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  1. J

    DJ bootcamp: Week 2

    Hmm, well that's the thing. It wasn't clear to me at all, lol. As an afterthought maybe they were using the terms girlfriend and boyfriend in a platonic way, or at best they have a very open relationship. Yeah, there were other girls and I wouldn't want to take someone else's girl, ever, but...
  2. J

    DJ bootcamp: Week 2

    K, this will be long. I'm hoping for feedback from you more experienced guys, so detail is necessary. I did my conversations at a concert Sunday night. It was a long one--4 bands--6 hours--so plenty of time to socialize. I went by myself cause none of my friends could go. I've actually never...
  3. J

    DJ Bootcamp: Week 1

    Hehe, Ah sure thing man. xD Wow, LOL. Impressive :up:
  4. J

    DJ Bootcamp: Week 1

    Yay. Eye Contact! Something I'm good at! The Guide to Proper Eye Contact totally changed my life. Things I've noticed: People don't look at you if they think you are superior to them (in whatever way they imagine). Most people aren't confident enough to keep looking at one, if--when you...
  5. J

    DJ Bootcamp Registration!!!!!!!!

    Ha, just read this. Yeah it's awesome. Blueprint is totally one of my top 5 "pua" materials, without a doubt. I've watched it 4 times now and it sinks in deeper each time. Thanks for the comments and good meeting you guys. I'm reading all of the suggested materials that were posted and hoping...
  6. J

    DJ Bootcamp Registration!!!!!!!!

    Yeah dude, love Blueprint and the Natural stuff. And I totally feel you there. That's really what I need--solid inner game and support. I'm excited ;) Thanks again!
  7. J

    DJ Bootcamp Registration!!!!!!!!

    Hi, I'd like to join. I'm here because I'd like to be more social, really. I never was very social when I was younger. I was always overweight and was terrorized daily for years. I've never really had a girlfriend so I don't know how I'm not a complete noob or basketcase though...