What would you do, DJ? (with multiple choice options!)


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
K, so I saw this girl yesterday that I always had a thing for. We were classmates Fall and Winter term and I'm sure I was a little shy around her and was never flirty with her. At the time she had a boyfriend but it was a LDR and she never seemed that interested in him. She's kind of stylish and always wore attractive stuff (probably FOR ME, as I was really the only attractive guy in the program we were both in). I had a feeling and noticed body language that she was also shy around me and possibly intimidated. I have her on my gmail and we've chatted on there a little, but only about school stuff, and that was last term, no contact on there since then.

Yesterday I drive up and see her and some other girl passing by when I was parking. As I did so I noticed she saw me. When I was gathering my books etc. I noticed in the rear view mirror her and her friend had stopped and were chatting about 40 feet directly behind my car in the middle of the parking lot. I get out and glance over to their direction and they're looking at me. I smile and wave and am in a hurry so I jog over there and say hi and they tell me how they did on their test and blah blah blah. I glance at my watch and say I have a quiz to get to. This isn't an excuse. I'm already late for this quiz and it's the type of thing where if I miss it, I'd fail the class... While I was walking away I was wishing I had just a couple more minutes to talk to her because I so wanted to turn sexual on her and ask her if she wanted to hang out sometime etc. I think she wants me to.

So I figure these are my options.

A) You had your chance. You should have manned up and asked her out months ago. You ****ed up, lost your chance, but think to the future and don't let it happen again. Next!

B) Wait til you see her again and there's your chance. Take it or leave it. The time is now. (Though you may never see her again)

C) Send her an email, something short and sweet, saying it was nice to have seen her and how it sucks you were in such a hurry. Suggest you get together for coffee etc. sometime.

D) If you see her on gmail sometime, chat her up a little, ask about how things are going, if she has any big plans for the summer, blah blah blah and suggest we hang out sometime.

E) ?

Either way I'm not outcome dependent on this. I'm past that. I really don't give a ****. She is a cutie though, and really smart, and if/when I see her again I don't care where it is or who she's with, I'm gonna kino, make my interest known, and let the chips fall where they may.

I think my anti-anxiety med is working, lol.

Any comments/criticisms appreciated.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
From what I'm getting, there is no point of nexting 'till you've measured her interest in you. So...just wait until you see her around again, chat it up and see if it will go further.

You remind me of me in the fact that I over analyze everything and need advice when the solution is usually pretty casual. I usually fall in love with the idea of getting these girls and don't want to f it up.

Advice I've gotten - add 5 more girls to that mix, and you won't waste your time over analyzing this chick, because you won't have time to waste. I've been trying very hard to push pull this one chick and then my other friend who I dated once and kinda was like meh recently hung out with me and I realized hey this could be kinda fun if it went somewhere. Meanwhile I have the first girl spinning too, which I have less time to worry about her which is actually a good thing cuz it keeps it fresh.

um yah so end rant.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Like the brother said you are way over-analyzing this and this is what usually happens in situations that end up as failures in the end. Whatever you do don't be asking her over email or over the internet.

You answered yourself at the end of your post. That's the manly thing to do when you see her make your interest known.