Getting women


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
Ive been wondering since im new to this stuff( was an afc and prob still is). How do u approach Asian girls who just feel disgusted at the sight of u trying to get their number. them virgin shy types are what i am talking about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
This is from my own experience watching my sarge buddie get numbers from asian girls in a college campus

1. Get up in their space: If you see one sitting down at a table you go and sit right next to her. You need to shock them. Don't be asking for advice, opinion or any of these openers. You need to go right up to them and chat them up like if you know them already.
2. Start chatting her up right away: They are going to be a little shocked by you which is good. The shock is going to be a positive one as long as you start chatting her up right away and not let it get silent. You need to keep a constant stream of chatter coming out of your mouth.
3. Start asking her about stuff: Start having a conversation, do light kino.
4. After you talked to her for about 3 or 4 mins or so tell her you gotta go see your friend, hand her your phone, tell her you'll give her a call so maybe you could meet and do something.

My buddy is really not into theory. He even refused to have any game plans other than having lots of confidence and just sitting right next to them. He would just go up to asian girls (all he did) and just get up in their space and start chatting them up. No game plan, no set up lines, he would just chat about whatever he felt.

Sometimes he would get 4 numbers a night. He proved that you don't need fancy lines, game plans etc. Shocking girls with your confidence in getting in their space and chatting them up is probably the whole secret.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
wow.... im guessing it will take a lot of courage and pretty much experience to do this. this will be typically hard as i dont even know what to chat about for 5 minutes.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
sagexx said:
wow.... im guessing it will take a lot of courage and pretty much experience to do this. this will be typically hard as i dont even know what to chat about for 5 minutes.
His style is very direct when it comes to first engaging the girl. He sometimes would grab a chair from another table and sit next to the girl. I can't stress enough how shock value is so important. Rarely if ever in their life did these nice virgin asian girls have a guy approach them in such a way. The moment you get up in their space like this all kinds of things are going through their head. Probably the most important thing of all is that you are showing them you are extremely confident and manly which all women appreciate.

It doesn't have to be 5 minutes. You can stop the conversation after you think it has hit a high point (shes laughing a lot, smiling a lot) and you are pretty sure you can get the number and leave her wanting more before you screw up. Just don't stay and chat with her for a minute and think you are going to get a #. You need to have a conversation.

You might get different advice but just be warned this is coming from experience in watching the action happen from just a few feet away. This aggressive style works.