DJ bootcamp: Week 2


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
Phew, a day late but got 10/10. My most interesting was still my first (I don't know how to update a post so I'm making this one). Most of mine were at the gym, one while taking senior photos, one in the store and one on the street with some random guy (I asked to use his phone and had a short convo after).


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
hey guys sorry that i posted so lat, but i havent been using the computer this week due to school starting and all. but in good i finished my second week hoping to ontinues with u guys in the third.i did past our goal of 10 strangers. most of them were guys. my first six i did were in betweenfridat and saturder. most of them were guys i had about 8 conversations with guys alone.but since i want to good with girls i limited it up to six and got four girls. but anyways the first one that stuck out to me was some guy that i was speaking to in the gym, he was working out legs and i was doing the same excercise so i decided to start my week there. i acted dumb just to open the conversation, me:hey man what part of the legsdoes that machine workout.
him: i think this (he pointed at his thighs.)
me: doesnt that one workout calf.
him, i dont know.
then i asked him questions on why he workout alone and stuff.
another convo that sticks out to me is one, with my bros, girlfriend sister. i thought that it was the girls mom, but she wasnt she looked a little to young to be a mom. we ended up going to watch my bro play baseball.his girl friend ad her sister went along with my family also.
i was alittle intimidated but iwasbound to get the convo in
me:hey is the service on metro pcs good
her: yea u get blah blha for 50 a month
me: im surprised that it actually has service here.
we keep talking on and of throughout the baseball game. on the way back home we sat next to each other in the car and every little thing i said would make her laugh and the would touch me in a flirtatious way. i knew from the beginning that she wanted attention, because she kept talking loud on the phone wile i was around with my brothers. but what had me confused was if she was an attention ***** or just wanted one of us to talk to her. how would u guys tell if a girl is out for attention in a good way or a bad way?

cool dude

Senior Don Juan
Mar 22, 2009
Reaction score
I didnt know there was a new bt.I am going to catch up and this time finish it.How would yall get dates if you have no ride