DJ bootcamp: Week 2

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Dam hot shots maybe i am getting to old for this, some of u guys are doing well and even some already completed the week. Well i tell u what i been up to i got 3/10 conversations so far.

1. Some guy sitting in front on top of bus whilst i was reading my spanish book. i opened him "hey by any chance can u speack spanish" he didn't but we had like a 20 minute conversation about him going mosque and his holidays and such and bit on sport which was pretty good.

2. i did this just a while ago it was 1 am in not very nice area and me and my friends were in a car driving past and we see this hawt chick on street walking. so i said "stopppppp i am getting out". I was thinking this could go bad but for some reason i could feel a vibe on this one which i should feel more often. i went in.

HB>guy: hi do u know where this road is? no ok
RD: hey
HB: hi do u know where x road is....hmmm u don't
RD: ah well nah, but there is bus stop ahead that should have map on it.
HB: o i c (she looks on map this isn't going so smooth so i just go in direct)
RD: i kinda got get back to my friends but to b honest i came over to speack to u
HB: (she isn't feeling it to much and kinda speeds up)
RD: your ok to speack right
HB: yeh but we got to walk and talk then.
RD: yeh that sounds kool so whats ur name?
RD: o ok and what u doing at this time so late with a bottle of wine
HB: just going to a friends house
RD: wow thats quite spontanious of u, i would of just said f it and gone back to sleep lol
HB: lol well they asked me so i just said yes
RD: i c so i am guessing u aint got work tommorow because u seem like having a bit of party night
HB: actually i am lol
RD: wow someones going in strong, btw where r u from
HB: brazil (YES ITS ONNNNNNNNNN my insticts awoke when she said that haha)
RD: O i c so do u speak spanish?
HB: si
(i attempt to speack in spanish which she kinda gets a kick out of, but its kool i didn't do to bad lol, me and her r getting bit more close)
HB: aw this is my friends road
RD: o ok kool mind if we talk for a little while so i can get to know u bit more
HB: yeh sure
(we talk i find out she works in japanese and chinese restaraunt for delivery, she likes football...figures lol, i took mick out of her area bit, shes been here for a few months)
HB: hey wanna walk with me down road, i kinda got to get there now
RD: sure
HB: whats ur name?
RD: jordan
HB: like basketball player right?
RD: yeh lol, (throws few wise cracks in) well i got to get going but i wanna speack to u again let me get ur number
HB: sure
RD: ok kool, so what other things do u like to do for fun btw apart from football and drinking
HB: lol hmm well i like dancing, i like music and i kind of like anything really (she gives me look in my eyes smiling pretty much saying she is open for suggestions for dates)
RD: o ok kool well i gtg get off (hugs and kisses) enjoy ur night, i will call u sometime and hopefully my spanish will b better haha
HB: alright c ya lol

3. Some russian chick was blowing bubble gum on bench. This goes has well has it could of went to b honest she wasn't really that interested and hard to talk to. At one point i lose interest in her and i wouldn't call this type of girl to go out anyway. So i exit. I did get a conversation going and it was not bad, but it was one sided.

I also had some chokes girls with other guys, i said i wouldn't go for girls with guys, but i am getting tempted again because maybe they r not in relationship maybe friends maybe family. Only one way to find out. I also didn't do some sets giving the excuse the girl was bit to old for me. To b honest it is just talking so why would they b to old, so thats not excuse and if i get there number dosn't mean i have to call.

ps. Zemaj ur in
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Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
no sabia que tu hablas espanol!!

yo lo hablo tambien... y por supuesto que me encantan las mujeres mexicanas con los culitos jaja

but yea man i use spanish as an opener all the time. its been great to me...


Don Juan
May 14, 2006
Reaction score
Whoa, must say I'm impressed with the progress being made here!

I'm on 2/10.

I was queueing to catch a train, and there was some blonde girl with loads of bags and a suitcase. Turns out shes related to an old teacher of mine, and the teacher recognised me and asked me if I would help her on/off the train.

Anyways, I buy my ticket, go up to the platform and have to push out of my comfort zone. I had to talk to this girl and sit with her on the train for over an hour...and suprisingly it went REALLY well.

We talked about everything, music, travel (she was australian), studying etc etc.. and there was not a single awkward moment really. Having said that, she was not that attractive, so that is probably why I found it easier talking to her. I didn't number close because I didn't fancy her, but I probably should of done for practice!!

