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  1. S

    FF to GF Conversion

    I. Introduction This is a question that really strikes at the core of the difficulty of the player/DJ lifestyle. At the core of the issue is whether a formal "girlfriend" ("GF") situation is sometimes preferable over the "f*ckfriend" ("FF") situation. My dilemma? Precisely this issue: I...
  2. S

    ever picked up a married chick? advice for other..

    Yes As I've said before, married or "committed" women are easy targets if they perceive their mate as inadequate in any essential way. I've had my best sex with married women and women with boyfriends. The guys they are cheating on are chumps. Lesson: don't be a chump. Second...
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    Friends with Benefits

    How to make her love you? Stop wanting her to love you is a start.
  4. S

    Ethical debates about cheating

    - Divorce rates near 50%. - Illegitimacy rates for births are at 34% (out of wedlock births) (!). - The average American woman has sex with a half dozen men before she marries. See...
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    Ethical debates about cheating

    Judeo-Christian-Muslim morality was invented by a bunch of desert Jews three-thousand+ years ago to keep people from raping and killing each other. It provided a society where males could stop competing for sexual access by killing one another and instead invest their energy on increasing...
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    American Women

    My DJ success is largely unaffected for my distrust in the female species. In fact, the more misogynistic I am, the better my sexual success. I have available for my sexual use most of my past lovers and girlfriends, as well as girls I've seen recently. I have had sex with at least a dozen...
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    Ethical debates about cheating

    Monogamy is the unnatural state. ALL primates are polygamous and most are also promiscuous. Some bird species were thought to be monogamous, it was found recently that even among these birds the chicks raised by the man in these pairings were usually not their genetic children. In animal...
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    American Women

    American women are, generally speaking, not good for anything other than cheap, easy, and usually good sex. Most can't cook. Most are/would be horrible mothers. Most are filthy, I live in Denver where every damn single woman has a dog in the house that vomits, sheds hair and dander...
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    Monogamous relationships

    Monogamy turns men into beta males. Beta male existence was fine when it was enforced through social laws, but that's no longer. Women have reverted to their polygamous roots and we should not be so stupid to be satisfied with tier two status in the sexual hierarchy.
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    Uncircumcised and Staying power....truth?

    I'm cut and last a longggg time.
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    Favorite Bodypart to Train

    DLs are among my favorite, they literally changed the anatomy of my back when I started doing them 3 years ago. Squats are great too. But my #1 favorite is the barbell curl. It is a strong lift for me and I love the pain it inflicts on my poor little biceps.
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    "safe" steroids??

    Most people who do a few cycles have little to worry about if they take the usual precautions and dosages. I said most. There is no doubt steroids reak havoc on your hormones, this can lead to all kind of weird problems. The safest steroid is primobolan which is near impossible to find and...
  13. S

    How to turn from a loser who is nothing to something?

    The other guys have made some excellent posts pointing you in the right direction. I think the most crucial thing is to stop viewing other people as sources of comfort and validation. Stop worrying about what other people think of you and focus on improving yourself. Improve mentally: keep up...
  14. S

    The Law of 10

    10% of guys get 90% of the *****. Not just this, but look at any social gathering. Given a group of ten guys and ten girls, all of the girls except maybe one or two will find herself more attracted to the most outstanding, confident, good-looking guy - the alpha - more than the others...