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  1. J

    Should a Don Juan avoid Marijuanna?

    Whatever you decide, take into account the fact that a common adverse effect from weed is man boobs. Look it up.
  2. J

    Why do guys continue to usually pay for women on dates???

    He's just here to push the bull**** morals of his bull**** religion.
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    How to be more sexual verbally?

    Any good DJ-like pointers? Looking for good examples cause I really need to start doing this!
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    Need To Make Changes - Suggestions Welcome

    Wow. You sound A LOT like myself. After reading loads of material I realized it's the internal game I needed to work on. I'd stay away from Mystery and canned type stuff. The only thing about Mystery's stuff that I think may benefit you is how he explains the origin/reason for Approach Anxiety...
  5. J

    Why do guys continue to usually pay for women on dates???

    Word. As soon as religious nonsense like that comes up, my mind goes OFF to whatever else is said. Period. GTFO these forums and pray for a girl. DonJuanna...that's pretty much a basic AFC quality...the opposite of which guys are trying to be, here. This is really too simple. If you...
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    New guy here

    Scroll all the way down. Bottom left link. Read the Book of Pook too. Win.
  7. J

    Tihash's Daytime Approach Journal

    I love reading your posts. You're a good example for me. Please keep posting your encounters :)
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    College dude, off for 3 months self improvement advice

    stayfly's thoughts and suggests are exactly what I was thinking. You seem too eager to placate to whatever other people you're talking to are interested in. That's called being a suck-up. Plus if you "study" all the stuff you perceive everyone else is interested in, that falseness will show...
  9. J

    Cons to this question?

    Yeah, I was thinking that too. That alone and the anticipation can cause self-consciousness and I'd much rather live in the moment. No one said it's a bad thing to say so at the very least I can feel good about that. Next time hopefully I'll think of something like that at the time, rather...
  10. J

    Cons to this question?

    Yeah. An interest. Not a sexual interest, as I pretty well already explained. Just trying to build social circle/make friends is all--in this situation anyways. She's cute. And cool. What better way than to possibly meet more cute and/or cool people by meeting one and taking an interest in her...
  11. J

    Cons to this question?

    Mmm, I like that twist. Great idea.
  12. J

    Cons to this question?

    Nah not trying to hit on her or anything. She just seems really cool and doesn't seem to be the type that just sits around in the house on her days off--probably has cool friends and knows fun stuff to do around here. I'm not gonna overthink it, but yeah I ask because it's very delicate making...
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    A painful lesson

    This story feels real to me. OP, no need to call you an *******. You already know you were. But the awesome thing about your story is, you know you were. You know you were wrong. And now you can change and treat the next girl better. That girl's letter is really sad. She obviously loved you. I...
  14. J

    Hi. I could use an honest opinion.

    Hmm, so do you think that I think I don't care, but I really do? And once I get rejected enough I'll be able to not get all flustered? Also, I had a 2 hour assessment with the mental health nurse practitioner and she wants to try a SSRI. It's one I never heard of before and I never saw the...
  15. J

    Hi. I could use an honest opinion.

    Yeah the team sport thing sounds better honestly, but I'll look into both. I'm willing to try, thanks!
  16. J

    Cons to this question?

    There's this cute nurse at work that I had a fun encounter last night--made her laugh like crazy. She's married but she was asking me various questions and just really friendly. She's totally my type. Anyways, afterward I had the idea of next time she sees me, saying something like: "You seem...
  17. J

    I have stick out ears!!! Girls wont let me approach

    This dude's right man. This is exactly what is happening. I used to get terrorized daily by classmates, for being overweight and it really ****ed me up, so if you had similar experiences...I know what you're going through. Look at what you're doing... Take a girl you would call supercute...
  18. J

    Hi. I could use an honest opinion.

    I don't know, but I've tried many things, going out regardless of my inhibitions, and the degree to which I lock up and feel speechless never gets any less. I don't really have any friends that go out and do stuff. They're all either moved away or married and never go anywhere. I haven't made...
  19. J

    Hi. I could use an honest opinion.

    I'll try to make this as short as possible. I'm 30. I've had sex once, over 10 years ago (which I don't even count cause it was a drunken mess) and I've never been in a relationship of any kind. I was always very overweight, even as a child--from which I have a lot of emotional/mental scars. I...
  20. J

    Thyme to get serious - My Journal

    Hey man, looks like you're doing awesome. I love that "Can I meet your dog?" comment, LOL. I should make one of these journals. I also liked that method of going around and trying to come up with an opener for everyone. Having something to say and genuinely curious/genuinely interested is very...