Still I got a great buzz of the conversation, and hope to get talking to the hot girls and be just as relaxed and smooth lol

eight to go!!

Mr. Bond

Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2008
Reaction score
Great job guys. RD, nice close. Brazilian girls are pretty damn hot.

I finished up this week yesterday at the mall. I visited a girl I know from work who has a crush on me, got some free food, etc. It's so funny how the girl gossip network works. As soon as I come in her restaurant, she lets everyone know that this is Mr. Bond. They all squeal, "Ooohh, I've heard so much about you!" Good stuff. I had a fairly long talk to one of her friends getting to know her, but she wasn't very interesting. Oh well.

Afterward, I went out into the mall. I went out and bought some new underwear, then went to to the cologne section. I had another conversation with the lady behind the counter about where here accent was from, all the different colognes, etc. I decided on two that I liked the best, and told her I'd be back.

So I went around in the mall and asked every female between the ages of 18-50 which one they liked better. Not exactly original, but I was genuinely interested in the results, and it was a nice icebreaker. From those approaches, plenty of conversations started. One was with a cute HB8. We got into a conversation about how most men aren't men at all, etc. The whole time she gave me a look like "Ohh, this one is different." Too bad I'm not really in the habit of getting numbers. Oh well. Other girls blew me off, which doesn't bother me anymore. Plenty of them were good sports, though and were fun to talk to. That puts me at 14/10. I'm going to keep going this week. It's a great habit to be in.

On a side note, I was very surprised with the results of my cologne poll. The only real opinions on cologne I've heard from women before this were ones like "it shouldn't be too strong", etc. So I was a little shocked that the heavier, stronger cologne won out over the lighter, sweeter cologne. When asked why they liked one over the other, most women said "It just smells more masculine. Like a MAN." Interesting. I asked one woman why she liked the stronger one and she said "I like a strong man." Hmm. Well it was a fun experience.

Ferragamo Black: 33
Aqua Di Gio: 11


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Awesome job Bond. Looks like you're way ahead of us in conversations.

I put my skills to the test this week. That girl I met last sunday met up with me thursday night. Worked a good amount of teasing and push/pull. Towards the end of the night my friend told me he didn't have space in his room for me to crash. She looks at me and goes "You want to crash on my couch? I'm only a block away."

It took me a second to register what she said but I accepted her offer. Once we made it back to her place we turned on the light and immediately she pounced like a tiger hunting a rabbit.

Don't want to gross you guys out with details but we had some crazy sex. Had to deal with a little anti-slut defense..."I don't know if we should have sex"....2 minutes later..."Get the condom out!!"

Thanks for the motivation guys lets keep this going.

On to the Bootcamp.

I have finished about 6/10 conversations. Nothing stood out over this weekend except for one girl I saw at the gym.

She was about a 6, so nothing worthy of getting a number. I go to UC Davis and they gave out the school shirt last fall. I saw that we were both wearing it so I headed over to her. She was wearing an iPod so i had to wait until she took it out to talk. Kinda awkward haha.

Heres the conversation:
Me: Hey, I like your shirt.
Her: Haha same here.
Me: So you go to Davis also? What year are you?
Her: I'm going to be a sophomore.
Me: Oh nice same here.
Her: Where did you live last year?
Me: .....
Her: .....

Me: Ok, I've got to get back to working out. I didnt think I would see anyone from Davis here, but I was wrong. Nice meeting you.
Her: Same here, see you around.

I applied the 3 second rule as to not psych myself out of talking to her. Got a lot of confidence from it. Ill update more later.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
RD: wow someones going in strong, btw where r u from
HB: brazil (YES ITS ONNNNNNNNNN my insticts awoke when she said that haha)
RD: O i c so do u speak spanish?
HB: si
(i attempt to speack in spanish which she kinda gets a kick out of, but its kool i didn't do to bad lol, me and her r getting bit more close)
HB: aw this is my friends road
RD: o ok kool mind if we talk for a little while so i can get to know u bit more
HB: yeh sure
Last time I check they speak Portuguese in Brazil.

Are you fraudin bro?


