What was your breaking point?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
After being here a while, and realizing my own personal journey, I realize for all the time I spent here... for the most part, I didn't learn anything i didn't already instinctively know. For the most part.

What happened to me and probably most here, is that I was over time chipped at and conditioned to believe a false set of pretenses that came to define how I treated and acted towards women. Then something happens to where you just tend to more or less "wake up"

There is usually a point that you have just had enough. Usually something that just hurts you to the point where you say enough is enough, these women aren't worth all the trouble or all the drama I'm causing for them. You don't so much as learn information as much as you snap out of the notions that you were programmed to believe over time.

While I came here when I was about what, 18... I "picked up" a few things and even was spinning a few plates by the time i was 21. Then I met this girl and even then, I played it pretty well. I did not stop spinning plates. but she wore me down, and she was hot as hell, and I stopped. I did not catch the warning signs, the not being interested in sex anymore, the not wanting to go out, she even went and got a job as a stripper lol... no warning signs to me yet. I let her move in, told her she did not have to work, didnt' have to do anything but be cute and clean up.

One day she went out with her sister (which I believe) to the club, and did not come home utnil like 5am. the club closed at midnight. Then when she got home she was getting her phone blowed up by some guy and i put two and two together.

At that point, I really wasn't even so much mad or hurt... somehow i knew it was all my fault. she did not deserve all i had given to her, not even close. i made her pack her **** the next morning and to this day i have not seen her since. she tired to call me at least 100 times int he next month but I was done.

it took that for me to realize that women should not ever be taken that seriously unless they earn it and by earn I mean really show they are worth your attention. who cares if she doesn't like if you are dating someone else. tough ****.

at that point every piece of advice every guy (not here) or every woman gave me about women went down the drain becuase all it had gotten me is stuck in ****ed up situations with women who did not deserve to be where they were.At that point i decided i was going to do things my way rather people liked it or not. if that ment i was going to date 5 women at a time **** it, that's what i was gonna do and to hell with what the the woman thinks if she doesn't like it i can find someone who will.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2009
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I had a nervous breakdown and was going through a divorce all at the same time before i came here?I also read alot and i mean alot of realionship books that kept up the AFC way mantality and i knew this was wrong and that i didnt remember being and afc before i got married. I found this site and the rest is history thank god!!!


Don Juan
Jul 19, 2009
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Just went through the most obscure and heartbreaking being dumped episode ever......................Im here now, in a better place.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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for the most part, I didn't learn anything i didn't already instinctively know. For the most part.
I agree that a lot of the "secrets" that you learn in the community are actually fairly well known in the mainstream, or are just part of natural game. Pretty much everyone knows that if you can show you're a popular guy who has a lot of friends, girls will find that attractive, even if they may not have the term "social proof" for it. What the community does is clarify these things so you know exactly what you are seeing when you see it, while in the mainstream it may appear more muddy.

One thing that amazes me is how often I hear guys tease and bust on the girls around them. It's like they took a C&F course from David DeAngelo, but obviously most of them are just doing what comes naturally to them.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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This thread here explains my breaking point:

I made pretty much EVERY mistake in the book. The sad thing is, I had actually read the DJ Bible etc. at that point. But I wasn't convinced. I believed in the things I was conditioned to believe. It led to a severe bout of oneitis and a whole lot of heartache. It was ultimately a good thing though, because it helped me to see the light.

Sometimes, you have to go through hell before you get you heaven.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
This thread here explains my breaking point:
Tough story, but very common. Girls want to be taken.
To be a man, learn to take what you want.
Problem is, even with that approach you have no guarantee of success.
All part of being a man, I guess.
But if you had gotten a one night stand with this girl, would you have been satisfied? Sounds like you wanted more.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Losing my family. Blamed everyone but myself. Made me reassess everything I had ever done with women and relationships.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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New jersey
When I was 18, back in 2003, I basically poured my heart out to a girl I had gotten quite close with over the months (we worked together), and figured since we were such close friends, that obviously all this would go over well and we'd fall madly in love, etc. I assumed this because this is what I'd always been told would happen if you just tell a girl how you feel, like on TV or in movies and books or even by friends.

I spent the next year grieving the death of our friendship and I was as massive an AFC as you can imagine. Calling all hours of night, driving by her house Glenn Close-style, getting info from her friends, the drunk dialing - oh God the drunk dialing!

