Loving my current LTR of 2 yrs for the wrong reaons


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
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Alright. Long story short, I used techniques to catch my current LTR. After the 2nd date, even before we had sex i told her i didnt think this was the best idea, I was just wanting to have friend w/ benifits, and I really was. She went along with it, and sooner or later it turned into a relationship. She really hooked me with her sweet personality, awesome cooking, does anything for me. I think I fell in love with the thing she does rather than her. We've come close to breaking up many times, I told her we are gonna break up then she comes to see my at work and i pvssy out and we get back together. I've told her just recently we're two people who just get along really well, and have sex. Dont get me wrong, if we broke up I'd miss her terribly, we have fun together, and she's cute.Now we've been living together for over a year, one helluva rocky road. Last night I was out, and realized how damn attractive other women were, and came back and realized my LTR is really just not that attractive to me compared to whats out there.

Sometimes I'm ready to move on, but she does so much for me I've become dependent on her cooking,cleaning,etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
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gimmeyofonenumba said:
Alright. Long story short, I used techniques to catch my current LTR. After the 2nd date, even before we had sex i told her i didnt think this was the best idea, I was just wanting to have friend w/ benifits, and I really was. She went along with it, and sooner or later it turned into a relationship. She really hooked me with her sweet personality, awesome cooking, does anything for me. I think I fell in love with the thing she does rather than her. We've come close to breaking up many times, I told her we are gonna break up then she comes to see my at work and i pvssy out and we get back together. I've told her just recently we're two people who just get along really well, and have sex. Dont get me wrong, if we broke up I'd miss her terribly, we have fun together, and she's cute.Now we've been living together for over a year, one helluva rocky road. Last night I was out, and realized how damn attractive other women were, and came back and realized my LTR is really just not that attractive to me compared to whats out there.

Sometimes I'm ready to move on, but she does so much for me I've become dependent on her cooking,cleaning,etc.
A man should never...EVER be dependent on anyone but himself. If you want to break up, BREAK UP. Don't be afraid to be selfish & think of what you want. I can assure you that if gf wanted to end things with you she would & she would not consider your feelings at all not once.

If you want other women & you don't want to cheat. Man up be firm, end this relationship & go chase what you want.

See that part in bold? YOU! That is all that matters.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
I think your only choices are cheat on her or to break up with her. Oh wait, there's a third option which is to make sure you never go anywhere where there are attractive women and wear blinkers when you're walking around in the street.

Jokes aside I know how this feels. It's almost painful to see women you'd really like to **** when you're tied to one woman that is so-so. I remember when I was dating one girl that sounds a lot like the girl you're with - was great, would do anything for me, etc. However truth be told even from the beginning I didn't find her attractive (went out with her for the wrong reasons - new city, lonely, bored, etc). When it was just the two of us I could actually cope with things. Unfortunately there were some really hot girls at her dormitory, one goddess in particular. When I saw this French beauty in just a towel and then went back to my ex's room I was more or less paralysed with a mixture of lust and resentment. Meanwhile my ex was doing her usual thing of trying to please me, acting so happy just to be around me, etc. I could have cried.

That little anecdote aside your choices are clear. I know it's hard to leave any LTR because there is normally always a degree of attachment/affection built up after time. It's not enough though so do what you know you have to and rest assured that you will be doing the right thing.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
If your not attracted to her then you should probably break up, but I will say looks aren't everything so if you get along, she treats you well and the sex is good, what's the problem?

My one boss used to say he only dates ugly woman, because hot women will just cheat on you.

My ex was not the best looking girl by any means, maybe a hb6-7 but god damn was I hot for her, awesome tight little tanned body, and she jus knew how to turn me on. But also lived and still does too piss me off


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
Oh man. I was about to post pretty much the same thread but I'm glad I clicked on this one.

My problem is that the girl I've been dating for 2+ years I banged the first night we met. Had I discovered this site earlier It would have ended at that, but my dumbass felt "obligated" to date her. I felt like just wanting to do her was 'wrong'. Fast forward, I got fired from a bangin ass job and I now pretty much rely on her for more than i feel comfortable with.

She doesn't even support the endeavors I undertake. I've shared with her my fitness goals and she is honestly more attracted to my fat self then she would be me at 6'1" 265@14%. I think it speaks to her own insecurities. She also won't engage me on philosophical issues, and i love talking philosophy. It's like I have to dumb myself down around her.

Basically it comes down to what Kirro said. You mist be dependent on yourself, and yourself only. When others let you down they can blame anything they want but when YOU let yourself down it is only YOURSELF that you have to blame. It makes problems much easier to fix.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
try not to depend on her that much, cause once she breaks up with u, ur world will start to collapse and everything u depend on her for, u will have a hard time doing.