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
portuguese and spanish are VERY similar. they have just a different way of pronouncing letter combinations and a few different words to say the same thing.

and sofomore... nice. enough said.

i have a few updates i guess... nothing really exciting though. last night i went to a few orientation event things and my group was all girls (about 8 total). for the most part, they werent that great looking, maybe 6s or 7s. except 2 of them were pretty cute about 7.5s maybe higher. as the night went on me and one of the cutties were hittin it off. we would kinda be secluded from the rest of the group as we walked all over the place and we would chat away, i had her laughing a lot. one thing i noticed (maybe its just me) but when you and a chick are kinda into eachother, you walk very close to eachother - and lightly bump into eachother all the time as you walk.

funny thing is, whenever we went back to the whole group i would flirt a bit with the other cutie - eye contact flirting and all that jazz. and i noticed that A) the new cutie i was flirtin with was completely into it. and B) the other one was watching me while trying to make it look like she really wasnt looking haha. she seemed like the type that might be jealous and it probably wasnt the right move to do bcz she ended up being a little bit colder to me after that point.

but i didnt really care bcz i felt like i was in the zone last night... very fun night. i did actually end up getting both of their phone numbers


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Nice job man, i like how you were able to flirt with both of them showing that you are a friendly, sexually wanted person. I struggle to do this because usually I go for one girl and zone in to her. Im working on having casual conversations with other girls while a girl I am currently fvcking is also in the room. I get nervous and think she will be mad at me. AFC fa sho.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
okay, so I did this. I hope you all accept late enrollment.

Well 1st try was last friday when I chatted with this random chick who was lost.
The 2nd try was also that friday when i chatted with a random chick in class.
3rd time was today when I chatted with a random chick after tutoring that needed attention

I can not go into details since they may or may not browse this forum.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks Mr Bond and Ah my spanish not to that level yet thyme, its more random words and if it dosn't go my way then i am ****ed lol. Btw Julian I really wudn't waste my precious time faking a FR to impress some guys in a forum and yes i know brazillians speack portguese, thats why i asked her if she spoke spanish seeing brazillians are quite likely to know that language 2 or at least understand it from what i have seen. But believe what u want.

I went to notting hill carnival yesterday got 4 numbers and 2 facebooks (won't b adding the facebooks), but kinda of dissapointed i should of got a lot more at that event there were hot girls every metre. I will report this later because i got to go now, but i defenttly done over 10 convos.

Ps. Nate seeing its early on, i will accept ur proposal but u got to hit another 7 conversations by late tommorow and 50 hi's. That is a lot, but if u can do that, u would of spoken with action. If ur the type of guy that can do that task, i think u have deserved ur place and i am sure u will get far in it. I am not going to give anyone any breaks, guys that get breaks will not get through this, so good luck i hope u do not need it.
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rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I kinda wanna keep this brief, but i bet its not going to b ok here we go. First set I see two girls. I try to open the girl but she is not giving me any signals, my friend is hitting on the other, but i leave it because she stops replying, Same is happening to my friend. But he keeps going. In the end he comes back and says he got both there numbers, he said that u need to b persistant and keep going and it will work. He then said to other girl that i am crazy about her and i want her number and he got my one 2. I told him i am ok though i wanna get my own ones just a kind of honour thing.

I was kinda not happy about that one, but i still had to go. I see some chick standing by herself i go in.

RD: hey there my friends r going rush off any sec now, but i just wanted to talk to u before they do, btw why do u seem so down?
HB: o nothing just waiting for my friends
RD: u been waiting for a long while havn't u lol
HB: yes lol
RD: how long 5-10 minutes
HB: an hour or so
RD: wow can't believe they made u wait that long, well some of my friends want to go to the nigerian corner, but i don't think u wanna go to that do u. lol Whats ur name
HB: Olivia u (i think it is i have gotten this chick confused with brazil chick idk who is who)
(we talk bit longer but i don't really transist into more areas because my friends r calling me)
RD: ok i got to to go but let me get ur number?
HB: yeh sure, maybe u can meet me later
RD: well i am not sure what these guys r doing, but if not i will definettly call u

btw my friends couldn't find nigerian corner if existed so me and some of the other guys just said forget it, way to many opportunitys r walking past us.
next chick there was chick sitting on bus stop with her friend quite cute has carival was passing.

