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  1. T

    Traits of men

    Great thread btw . Ahh this just shows me i have alot to work on and Decisiveness is a hard trait to conquer but i think it's going to be fun checking that off my manly trait. Thanks for posting once again it just shows me as a young man coming up i have alot to learn.
  2. T

    What causes a girl to misread and misinterpret everything u did or done in the past?

    Well i disagree with everything you had to say because for starters those emotional arguments somtime's show girls that you really care for them and if you repeatl'y ignore them and let them go with them wining they would just think you dont care. anthoer thing i have to add is all women are...
  3. T

    Getting over a Oneitis/girl I feel in love with.

    Well bro i know what your going through and only time cures these things so your best bet is to go abroad. Start working out at a gym it really ellivate's the mind. Most of all just be strong because theres no easy way of getting over a onetis this just takes time.
  4. T

    need some advice please.. mixed signals

    It's obvious that you like this girl and you want to know where this could lead and there could be a bunch of reasons why she's doing what she do , for one she met you online she probably is interested but a little bit nervous of meeting you face to face. we do have alot of weird people in...
  5. T

    Wow no contact is tough

    I would simply suggest be a man and simply make your own decision about what your going to do here , you should know somethings about your women about now and the best thing to do is think carefully about what your going to do. She's already going to parties on the weekend i think paying less...
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    Highly attractive women with not so attractive guys.

    well bro i think it also lies on the type of man a women likes, to some hot women i guess looks aint everything. personality i guess rules lol
  7. T

    my girlfriend

    well its obvious that you are really attached to this girl and you have not a clue what to do in your predicument. to me personally i would just start talking to other women to see what else is out there , it might be hard because you already build feelings for this girl but just try it out...
  8. T

    Girl says I come on too strong, how can I fix that?

    well me personally what i would of done was just simply eliminate the touching untill i actually feel as if me and the lady got more familar with each other. everything simply just takes time , when u rush women just look at you as inexperience and feel as if your immature. so my advice to...
  9. T

    My self-improvement program

    Well dude am loving the journal and keep it up man , well hey all this where going through is just life and am having a hard time like you as well i still have my v-card like you and am 20 i will be 21 in late december. just keep ya head up and look at ya beer bottle half way full rather than...
  10. T

    women and money

    Why dont girls like cheap guys ?
  11. T


    wel am 20. and she's like 18 and we talked for like a week before we started talking. she call yesterday while i posted this , and she said she had a lil incident where she had some serious mirgrnies and had to be hosipitilize.
  12. T


    yea that 's true, thanks for the advice bro.
  13. T


    hey guys, i have bin in a relationship with this girl for like 2weeks now and all of a sudden now she doesnt call or text me anymore what should i do ?