple linear thought. Such a thing could be just the basis for a rationalization you whackadoos need to sleep with another guy a year later with no warning, because you happen to be feeling it that day.

You do, however, hear about when we do cheat. Men have a need to be honorable, mostly, and when non-chronic cheaters do fvck up and cheat, they often have a need to come clean and rat themselves out because the guilt just kills us. Of course, this signs our death warrant with that woman, but try explaining that to your average coolaide drinking AFC. We tend to man up and do the right thing, in the end, even to out detriment.

A woman, on the other hand, could be caught in the act and still go down with her story to the very end. Or use a man she cared nothing of for his last dollar or last ounce of sweat if she thought she needed or deserved it. Women are capable of anything so long as they do not look bad to themselves or others while doing it. And if they find themselves in a situation where they have to let their ego take a hit for something they want it need, particularly financial gain like in a divorce (or murder charges like this chick on trial in Arizona) they will go all out PLAYING THE VICTIM with academy award winning performances. Doubly so, once they have children to use as justification for everything they do. "I will do what I have to for my children"....The wind beneath the wings of the rationalizing whor3.
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Big Nuts

Senior Don Juan
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
rearea said:
....You are so dumb.

I said I have never had a boyfriend and have no desire for one.

I agree with you. There is no point in commitment. Thats why I dont want a boyfriend. I have no desire to tie myself down to any guy whatsoever. The sentence I said that you are referring to is why I said no guy can be loyal. Its not my so called "ego" you say I have.

I feel sorry for my female friends that waste their lives away on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships...
How about a bow job then?


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
It's hard to read and accept what Don Dom wrote. I initially denied that most women do that but suddenly recalled one time in my first serious relationship when my GF went out to a party without me that he ex boyfriend was at...I asked her how the night went and she simply said she "didn't remember". How convenient. To this day I don't know what happened but my gut says she messed around with him and I've learned to go with your gut instinct. She would even tell me about how her best friend was cheating on her bf and she didn't seem to condone her gf's behavior. I wasn't the best boyfiend to her, I admit, but she did cheat and didn't seem to have an ounce of remorse for it...and me and her told each other we loved each other many times per week.

So yeah, Don Dom has it right. There is no need for rearea to respond anymore because so far you haven't spoken many truths.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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Vidrio said:
You shouldn't. AFCs do that type of thing. You should have so many options that when a woman does something you don't like you can drop her like a bad habit.

You don't have to, that's a personal decision. Many guys here, including me, aren't loyal to one woman. Some are. It's all about what YOU want out of life.
Yeah, I guess that's the bitter truth. I learned Game to get a girlfriend / wife and the more I try to commit, the worse I seem to do with these girls. It's funny, as red pill as I am, I still want to treat women well. I guess the red pill just got digested a little bit more.

And Rearea, I made this post because I was / am frustrated that I made the mistake of offering commitment too easily again. Feel free to hold on to your bitterness / feminist beliefs though.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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Thoma said:
It's funny, as red pill as I am, I still want to treat women well. I guess the red pill just got digested a little bit more.
That's good man. You should treat women well, as long as you demand the same in return. Part of understanding the red pill is balancing out the knowledge with your natural tendencies - you can still have a fun, healthy relationship as long as you set boundaries that keep everything in check.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Lol ironically rearea's rants sound like the female version of what some of the dudes here rant about. Lets all just accept the fact that humans in general are fcked up creatures.