What was your breaking point?

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
My "breaking point"?

My breaking point can't be tied to any one event, but moreso to a progressive reccognition. I was raised in a family, in an environment, and during a time where POSITIVE MASCULIINITY was not modeled for me, promoted to me, or marketed towards me.

Most everything I've learned about manhood has been learned the HARD way------by being self-taught and hard-knocked through life.


One day long ago, I recognized that one of the truest tests of a man's MANHOOD is not necessarily "just" how he deals with life's challenges, setbacks, and successes. But rather, HOW "well" he can REMAIN a man in the presence of a WOMAN that he really desires.

Since then, I've found that as long as I'm able to love myself, my hopes, my dreams, and my principles a little more than women-----then the better able I am to keep the women that I meet in the proper perspective:

As additions to my life INSTEAD of as "addictions" in my life.

PEACE...one day.



Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Victory Unlimited said:
Since then, I've found that as long as I'm able to love myself, my hopes, my dreams, and my principles a little more than women-----then the better able I am to keep the women that I meet in the proper perspective:

As additions to my life INSTEAD of as "addictions" in my life.

PEACE...one day.

As usual, words of wisdom from the illustrious VU.

What many have to realize is that the struggle with women is really a struggle with the self. They are a major catalyst for digging deep within our souls to become comfortable with who we are and accepting our lot in life.

We all have something we don't like about ourselves and some of them we can't change. But what we can change is how we perceive things.

Looking at women as a panacea to heal our inner insecurities is a recipe for disaster. It will only magnify all that is wrong with us while negating all that is good in us.

This is the root of an AFC. They're frustrated chumps because they've neglected themselves and put all their hopes in a women to save them from themselves.

It is folly.

If you want women to love you, then it would be a good idea to learn to love yourself first.

"And this above all, to thine own self be true."