RD: hey there u know the bus is not coming right (big ass floats blocking road)?
HB1 and 2: haha yes we know
RD: u girls just tired i c were u in the carnival
HB1: noooo we were just dancing
RD: really with all that stuff on ur arms and stripes on ur face like whiskers, u kinda look like tiger thought that was ur thing lol
Hb1: nah we just got this put on our faces
RD: whats ur names?
HB1: lilly
HB2: lilly
RD: wow lol alright i can see how u 2 became best friends (done impression of them meeting eachother lol) by the way heres my friend XXX
HB 1: whats ur name?
RD: xxx
HB 1: u liar lol
(talks bit more to hb1 and 2 what they are studying and stuff then i close it)

Next girl she was on a wall with her friend.
RD: hmmm u better watch it someone might push u i am a bit tempted (looks at drop)
HB1: its not that bad of a drop lol
RD: so why u going against the crowd? everyones walking and ur deciding to stay still
HB2: our feet hurt and we just want it to be less busy
RD: ah yeh i can understand just wants to make u scream, well not scream.....because i am a guy i mean
HB1: lol ... (my friend comes in and helps out we talk bit more and she comes off wall and shes pretty taller than i expected we have a tallness competiton )
HB1: aw i love funky house
Friend: yeh i will play it on my phone but think everyone will not like it to much so can i send it to u if u giv me ur phone number?
HB1: hmm nah playing it will just b fine (hmmm i think that kinda triggered a trying to trick her to get number thing, so i thought it will just b better direct so we talk bit more my friend says bye and we r going)
RD: hey let me get ur number, i wanna talk to u some other time.

Next girl shes very hot but not sure of age and shes in this flat reception area on phone my friends calling someone has well i go in and talk to him and he mentions maybe jailbait, then i look at her and say.

RD: hm i am just curious how old r u?
HB: 16-17 (i can't remember)
RD: wow.....thats a close call just barely not jail bait.
HB: lol
RD: so what u doing in here, wanting to get away from crowd or something?
HB: no lol my friends dumped me i am lost
RD: well theres a map on bus stop there.
HB: i can't read a map
RD: lol what did u get in english gcse
HB: i did alright just never used the map before
RD: aw this is the first time ur moms let u out haha
(talks bit more)
RD: o so ur going dance college huh
Hb: yeh
RD: O then why don't u do dance now theres music u got an audience of three, theres the reception woman lol
HB: no lol
RD: come on theres music! did u do a dance in ur interview for college?
HB: nope i didn't
RD: wow that sucks lol anyway i got to head off let me get ur number?
HB: sure
RD: right but if we meet up its going b in middle of london seeing we r enemys on the opposite sides of london.
HB: lol yeh

i leave and i see her walk past later on and she waves to me.

Next girls i went for close but one said she had boyfriend who checks her phone other girl said she didn't have phone on her and don't remember her number. So i facebooked it. I don't like using facebook and i can't bothered to chase chicks round.

I messed quite a few sets up though but at least i tried. heres a mess up, but wudn't say it was to much my fault. Its bit later and i am passing some clubs in another area. Some of my friends have become like dogs hunting every chick they see, so i see chick and see my friend go for approach kinda like high energy whistling over street approach and she walks past and then 10 secs later i see another guy do it to her and then another. My friends realised it to and started going for more genuine ones and one got a number straight after. I see a asian girl leaning on post whos pretty hawt.

RD: hey there i am just curious how many guys have come up with some silly approach or just kinda like whistling or shouting over to u.
HB: hmm about 5 lol
RD: u havn't been that long here have u
HB: no lol
RD: how long
HB: 5 minutes lol
(i sense good vibe on this and then all of sudden i get a gang of her friends coming out of a burger king grabbing her saying she is taken while she is still kinda staying waiting for me to say something, i tried to still go, but they said sorry boyfriend we got to go dragging her away and **** blocking the hell out of me)

I feel i could of got more tonight, because to b honest there was a million opportunitys tonight and i should of got a lot more, but its kool i still have improved from where i was at moment.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Ok i got some time to leave comments and such has well, has to kind of rush off in morning.

Zemaj: thats the key push ur comfort zones, if u don't u will never improve. Nice on the conversation to bad she couldn't of been ur type, but its kool u got next week for that, but make sure to hit a few hbs this week if u can.

Mr Bond:I liked the cologne approaches, i think it was in article of someone who did it before, could possibly b in dj bank, but i can definettly see some interest poking from that one, seeing ur forcing her to take a whiff of ur scent lol I will probablly give this ago if i get any new colognes, but i get a dozen i get way to many for christmas lol.

