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  1. S

    My Support Thread... Help me get over x , TY

    It is summer and you're relying on online sites for dates? Grow a pair and get out there. Also, the more you contact the girl, the more you place yourself in the loser category with the ex.
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    she said i was intense

    In my AFC recovery days I was once called "intense." I think it was because, I had too much passion and my personality was too strong. It may mean, therefore, you need to become more aloof and detached - that is, if you want to cater to her frame. Alternatively, you can continue what you're...
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    Girlfriend never talks when she calls

    A friend of mine used to f$ck a girl who would act like this on the phone with her (ex)fiancee. Meanwhile, he did things to her body (sparing details). What got himmost was when she'd say "I love you" to the fiancee as she signed off and joined my friend in carnal pleasures. He got off on it...
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    Women..I swear..are jacked in the head

    I had a similar situation occur recently in my (failed) effort to meet/date non-American women. I'll spare you the philosophical and sociological reasons behind this move. I'll just note that I've concluded that ethnicity/race means nothing, culture is weak, and power is all important in...
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    From pessimist in the US to optimist in the Philippines

    I tend to think that "positive" experiences abroad like what the original poster wrote about are, in large part, due to the power discrepancy between Western and non-Western women. As a Westerner, you might make in one to three years what the average man in many countries make in his entire...
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    Interest vs. Attraction

    I forget who it was who said, a stranger to a man is someone he doesn't know whereas a stanger to a woman is someone who doesn't know of her. Anyways, if a woman is interviewing you, she may just be trying to toy with you or gauge your value - it is not a sufficient indicator of her interest in...
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    are women really so narcisistic???

    The more appropriate clinical psychiatry term is histrionic - not narcissistic. See "The essential feature of the histrionic personality disorder is a pervasive and excessive pattern of emotionality and attention-seeking behavior."
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    Interest vs. Attraction

    When women disproportionately either: talk about themselves or ask you about you - they are not interested. An attracted woman participates in a give and take - a conversation that flows naturally when she is talking to a man she is interested in and to whom she wants to demonstrate her value.
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    Intelligence in males = disadvantage?

    Intelligence is (mostly) a Gift You Need to Learn to Use At one point in my life, I shared the original poster's frustration. Time and experience has taught me that it is generally untrue that intelligence is a disadvantage in attracting women. It is a gift that, when properly used, will form...
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    Info on Dating Strippers

    Got a date with a stripper on Thurs. I met her off duty. Anyways, I know I came across some material on these types before, but can't find it. Tips? Links? Much thanks. szof
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    Call-Back VM Strategy

    This strategy is specifically for use when a girl will not pick up the phone and you're required to leave a voice mail ("VM"). I've used this for numbers I've collected in the last couple of weeks with about a 50% success ratio, which is higher than the 25% I usually get when I leave a VM...
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    Sarging by Yourself

    Glad to see my advice helped! Keep us updated. Looks like you're a quick learner - you will go far.
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    Closing the chaper on Ms. Hard to Get

    In my experience, when you declare your feelings and/or give too much attention, especially too early, to a woman, her interest will drop and you will lose control. This is a mostly irredeemable situation. Some assole will soon come in and present her the challenge she's looking for -- if she...
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    Another nice guy

    Like Milton's 'fawning' Satan, the smooth flatterer crawls on his belly, twisting and turning with changing circumstance. He is purely reactive, a parody of femininity, each word and deed a cloying mime of the ruler's desire. From Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae 143.
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    FF to GF Conversion

    Dumped her last night.
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    FF to GF Conversion

    BIG UPDATE! What follows below is not only a chronicle in my saga, battling my inner-chump but the general inner social workings of the modern American woman and how they deconstruct relationships. ANYWAYS, I was on my computer tonight and decided to check my yahoo account, which I nearly...
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    FF to GF Conversion

    Ran into the girl twice today. The frucking odds of that shyt. BS convo. Then, I caved and called. She didn't pick up (big surprise). The VM: "Hey it's me. as promised, i am calling. as you know, i'll be up late and can talk with you briefly tonight. so call me." I had promised her Sat...
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    FF to GF Conversion

    Thanks Victory. An update: she flaked out of a date today but expressed interest in seeing me late night during the week. Further affirming my belief I am in the "let's just fcuk zone." It could be worse. From now on, I'm going try the sex animal angle. No phone calls, no emails, nothing...
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    FF to GF Conversion

    OK - so the fact pattern is too much for everyone. How about this more simple yet very philosophical question: is it ever worth trying to convert a FF to a GF?
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    how to get her wet...without touching the happy places

    Inner thighs, neck (gentle nibbling on the side). The best and most innocent place to begin your conquest: between her shoulderblades, just under her neck. Lick, then bite, then bite more firmly until she's moaning. Why would you only want her to be "somewhat moist?"