I knew something was inherently wrong in what I was doing, since I'd never had a girlfriend up to that point and was doing everything popular culture said I should be doing. Somehow I made it to this site and my life literally changed. Basically every thing I was doing was WRONG. 7 years later, I am probably a little too far to the other end of the spectrum. I have three girls I nail regularly and no serious relationships to my name yet. But still, there's always room to improve. This site has given me optimism back.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2010
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I can't tell exactly what my breakingpoint was, instead I think it was a longer process for me.

I was raised to believe that women were creatures of natural goodness and pure at heart....it took a long time, a lot of mistakes and a LOT of pain ¨for me to realize that the vast majority of women are.....

Manipulative, Self-Centered b!tches. And they are absolute masters when it comes to rationalize their own bad behaviour and shortcomings to become the failure of the man....


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
K-man said:
I can't tell exactly what my breakingpoint was, instead I think it was a longer process for me.

I was raised to believe that women were creatures of natural goodness and pure at heart....it took a long time, a lot of mistakes and a LOT of pain ¨for me to realize that the vast majority of women are.....

Manipulative, Self-Centered b!tches. And they are absolute masters when it comes to rationalize their own bad behaviour and shortcomings to become the failure of the man....
god this is spot on.

truer words have never been spoken.

the second I realized that women aren't these good soft gentle creatures to be held and ****... shazzam


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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Forty0ztoFreedom said:
Don't think I've hit mine yet as I'm still led by the inner-bytch at times.
i'm pushing mine down, but it keeps poking its ugly head at the most inconvenient time.:trouble:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Yep. At the worst times: When things are going right.

In comes the inner-bytch to make fairytales out of it.


New Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Yup, The last boss in sonic 2 eventually made me give up on the game. Only after at least 50 attempts though.

Donnie Darko

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
I made a New Year's resolution this year to dedicate this year to my penis and getting laid as much as possible. I started reading various materials and eventually found this website and read the DJ bible and the Book of Pook.

I've already dated more women this year, then I have ever dated in an entire year in my life.

I've had more sex this year without being in a long-term relationship, then I ever had outside of a long-term relationship.

I'm not bragging. I'm just explaining how pathetic my dating and sex life was before this year. It makes me sick to think about all the time I wasted being an AFC.

I'm still a recovering AFC but I am enjoying my journey.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Donnie Darko said:
I made a New Year's resolution this year to dedicate this year to my penis and getting laid as much as possible.
This year I made the opposite. I said I would focus on building my empire from scratch and not worry about women. No dates. No nothing. I've met more women in the last 3 months than I did last year. I've only slept with a couple, only because it was on my nights off when I went out to relax and have fun and ended up in bed with them. I'm finally making consistent money from my side business and now I'm ready to get some freelancers and grow it even larger.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
My ex Wife - divorced 5 years now.

She was a total fruit nut Bipolar chick, I was a nice guy smuck making all the excuses under the sun for her acting like a total Cun*.

I knew the score, had great friends full of zen like wisdom but something had to snap for me to finally become - She was the catalist.

That I thank her for.

I dont hate her, if anything she helped me to un-block the garbage if unintentionally.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Originally Posted by K-man
I can't tell exactly what my breakingpoint was, instead I think it was a longer process for me.

I was raised to believe that women were creatures of natural goodness and pure at heart....it took a long time, a lot of mistakes and a LOT of pain ¨for me to realize that the vast majority of women are.....

Manipulative, Self-Centered b!tches. And they are absolute masters when it comes to rationalize their own bad behaviour and shortcomings to become the failure of the man....

backbreaker said:
god this is spot on.

truer words have never been spoken.

the second I realized that women aren't these good soft gentle creatures to be held and ****... shazzam
Freaking +2!!!!!! This is absolutely the crux of it all! Once you learn the true behavior of them and stop caring is when you are a whole lot better off. Damn problem is when I quit with the stupid stuff and do well for a several weeks, the stupid stuff comes back around and after playing hardball for a while, I cave. The cycle repeats itself again before I am fed up. I allowed a woman back in and she was the same without any changes!!! There was a reason I walked to begin with. I just need to stay walked!


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
breakpoint? right now, just broke off 3 year relationship , first LTR. managing NC trying to stay on track.