Thyme: well done on the closes man, i am loving this camp no one seems to b dragging this thing out has usual, instead of being 2 steps behind most people r half a dozen steps in front and it is going to get a lot more interesting has it goes on. I know from last camp that u will put a lot of effort in and i have seen such a dramatic improvement from u and i want u to make sure u make it to the end.

But yeh So far got 4 djs through and u guys got 1 day left to finish this. So put everything u got into this last day even if it is 10, nexxus finished in one day so i am sure all those who havn't yet can 2, so no excuses. If u leave things to last minute saying stuff like i will leave it to 6pm which i have done in past, trust me u won't make it. but if u get up early saying i will give it all i will not wait i will do it NOW. U will get through it no matter how many convos u got left from 1-10.

Guys FINISH UP, if ur demotivated get an article read it, but deep deep down u all know what u want to do. SO LIVE UR LIFE AND DO IT.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
well today I was with as girl and just to make her jealous i attempted to flirt with girls in her face adn get this, PROPOSE A 3-WAY WITH THEM!

lol, and besides that I chatted with random chicks in my class, alot of new faces that I will be flirting with in the future.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
K, this will be long. I'm hoping for feedback from you more experienced guys, so detail is necessary.

I did my conversations at a concert Sunday night. It was a long one--4 bands--6 hours--so plenty of time to socialize.
I went by myself cause none of my friends could go. I've actually never done that before. And the show was 3 hours away, so I knew absolutely no one, except my friend who I stayed with that night, who wasn't at the show etc.

I get there and go to the 21+ area and get a drink and try to get a feel for the place. I'm sitting on a stool facing away from the bar and I introduce myself to this guy that's close and we're chatting about the bands, who we came to see etc. and he mentions that he has to go relieve his girlfriend who's watching his niece (she's like 13 or so), so she can come for a drink. Later on out on the floor I'm dancing it up some and I see this cute girl dancing with this little girl and I figure that's the dude's girl. She's an awesome dancer too, the best out there that I saw.

Anyways, later on I'm back in the bar area sitting at a table and I notice her sit down with two drinks a couple tables away. I glance at her with a sly little smile and when she sees me she smiles very happily. I immediately stand up and walk directly towards her. She sees me coming and smiles again, in a cute nervous flattered kind of way.There's no AA...nothing. I just feel like going to her and asking if she's Jared's (the dude's) girlfriend. Kind of surprised by that she asks if I'm one of his friends. I say not really, we just met earlier and that he told me about you and his niece and when I saw her on the dance floor I put two and two together etc. After that I have to go grab a chair and bring it over cause there isn't another there. We're chatting about whatever and I'm getting various IOIs. I compliment her on her dancing and we talk about the bands and music and she mentions she's a musician and I'm really interested in this and tell her she has to hook me up with her album. I ask her if she has a myspace for her music and she says yes and gives me her info etc. Then I see Jared coming over and I nod at him and smile and he comes over and says something to her quickly and leaves. I couldn't make out what he said cause it was so loud and I ask. She says he said he was going to chat up some girl. I'm like, wow and you're cool with that? She says yeah she doesn't get jealous.

So I don't know what I should have done here. It's complicated yeah? I don't really want to go for some dude's girl, especially a guy I could probably become friends with, but the IOIs I was getting were crazy. Anytime I wanted I could have escalated to makeout for sure (and if logistics were different..probably F-close). If he's cool with me ****ing her then that's all good too, but I don't want to do that before I know, really.

Anyways, throughout the rest of the night we're on the floor (and this is a pretty hardcore concert at times, so it's not a normal dance club or anything)
and sometimes we're dancing near each other and sending smiles back and forth. I want to dance with her directly but she's with the little girl and I don't want to take her focus away from her you know? That would seem like a **** thing to do. But still, advice? We chat briefly and a few times on the floor, but since it's so ****ing loud, more than that is impossible, but there's some nice kino on both sides a couple times. Mainly I'm just having fun and not really caring about the situation, but it is fun, that sexual tension.

At the end of the night I see them right outside the venue waiting for a taxi and I'm waiting for my ride. We have just a couple minutes to chat but I mention that because they're locals they'll have to tell me about the next concert etc. and the dude says she thing and we shake hands etc. and their taxi arrives and they bail.

So, any pro tips guys?

