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  1. J

    fat girl - tell her i dont like her?

    How can you have sex with someone you're not attracted to? I can't imagine doing that.
  2. J

    She says I'm weird and called me a "goober"

    I believe this is what exploded the goober meme. Enjoy.
  3. J

    Confused..need an explanation please.

    Ah, so she mentions the boyfriend so I know she's only down for a fling? (to begin with at least) It just seemed like a nonsense roadblock, but that kinda makes sense. Thanks.
  4. J

    Confused..need an explanation please.

    Nah, I'm positive she wants me to ask her out. She's 18 or 19.
  5. J

    Confused..need an explanation please.

    There's this girl that comes to my work now and then and buys something from me and I can tell she wants me to ask her out, but in chatting to her she mentions a boyfriend (no ring). Why in the world does she do that if she's hoping I will ask her out? Do girls think that's a smart thing to do...
  6. J

    The Pussification Of The Music Industry

    Monogamy is a new concept? Pop sucks anyways, who cares
  7. J

    complex question about paying for things

    Because I work at a hospital and there's a few cute nurses I'm considering. Yeah that sounds solid to me--probably not best for the first couple of dates. Cool man, thank you. It's summer break and it's one thing I want to do this summer. One of the girls I've been talking to mentioned...
  8. J

    complex question about paying for things

    Hi. Thanks for the advice. I'm not in any way worried about not having much money/or the girl knowing that. If money is a factor for her, I don't want her anyways. That said, a few girls I've been talking to are nurses where I work and they know I go to college and by default know that I can't...
  9. J

    complex question about paying for things

    Ok, so being a college student without a high paying job, money is tight. I know the basics about not being an AFC about paying for dates etc. I also live in a fairly small community--not much to do. Sure I know of fun "free dates" to do, but I also want to be able to mix it up with things I...
  10. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    Hey man, you're obviously a douchebag with your petty namecalling. You already have your mind made up. No I didn't research every little aspect of the link, I just posted the first thing I found on the journal database I use because I had a free moment at work. You act as if you just found a...
  11. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    Oh I will keep reading them. They have actual information based on...studies, tests, and real data. No I've never seen gynecomastia attributed to any of those specifically, but I did see the marijuana references in no less than 3 of my books, which is why I remembered it. That and because I had...
  12. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    Side effects are things that can happen. They don't definitely happen. Chemicals affect people differently.
  13. J

    Can't think of **** to say... please help!

    Love this post man. I will strive to make this part of who I want to be.
  14. J

    Does anybody ever feel just apathetic about the whole girl thing?

    Bah. If you really believed that, then you wouldn't even be here. Why would you need to be? And if this was the case then you wouldn't have made a different thread earlier today about being pissed when some girl flaked on you. Maybe the above mentality is good and maybe it's not but that's NOT...
  15. J

    Man.. fvck you all. Looks DO matter.

    Great post. Listen to this guy. Also: Bonus points for capitalizing the first letters of each word like he does, in your example quote.
  16. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    You make good points Bible Belt. I'm definitely a skeptic at heart. So, it's great to not just believe everything you read and hear. You should look at the studies done about marijuana and gynecomastia. Thanks for the links on asthma, I'll check them out later when I have more time. And Bible...
  17. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    Yeah, it is scary. But this was in a number of my nursing and medical text books. I don't know if you're educated enough to know what it takes to get information into books like that and peer reviewed journals...but if you don't then I don't really care about convincing you. Keep laughing.
  18. J

    What would you do, DJ? (with multiple choice options!)

    K, so I saw this girl yesterday that I always had a thing for. We were classmates Fall and Winter term and I'm sure I was a little shy around her and was never flirty with her. At the time she had a boyfriend but it was a LDR and she never seemed that interested in him. She's kind of stylish and...
  19. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    No, it's not a theory, and I said you could look it up as I figured there would be someone in denial about it. And a treatment for asthma? You gotta be kidding me. I used to have asthma and I've had to study asthma in school. Smoke (cigarette, wood, or otherwise) is the number one trigger for...