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  1. S

    Over 6 months now since EX GF...

    maybe ur bored and not doing anything else fun. when im bored i think and end up getting frustrated. but hanging out with friends and family, and doing things u enjoy keeps u off this topic. honestly i think about my ex also and actually want her to talk to me, but what good will that do? none!
  2. S

    Real life Anime GF

    Agree with Scion, but i will also add that it will be boring to have someone obey your every command.
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    Getting a girl back

    also in same situation here, ex wants attention whenever she wants and calls me an a$$hole for not providing it. so i guess advice would be trying to not be available or pick up the phone as much. try to be busy, not act busy, but actually do something. go out and enjoy and lave less time for...
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    Getting a girl back

    hmm, since this article helped me. i think it may do the same for you
  5. S

    Help Me Out

    honestly ur over thinking this too much, the more u worry about it, the more u think it sticks out. so just live ur life , love yourself before others will love u
  6. S

    Anyone read the Dating Forums on Plenty of Fish?

    good thing i was recommended to this website, before i ended up at one of those.
  7. S

    Loving my current LTR of 2 yrs for the wrong reaons

    try not to depend on her that much, cause once she breaks up with u, ur world will start to collapse and everything u depend on her for, u will have a hard time doing.
  8. S

    Anyone ever breakup with a girl and still date her once a week?

    last bit of advice: dont get ur hopes up, the more hope u have, the harder u fall.
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    Contacting a girl from your past

    friend and hang out just regularly text her, anything else i wouldnt recommend
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    Is wanting closure a bad thing?

    closure is unnecessary as they will hurt u more, ive tried and it came out worse than before, acted like a complete afc and now regret why did i even ask her about it.
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    Deleting ex from facebook immature?

    i for one agree with keeping bridges with exes. it can sometimes serve as a cushion for your fall. but only when both sides are neutral, meaning no resentment or hate or anything for each other. Other than that, you should just delete her and ignore her.
  12. S

    Getting women

    wow.... im guessing it will take a lot of courage and pretty much experience to do this. this will be typically hard as i dont even know what to chat about for 5 minutes.
  13. S

    Getting women

    Ive been wondering since im new to this stuff( was an afc and prob still is). How do u approach Asian girls who just feel disgusted at the sight of u trying to get their number. them virgin shy types are what i am talking about.
  14. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    understood, i will start on my day 1 of nc again. ill try to focus on myself and bring her down that pedestal. maybe then she will come back, but first gotta fix my own life.
  15. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    i broke the nc by searching her name on facebook and going to her facebook, even though i deleted her, i was able to see her pic and status which read "speechless..." im such a fckin idiot. i cant deal with this, this **** is so hard . i was even thinking maybe i shud swallow my pride and beg...
  16. S

    Getting ex back?

    Interesting ways, but i think the reason of the break up is cause i was an afc. think by the time she comes running or crawling back and i lose that afc behavior, will it be any different? i know it sounds ridiculous, but i know u guys remember your first time after LTR when u were still afcs...
  17. S

    What was your breaking point?

    breakpoint? right now, just broke off 3 year relationship , first LTR. managing NC trying to stay on track.
  18. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    i dont think it matters if i see her or not as i already do see her in class every day. and if i dont see her in class like today, i feel worried. i want to know what shes up to, why she didnt come to class. she may have hurt me, but i also do not want her to fail the classes. the way i was...
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    BUMP again, since many of us are having the same problem and are seeking answers.
  20. S

    Getting ex back?

    thanks guys, i think i know what to do now. since getting her back is out of the question. maybe for a quickie, but its not gonna be the same as many suggested it. u think i shud give the stuff back to her? cause i know i paid for half of this crap. kind of a waste of tossing it out and i dont...