There were a couple other interesting things that happened there that I'll post later. One book at a time... ;)

Oh Thyme, I used "the grin" on this girl when I was walking past the peeps on the floor that just stand around. This 9 was with a guy, real close, arm around her, obvious BF, and we look at each other's eyes for a couple seconds as I'm walking their direction sorta weaving around people, and I do "the grin" and I notice the slightest little grin creep across her lips and her eyes get happy too. It's obvious she's having to be discreet, lol. Then I look away as if it's her fault she's not single. xD
Powerful stuff.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
ugh idk man that is a tough situation... on one hand you have this guy you met who sounds like he was pretty chill and a nice guy for talking to you. and on the other hand you have this sey chic who is fine with HIM talking to other girls (which tells me that she is fine with cheating as long is its not all the way, you know?).

so honestly i would have pulled her outside and made it clear that your just looking for some fun for one night, your from out of town so you wont get in the way of her or her bf ever again. and if she is up for it, great! if not, no biggie atleast you werent a **** about it. and since the guy was chattin up other girls i wouldnt feel bad about messing around with his gf just once.

thats what i would do... im curious to see what everyone else says


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Thyme said:
ugh idk man that is a tough situation... on one hand you have this guy you met who sounds like he was pretty chill and a nice guy for talking to you. and on the other hand you have this sey chic who is fine with HIM talking to other girls (which tells me that she is fine with cheating as long is its not all the way, you know?).

so honestly i would have pulled her outside and made it clear that your just looking for some fun for one night, your from out of town so you wont get in the way of her or her bf ever again. and if she is up for it, great! if not, no biggie atleast you werent a **** about it. and since the guy was chattin up other girls i wouldnt feel bad about messing around with his gf just once.

thats what i would do... im curious to see what everyone else says
I would have moved on and not even bothered.

The girl is clearly with him. Why not spend some time with a girl that you have more of a chance at something with?

Aside from that, befriending someone and then taking their girl is pretty low. Weren't there other girls for you to chat up?


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
yea i see your point man. and who knows maybe had i actually been there i would have felt diferently.

anyways today was a great day for me. but im going to post it thoroughly in my journal... i feel like im spamming this thread


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
wow i am unsure if i signed up for the rite I have been talking to too many chicks and all have mentioned boyfriends. Their claims are correct as well. I have taken the liberties of validating claims.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Sofomore said:
I would have moved on and not even bothered.

The girl is clearly with him. Why not spend some time with a girl that you have more of a chance at something with?

Aside from that, befriending someone and then taking their girl is pretty low. Weren't there other girls for you to chat up?
Hmm, well that's the thing. It wasn't clear to me at all, lol. As an afterthought maybe they were using the terms girlfriend and boyfriend in a platonic way, or at best they have a very open relationship.
Yeah, there were other girls and I wouldn't want to take someone else's girl, ever, but having a good time with her if they're both cool with it? That's different.
I was really more interested in just getting to know people and making friends than anything, so that's why I didn't just move on. Whatever the case, they'd be good people to hang with in the future.

Thanks for the feedback guys. I think if I had more time to talk to her I would have liked to do what Thyme suggested, but only after I made sure it was all good in their relationship.

Jose Yero

New Member
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry for being late fellas, I intended to write this last night but after a long day of school and work I crashed! Anyway.........

I found this week to be fairly easy. Ever since the first week when greeting people and smiling, I've noticed that I have been very confident in interacting with strangers....that is of course until yesterday when I was at the gym. I have no problem saying hello and conversing with guys, girls, young, old, but gaming a woman who is a complete stranger is a different story. I know that isn't the purpose of week 2 as that's what's ahead, but I got kinda pissed and frustrated and thought I should share.

I've talked to and greeted many attractive women since I started this bootcamp and have had no problem at all, but that's because I wasn't gaming them. Yesterday, I saw this woman at the gym, and every guy has had this happen to them, I was struck dumb. I wanted to approach and eventually fixed my head to the level where I was maybe a few seconds or so away from approaching, but of course, she finished her workout and left without me having the chance to game her. The conversations I've had this week are just that, conversations which have definitely given me social confidence with woman and men alike, but there's still work to be done. I realized from that situation that I am so close being comfortable with women. I possess so much knowledge that if I can desensitize myself towards the really stunning ones, then I'll see the succees that I deserve.

The solution? Well fellas, we're all aware of what's ahead for us next week. Well, game on! I am so totally looking forward to crashing and burning this week. I know it's gonna be awkward, but the short little period of discomfort will well be worth the long term results.