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  1. S

    Getting ex back?

    "I agree " is what my mind says and I accept that But what I'm doing is completely different. I understand it all but just can't accept it She's jolly and goes I love u like a week ago, now she's like this *****. Maybe ur right, I need to man up and get another girl as there are many that's...
  2. S

    Getting ex back?

    honestly, i cant find a post that really addresses this problem. i want to know if it is possible to get your ex back and how? even if u get it back will it be the same as before? or is this still going downhill with no way back up?
  3. S

    No contact is for chumps

    sounds fair enough. so what do u expect chumps like me do when ur stuck in like 3 classes with her and she is the one who broke up with me when i still want her back in my life.
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    Why is my ex driving me nuts? My emotions are all over the place

    good stuff, i also let things get to me. just had a break up from my first LTR and its just terrible. tried to ask and stuff, did almost everything an AFC would do. but she still rejected me. honesty i do want her back, but my mind says its not gonna work, but the other side of my mind says it...
  5. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    on day 6 right now currently at school just finished my first class and in the library with a laptop. got nothing else to do but check facebook which i deleted her and check email. then i got this strong urge to go check her xanga( yes we still do xanga). but i finally restrained myself...
  6. S

    Take the Bait or Not

    Problem now is that I can't think straight, I can't eat and most importantly I can't concentrate on my studyies. Its taking a lot of energy for me to stop thinking and bursting into tears. I'm gonna see her in class tonight. What should I do? I still miss that b1tch tho since its my first LTR...
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    Take the Bait or Not

    your right, i shouldve listened, now, im just a lowly whipped afc crying in the corner just cause i didnt listen and asked her if it was possible to get back together a few days she had given me false hope. without thinking she says no.
  8. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    day 2 false hope was given by girl, i was stupid enough to take the bait. this happened in class where me and her had almost the same exact classes. ended the day happy with hope day 3, maintained nc as she wanted to think, everything was fine when i was at work. day 4 , received text that...
  9. S

    Take the Bait or Not

    Today my gf suddenly approach me and asked to break up, she says im not the type of man she wants. she is sick and tired of the feeling of insecurity. as a normal person i asked if i can change for her and stuff, and all that other stuff. she says without thinking " no". so i came here and read...
  10. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    i vow to accept this challenge and abide its rules Day 1 Gf announced that she wanted to break up with me, and being normal, I asked her to be friends and for a second chance n blah blah blah. She has rejected me and stays strongly about no reconciliations. But I still want to try as I don't...